McGonagall will last night's events, embellishment said, the intensity, no less than Chang Wei Da Laifu.

In the end, he pleaded that he would go to Yamen to record his confession, so that he could get away from the enthusiastic melon eating crowd.

There are guests who often drink in Saipan tavern these days at the Yamen of the Ministry of justice. They know MEG.

There was also the Duke of Abraham's relationship, so I didn't embarrass him. I went through the process of taking a confession and praised him by the way.

"Boss Hades, if you have any information about this case today, please contact us in time." The staff took MEG to the door and said, "also, you should pay attention to safety."

"Yes, thank you." MEG nodded and went straight away.

The mob is still on the roof of his house. He got some information about the black market from him last night.

After five blocks, he turned into an alley, and by the time he came out the other way, MEG had changed his clothes and turned into a big round man with a full face.

This appearance is also a little fastidious. It's nicknamed cabas. It's a tough character on the black market. Unfortunately, it's a stammer, and people don't talk much about it.

Before going to the black market, McGonagall went to two intelligence agencies and bought some information about the black market.

The black market is a secret organization in the underground world of lodu.

People trade invisible light here, slaves, lives, elves... As long as you have money, the black market can meet all your needs.

This black market is not only famous in lodu, but also in the whole continent of Nolan.

It is said that the black market has a secret relationship with the royal family of the Los Empire, so it has been occupying the underground world of lodu for so many years.

This huge underground organization does not have a huge headquarters, but has many scattered strongholds distributed throughout the city of lodu.

The person holding the black market token will get the permission to enter the stronghold, and then he can entrust the black market to publish the task, or undertake the task published by others.

To be on the safe side, McGonagall did not directly use the giant man's token last night, but bought a new token from the intelligence office, which is equivalent to obtaining a new identity of the underground world.

No one can take on the task of the black market. There are no restrictions. They only care about the result and commission.

This is undoubtedly good news for McGonagall.

MEG went to the nearest black market contact.

It was a rather dilapidated bungalow. After entering with a dog tag on, he led a ragged mask on his head and followed a little man covered in black robes into the underpass.

After a long passage, a rather spacious hall appeared.

There are many people in the hall. They look very fierce and have obvious features. The mask on their face is just a decoration.

You want to make a name for yourself in the world, so you usually dress up in a special way. It's better to be thrown out as soon as you appear.

For example, MEG was attracted by the girl who was carrying a huge sunflower on her shoulder. She thought that the melon seed was not bigger than the walnut?

One side of the wall was covered with handwritten task lists, and most of the people in the hall crowded in front of the taskbar to watch, considering what task to get.

There is a wooden card beside the task list. If you take the wooden card, you will take over the task. There is only one task quota for a contact point.

So when some high commission tasks appear, it is not uncommon to fight for them.

McGonagall also glanced forward. There were many strange tasks. One third of them killed people. They also wanted to buy all kinds of Warcraft cubs, fairy maids, Miss magic and goblin Laurie

Wait a minute. In the end, this guy's taste is a little special?

McGonagall looked back and went straight to the task exchange room.

Lifting the black curtain, a passage appeared. Two black robed men stood in front of the passage and reached out to stop MEG.

MEG took a black token out of his arms and threw it directly.

One of the black robed men took the token, looked at it, nodded, handed back the order card, let it go, and signaled that Meg could pass.

At the end of the passage was a black iron door. MEG went to the door and the iron door opened slowly.

Inside the door was a window. On one side of the wall, there was only a hole as big as a man's head. The back of the hole was dark, and a wooden stool was placed in front of the window.

"What have our brave mercenaries accomplished?" A hoarse voice came from behind the hole.

"Tied up a woman." MEG sat down on the wooden stool and dropped the token into the black hole with a casual look, but his eyes were on the dark hole.

Naturally, the office can't be completely dark. It's just a high-level cover up.

"OK, just a moment, please. We need to check." There was a hoarse voice, and then there was no sound at all.

About 15 minutes later, there was a hoarse voice inside again. "Wait a long time. After our verification, the owner of Titan tavern has been arrested. It seems that she is in your hands.

However, one of the tasks is to burn down the cellars and pubs. It's a pity that you didn't finish it. According to the rules, you can only get half of the Commission. "

"I... Clearly... Clearly set the fire." MEG spat.

"Oh, you did set fire, but you were killed by the owner of the pub opposite her. If you need to, you can post a revenge task here." Inside came a slightly light voice.

"No, it's not." McGonagall's eyebrows are slightly raised. This black market... Is it really his mother's business?

"It's a deposit of 250000 yuan, as well as the delivery address and time. We will inform the employer, but we can't guarantee that you can get the rest of the Commission." Out of the black hole came a black purse and a piece of paper.

"Good." MEG grabbed the heavy purse and the paper and got up to leave.

Out of the black market, McGonagall found an alley, opened his purse and had a look. It was full of Golden Dragon coins, 250.

Then he opened the paper, which said: broken tile roofed house at the end of Tulou Lane in the west of the city.

MEG put away the paper, put away the camouflage, got into the lane, stopped a carriage and went straight to Tulou Lane in the west of the city.

"I can't even see a person here. There are a lot of scum. What are you doing here, my guest?" The coachman took Meg's money, looked down the lane and asked.

"Come and meet a friend." McGonagall jumped out of the carriage with a smile and watched the carriage leave quickly. He walked slowly to Tulou Lane three blocks away.

In the west of the city is the slum of Luodu City, and Tulou lane is even more remote. On both sides of the dilapidated streets are broken walls, and the roads are covered with weeds and few people.

To find such a remote place in the city of lodu is obviously not the first day for the other party to make such an idea.

McGonagall looked through several courtyard walls and came to the courtyard at the end of Tulou lane. He didn't go directly into Tulou lane.

"No one?" MEG stood outside the yard for a moment, his face suspicious.

"It's a bit interesting. It seems that we have to make a fake to get the snake out of the hole."

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