Titan tavern was robbed by thugs, and its boss, Effie, was abducted. After a terrifying night, the news spread in the tavern circle.

Fortunately, Titan tavern immediately resumed its business one day after its closure. The owner's wife looked good, which was a relief to the drinkers.

"I wish Miss Effie were OK. I heard the news the day before yesterday. I didn't sleep all night, for fear that something might happen to you." Marcus looked at Effie with some relief and said.

"It worries the president." Effie smiles and pours wine to some wine Association organizers.

Fergus said indignantly, "Boris is such a scum. We still think that he is promoting the development of wine making industry and awarding him the silver award."

The faces of several people at the same table were almost the same.

When the news came out that the killer was Boris, people didn't believe it.

It wasn't until several of Boris's pubs were closed and the news of Boris's suicide was confirmed that it spread in the circle.

Effie's life experience is pitiful enough. Her parents died in the robbery.

And Boris even in order to seize the formula of Titan wine, not hesitate to hire murderers to do the same thing to Effie, let the nightmare repeat itself.

Fortunately, Effie was lucky, and the murderer was punished.

Effie had a drink with the crowd, laughing, and then went away.

She knew in her heart that it was not a good thing, but that she had just met Mr. Hades.


At the end of business hours, McGonagall cleared the last few guests and was about to close the door when he saw Xi standing outside the door.

McGonagall looked at her and thought a little. Would you like to come in and have a drink


Xi's answer is still cold and straightforward, and he walks straight past MEG and into the pub.

Elena has done the cleaning work for the tavern by magic. Amy falls asleep with the ugly duckling in her arms on the chair in the counter. Annie has just taken out her brush and album from under the counter and is ready to start her evening work.

"She wants a drink." MEG and Elena explained.

"What would you like to drink?" Irina looked at Xi and asked, entertaining the guests like a landlady.

"Maotai." Xi said.

Irina took a bottle of Maotai from the wine cupboard, waved her hand and landed on the table in front of Xi.

"Thank you." Xi directly sat down and said, but her eyes fell on Annie.

Annie subconsciously hugged the picture album in her arms, instinctively afraid.

"Annie, go upstairs and paint first, but I'll go to bed early tonight." MEG stepped forward, just blocking Xi's eyes, and said to Annie with a smile.

Annie nodded cleverly and ran upstairs with her picture book and brush in her arms.

"What would you like to order?" MEG turned to look at Xi and asked with a smile.

He knew Xi didn't mean any harm to Annie, otherwise he wouldn't give him the ring.

At present, the ancients have not come to take Annie away, which makes him stay in the stage of "guests" for Xi.

And last time on the ice, Xi also had a life-saving grace for them. He should have done a few dishes and drinks.

Xi took a look at the menu on the wall, then said calmly, "I want all of them."

"It's really the willful words of adults." McGonagall brow slightly pick, but did not refuse Effie's request, ready to enter the kitchen cooking.

"That..." Xi's voice sounded again.

McGonagall stopped, a little surprised by Xi's calm tone. For the first time, there was a strange fluctuation.

Xi still indifferent expression, said: "braised meat, can you do?"

"Braised pork? I will MEG nodded and looked at Xi strangely.

It seems that Annie's comic ability is very strong, and she can even let Xi take the initiative to mention braised pork.

Xi's eyes showed a trace of surprise, but soon she was hidden, a little pondered: "then add a portion of braised meat."

"Braised pork, that's going to take a long time." Said Meg.

Braised pork is not difficult to make, but it takes time to stew, not to serve casually.

"Never mind, I have time." Xi is good at making up his time.

"But I want to sleep." MEG frowned.

Xi slightly Leng, looking at McGonagall, this guy, even want to refuse himself?

"Well, why don't you take a warship and exchange it with me for braised pork." Said Meg in a deliberative tone.

"No way." Xi said coldly without thinking.

This human being is just wishful thinking, trying to exchange a portion of food for an ancient and most advanced warship.

"It's OK to change a main naval gun, the one that shelled kesuru." McGonagall lowered his demands.

Xi just looked at him quietly and didn't even bother to speak.

"No electromagnetic guns, even ordinary main guns." McGonagall didn't want to give up. After all, it was impossible for the system to give him a reward.

The technology level of the ancients is far higher than that of Nolan, and they are also far above the earth. It is also a direct combat power to get a main gun to deal with the undead army.

"You are a human knight, she is a magician, you get the main gun, also can't play a role." Xi said.

"Then you look down on me a little. Isn't it shooting? Who do you look down on? " MEG curled his mouth.

Irina gave her a white look, her cheeks were reddish, and she didn't know what she thought.

"I said that the existence of the ancients must be hidden from others. Do you think it is reasonable for shipborne main guns to appear in this world?" Xi looked at MEG and said.

McGonagall was serious and said, "any powerful attack made by the strong is reasonable. It's a big deal. I'll carry it on my shoulder and use it as a single weapon. That's very reasonable."

Xi frowned slightly, and it seemed hard to imagine that picture.

"There is no life in the Legion of the dead. They are not afraid, and they are not afraid of death.

But even if all the ethnic groups in Nora mainland form a coalition, the warriors who go to the north to stop the undead army from going south, behind them are families. If they die on the battlefield, they are not a simple number, but broken families.

If I can, I want to add some strength to the coalition forces, even if it's just to kill more dead souls, maybe the coalition forces can kill fewer warriors. " Meg said seriously.

Xi looked at McGonagall's eyes for the first time, but he still said coldly, "I'll try it first to see if it's worth a main gun."

"Yes, just a moment, please." McGonagall's eyes brightened and turned into the kitchen.

When she nodded, he knew the main gun was on tonight.

He wants a powerful individual combat weapon, but also a seductive bait.

"I was moved by him?" Xi frowned slightly and felt as if he had stepped into a trap.

"Are you a God?"

Irina sat down in front of her, looked into her eyes and asked.

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