Xi looks at Elena, a young and beautiful elf with amazing talent, who has reached the top of Norland's power.

Among the major races in Nolan, Xi has the best impression of elves.

This is a beautiful, kind-hearted, yearning for freedom, has a high affinity for nature, and has a high cohesion of the race.

Oh... By the way, this is the record left by the observer more than 100 years ago.

After her observation during this period, it seems that this is not the case.

The wind forest, which is called the last pure land of Nolan, is a miasma.

The inferior hierarchy of human beings prevailed among the elves. She even saw the elves slaves who were treated as cattle and horses.

These experiences overturned her perception of elves. She pitied those elves who were treated as slaves, but her favor for this group almost disappeared.

The beautiful spirit in front of us does not belong to the oppressed spirit class, but should be the existence of the ruling class.

"I'm not a God." Xi shook his head slightly.

"Are you here to save the world?" Irina continued.

That day, on the ice sheet, the huge object of light shocked her, and even kesuru was shaken back.

"I'm not here to save the world. I don't have the obligation to do so." Xi still shook his head.

"You should know, I'm his wife, so I know everything." Irina smiles and raises her leg. "Since your goal is also kesulu, you are here to save the world. Only the real strong can save the world. We can't do that."

McGonagall, who was cutting pork in the kitchen, was elated. In terms of winning, Irina was really better than him.

Xi listened to Irina's words, frowning slightly, as if thinking.

"It's your business." Xi said.

Irina smiles and shakes her head: "no, you'll be here, and you'll have contact and cooperation with us who you think are inferior beings, which means it's not just our business."

Xi sat up slightly and looked at the spirit in front of him for the first time.

Irina also put away her smile and said in a low voice, "you may come from heaven or from the earth. It doesn't matter to us, just like the gods who leave traces but never really appear.

What we want is a world that can survive, even if it has boundaries and upper limits.

So we can stay in this not so rich world, but you have to let us live, even if it's just to seal those guys up again. "

Xi looked at Elena's silence for a long time, and then said, "I am the limit that the ancients can help the world, and I must ensure that I will not expose the existence of the ancients."

"As required, you should no longer be in this world, or you should not have this memory and this conversation."

"If you are the limit of the ancients, you can only choose to cooperate with us." Irina leaned back in her chair and said with a smile.

"I admit, you are my only choice." Xi nodded.

Xi has reexamined Elena in her heart. She is more oppressive than MEG when talking to this woman.

But it also shows that they are really good partners. She doesn't like working with fools.

"If you ancients can't give people, maybe you can give weapons to rearm the peoples of Nolan, let's fight against kesuru and the demons and fight a proxy war." MEG came out of the kitchen with some cold dishes and looked at Xi.

"Proxy war?" Xi frowns, which is a new word for her.

But McGonagall had explained ahead of time that the ancients would provide weapons to arm the peoples of Nolan.

"It's not a decision I can make." Xi shook his head.

McGonagall said seriously: "I hope you ancients can assess the risk that all ethnic groups in Nolan will give up resistance and eventually become devil servants. You should know that the temporary coalition is not reliable, and there is deep hatred between them."

"I'll pass on your advice." Xi looks at MEG and nods.

"Please take your time."

McGonagall puts down some dishes and drinks and helps Xi open the lid of Maotai.

He doesn't have much hope for Xi's promise. After all, it's not a decision she can make.

As for the position of Nolan in the minds of the ancients, he could only explore.

Xi drinks and eats food quietly.

Elena took a glass of her own, poured a glass of wine, sat opposite her and drank.

MEG took a look at Elena and said nothing.

After three cups, Elena began to get drunk. She squinted at Xi and asked with a smile, "what's your life like as an ancient man? Do you want to eat, sleep and beat beans? "

"Who is Doudou? Why hit him? " Xi put down his chopsticks and looked at Elena seriously.

"It's just Doudou. We all fight, so we fight." Irina laughs.

"We don't make beans there." Xi shakes his head, eats and sleeps. They do, but they seem to be missing an interesting sport.

"Do you fly when you go out?" Irina asked again, "it's still the teleport."

"Choose transportation according to distance, but the transmission array has been eliminated."


McGonagall was listening to the conversation between the two women in the kitchen. He couldn't help but sigh that women could talk about anything, even if one of them was drunk.

He knew that Irina mostly had the idea of getting Xi drunk and making a routine.

However, after drinking a bottle of Maotai and a bottle of whisky, they can walk out of the pub by themselves.

Just the amount of wine that Elena poured out of those three glasses, there's no need to spell it well.

Before long, Xi looks at Elena lying on the table drunk, calmly eating drunkard peanuts.

This is the smell of meat coming from the kitchen.

"It smells good!" Xi's hands stopped, looking up at the direction of the kitchen in surprise.

The rich meat aroma was so attractive that she couldn't help swallowing.

This is a fragrance beyond her knowledge, which is also a fragrance she has never heard in the underground city. Only the last Buddha jumping wall can match it.

However, compared with the fragrance of fotiaoqiang, which is interwoven with various delicacies, the strong fragrance is more pure, that is, the smell of meat. She has already made up in her mind the picture of braised meat cooked in a pot into a bright red appearance.

And her state at this time, just like a mermaid waking up from bed, attracted by the sudden fragrance.

"Isn't it a lie in the picture album?"

Xi took a drink from his glass and was shocked. He couldn't help looking forward to it.

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