Effie's nervous tension to the extreme, after many years to encounter the same thing even, did not expect to put Mr. Hades family involved.

Outside the cellar came the sound of chaos, and Mr. Hades seemed to wrestle with the thug, and made a terrible cry.

"Marla, I'm going out, and I can't let Mr. Hades suffer for me."

"But miss..." Marla grabs Effie's sleeve.

"My soul will never be forgiven if something happens to Mr. Hades' family because of me." Said Effie, looking into Marla's eyes.

"Then I'll go out with you." Marathon started and said with the same firm eyes.

Effie, holding the dagger, climbed up the escalator, broke the locked cellar door and pushed it up.

With the cellar door opened slowly, the cry came clearly.

Effie and Mara turned pale, but pushed the cellar door up.

"I'm here, you don't want to..." Effie jumped out of the cellar and cried.

And then

Her eyes suddenly widened, and her face looked at the huge man lying on the ground screaming in disbelief.

And MEG with one foot in the giant's indescribable position, and Amy in the little chair.


It's the sound of broken eggs.

"Ah... I'm sorry. I'm nervous." McGonagall took back his foot, stepped back, and apologized.

"Ah --"

Juhan screamed, his eyeball protruded, and he almost fainted in pain.

Marla jumped out of the cellar with a wine bottle in her hand. She had already made a face of death.

Then I just saw this scene.


The bottle fell to the ground and broke.

"Miss Effie, Mara, are you all right?" McGonagall looked at Effie and asked with a smile and concern.

"No... nothing."

Effie tried to take his eyes away from the thug on the ground who had three bright red bars on his face, two shapeless hands, and something that seemed to have broken between his hips.

"Mr. Hades, you..."

Effie wants to care about them, but it seems that the current situation is beyond her understanding.

Fierce enough to cut down the magic mask laid by the level five magician, the thug met the Hades father and daughter, but now he became so miserable.

It was just... Beyond her imagination.

"We were just about to go to bed when we heard an unusual sound here, so we came to have a look.

I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the door, I saw this big fool killing himself crazily and smashing his hand flat. The situation is tight, so I can only use some special ways to calm him down a little bit. "

McGonagall looked at Effie with a smile. "So you should believe it."

Effie looked at McGonagall with a gentle smile. Her panic seemed to be soothed. She didn't feel the sense of security for many years.

Over the years, she had never thought of finding a man for herself. She would rather make the cellar stronger than find a man for herself.

But at this moment, she suddenly thought, if Mr. Hades is next to them tonight, then she won't have to go to the cellar in a hurry, will she?

"I believe it." Effie nodded.

"Woo woo"

Lying on the ground, the giant man looked at MEG with wide eyes, as if he had something to say, which was about dignity.

"Although the situation is a little complicated, this stupid man revealed some information in order to thank me for stopping his impulse of self mutilation."

MEG nodded and said, "do you have any enemies? The kind that will buy your life on the black market? "

"Do you work hard on the black market?" Effie's face changed slightly and she looked at the thugs on the ground.

Sure enough, her previous guess was right. This guy didn't just come for money.

"I don't think I have any enemies. The business of Titan tavern has been bad all these years, let alone the envy of my peers." Effie shook her head.

"Yes, our young lady gets along well with her neighbors. She never blushes." Marla nodded.

"So." MEG thought, and his eyes fell back on the giant man on the ground.

"This hero, when did you take over the black market task? Tell me the details. " MEG asked with a smile, one foot on his arm.

"Don't step on it! I said! I said it all Cried the great man in a hurry, for fear that Meg might have another accident.

"This is the task that just appeared on the black market yesterday. The requirement is to rob the owner of Titan's tavern, and then set fire to the cellar and tavern with a commission of one million copper coins.

The employer will confirm the result by himself. After it is completed, he will receive half of the commission directly. The employer will give the delivery address through the black market, and then take the rest of the Commission. "

Ju Han finished his speech quickly.

Then McGonagall broke his arm.

"It's despicable of you to treat two helpless ladies like this."

McGonagall took back his feet and looked at the screaming giant with some disdain.

"I NIMA..." Juhan yelled.

But as soon as he scolded, a folding chair beckoned to his face.

"Have quality. Don't swear."

Amy held the chair in one hand and said softly.

Effie looks at the giant man who has turned into a nine palace. She looks at Amy again, a little confused.

Speak the most civilized words and do the most vigorous work.

Juhan blushed, hummed, and lost his temper.

"Obviously, it's Miss Effie who's behind the scenes, you and the Titan in the cellar." McGonagall looked at Effie and said.

The fresh tasks, high commissions and clear targets that just came out yesterday have no clear direction.

Moreover, the agents behind the scenes are very cautious. They release tasks through the black market, and have no direct contact with the murderer. Even the Commission is traded through the black market.

"Who could it be? We just got the gold medal back yesterday Effie frowned, puzzled.

"In fact, it's very easy to find out who is behind the scenes. As long as you finish the black market task and hand you over to him, you will naturally know who is manipulating all this." Meg said with a smile.

"Does Mr. Hades mean... To burn the cellar and the tavern and hand me over to the man behind it?" Effie looked at MEG with a slight change of face.

"A million coppers, a lot of small money." Amy sat down on the other side again, counting with her fingers.

McGonagall looked at the nervous Effie and Mara, and quickly shook his head with a smile: "don't get me wrong, I mean, we can direct a play and meet the backstage man in person. Of course, the tavern can't be burned, and the cellar can't be destroyed. "

"But what shall we do?" Effie frowned.

"Isn't there a tool man here?" McGonagall squatted down beside the giant with a smile, patted his shoulder with a smile and said, "right?"

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