That night, a big event happened in Romo street.

Miss Effie, the owner of Titan tavern, who just won the gold medal of the wine tasting conference, was robbed by a mob after the business ended.

The turnover of the day was all robbed, and the landlady Effie and her maid Mara disappeared.

There was only a pool of blood and a mess left at the scene.

It is said that the scene was also set on fire. Fortunately, Mr. Hades, a good neighbor in the new era, discovered the fire in time and put out the fire, saving some losses.

The next morning, it spread all over lomo street and the whole pub world of lodu.

People are very sorry about this.

"I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to boss Effie again. It's really unfair."

"Yes, Miss Effie, what a nice person she is. How can she do such a thing?"

"Let's pray for Miss Effie. I hope she's OK."

"Now... Titan tavern won't just disappear, will it?"

The neighbors gathered together and looked at the Titan tavern which had been sealed off by the officers and soldiers. Their expressions were quite heavy.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Meg, who was filling porridge, looked at Effie coming down the stairs and asked with a smile.

"Well, I had a good sleep."

Effie nodded. She was also surprised that she could fall asleep as soon as she touched the bed last night. She didn't have such a comfortable and full sleep until dawn for a long time.

"The bed is very comfortable. Thank you very much last night." Effie went up to Meg, bowed deeply to him, and said with sincere gratitude.

"You're welcome. Neighbors should help each other." MEG shook his head. Fortunately, his wife was not at home. Otherwise, this strange sentence would cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

Effie also realized that her words seemed a little strange. A little blush rose on her face, and soon she smelled a strong fragrance. Looking at the bowl MEG was holding, she was surprised and said, "it's delicious. Is this your porridge?"

With that, her stomach was still a little grumbling.

"Yes, I made some porridge in the morning, and then made some soup buns." MEG nodded, turned off the fire in the steamer and said, "if Miss Effie is hungry, have some porridge first. I'll get the children up."

"Never mind, I don't... gululu"

Effie still lost to his stomach and took the porridge from MEG.

The warm bowl was as reassuring as his hands, and Effie's heart was rippling.

"By the way, isn't your wife at home?" Effie asked curiously.

She and Mara were brought home by MEG, but they didn't see his wife.

"Oh, she went back to her mother's house. She should be back today." McGonagall replied casually, taking off his apron and going upstairs.

Looking at Meg's back, Effie couldn't help thinking, "Mr. Hades is such a good man. He can take care of his children by himself and make such a delicious breakfast. I envy his wife..."

"By the way, the neighbors are praying for you at the door of your tavern. Today you and Marla will stay on the second floor of the tavern. Don't go out and show up."

McGonagall came down quickly, looked at Effie, who was sipping porridge, and said, "I'll go to the Yamen to take a confession, and then go to the black market to contact the task publisher."

Effie didn't expect McGonagall to come down so soon. He quickly put down the spoon, pursed his mouth and nodded: "well."

MEG looked at her, pointed to the corner of her mouth with a smile, "there's a porridge."

Effie quickly put out her tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, blushing.

"Is it still to your taste?" MEG sat down opposite her.

"Well, Mr. Hades's porridge is the most delicious I've ever had." Effie nodded, from the bottom of her heart.

She had never tasted such delicious porridge, the mysterious ingredients of translucent q-bomb, and the smooth and tender lean meat. The taste was so smooth that even her soul was comforted by one mouthful.

Soon Amy, Anne and Marla all came down.

"Wow, can I have some soup dumplings this morning? My favorite Amy's eyes brightened as she looked at the high steamer.

"Miss." Marla sat down next to Effie, rubbing her bleary eyes, but soon got up to say hello to MEG.

MEG brought the soup bag.

Needless to say, Amy has begun to show Effie and Mara how to take a soup bag out of the steamer and how to eat it properly.

Effie and Marla look surprised at Amy's operation, smell the smell of meat in the air, and watch the little guy drink the broth. They can't help swallowing.

"Mr. Hades, did you make this fine pastry yourself?" Effie looked at McGonagall sitting opposite and asked in a strange way.

"Yes, I don't know if it's to your taste." MEG nodded and brought himself a soup bag.

Effie learned to pick up a soup filling bag. The thin bag was full of soup. After picking it up, it swayed left and right, as if it would explode at any time. She carefully put it into her shallow plate, which was a relief.

This soup filling bag is really amazing. I don't know how Mr. Hades completely wrapped the soup into this thin skin.

Then she took a small bite at the top of the soup bag, just like Amy.

Soup immediately gushed out of the hole, she quickly blocked the skylight with her mouth, and then sipped.


Just out of the oven soon after pouring soup, the soup inside is still a little hot.

However, the delicious soup poured into her mouth, immediately let her focus on the soup, delicious intoxicating, completely suppressed the feeling of hot mouth.

"Oh... It's amazing! I can't describe the feeling! " Effie's delicate eyebrows are slightly raised. Compared with the delicious porridge, the broth is more aggressive and irresistible.

When the soup was almost finished, Effie raised her head and licked her lips. Then she picked up the shriveled bun with her chopsticks and took a bite.

Jindao's dough is wrapped with juicy meatballs. It's not fat and greasy. The entrance is smooth. Pressing is another wonderful experience.

"It's delicious!" Effie put down his chopsticks, looked at MEG and said, "your cooking is amazing."

Yes, she's starting to be a little jealous of Elena.

It's really enviable to marry such a gentle and considerate man who can make such delicious food.

"Yummy... Yummy... I'm going to cry..." Marla held the bowl and licked the soup at the bottom of the bowl with tears in her eyes.

"Eat it, and that's enough." McGonagall gave her another bun with a smile, and the little girl was honest.

MEG had breakfast, Effie and Mara took the initiative to contract the task of washing dishes, he went straight out.

But as soon as he opened the door, a group of neighbors immediately gathered around him.

"Boss Hades, what happened last night?"

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