McGonagall nodded with satisfaction as he watched the snacks coming out of the well.

This shows that Amy's training has been initially successful, and she has become a junior keeper who makes the system bow.

"Help yourself. It's my treat." Amy holds the chips, looks back at the three and says.

Annie took a bag of Snickers from the snack pile. Sometimes she felt hungry when she stayed up late at night to draw.

If you eat one piece of this, you can "sweep away hunger and be yourself!"

Elena took a bag of Weilong hot sticks, which she doesn't usually eat.

But this spicy bar seems to have some strange magic. Last time, she stole one from Amy's snack bag.

Oh, how can I steal my daughter's snacks? She took them openly.

McGonagall didn't like snacks. He watched Amy put all the snacks into the magic wand, said to the three, and then went out to put a bamboo tube under the locust tree at the entrance of the alley.

The news about ksuru and the Legion of the dead has spread to all ethnic groups in Nolan. McGonagall thought about it again and again, but did not choose to hide it.

Frankster is too strong. Even McGonagall is not sure that he can beat him.

If such combat power is concealed, it will be a disaster for the coalition forces.

He had no way to save frankster from the state of control. Even if Xi did, he could only bring them out of the siege of kesuru and the Legion of the dead.

Elizabeth has left the restaurant, I don't know if she knows the news at this time.

McGonagall knew what frankster meant to Elizabeth. If she knew the news, she would go to the polar ice sheet before the Allied forces fought with the undead.

This is what worries MEG the most.

There may be a trace of consciousness in frankster, but above the polar ice sheet, kesuru has absolute control over him. Even if Elizabeth appears in front of him, it is impossible for him to recover.

More likely, she was torn up by the wandering legion of the dead before she could see frankster.

So he wants to use the city of chaos intelligence network to find Elizabeth and stop her.

"Are you worried about Elizabeth?" Irina asked softly, looking at MEG, who came back from the outside with a lot of worries.

McGonagall nodded, sighed and said, "yes, if she's on the Arctic ice now, I'm afraid she'll be like frankster."

"She's smart and I'm sure she won't put herself in danger." Irina shook her head slightly.

"I hope so. I've asked the city of chaos to help find her. In the decisive moment, her presence may make it easier for us to solve the problem of frankster."

McGonagall can only wait for the news at present, and will return to the city of chaos tomorrow to attend the meeting of all ethnic groups, hoping to get a good news.

"By the way, what's going on in the wind forest? Is the current situation, plus me, sure to win the city of life? " MEG asked, looking at Elena.

"Before, I had been wondering why Helena's attitude suddenly became mild, and even tolerated the collapse of the system she created. Now it seems that she has taken a step back to make progress." Irina shook her head.

"At present, the chaos of the wind forest has gradually subsided, and the living environment of the bottom elves has been improved to a certain extent.

Although the original aristocratic elves lost some privileges, they still maintained various advantages.

The original sharp class contradictions have been dissolved into invisibility. The slave elves at the bottom have left the forest, and the basic conditions for launching a large-scale revolt have disappeared. " Irina shook her head.

"Sure enough, ginger is old and spicy." McGonagall also had some feelings.

On the surface, Helena seemed to bow her head and compromise, but she didn't lose control of the elves, and resolved the internal contradictions in a gentle way.

Once the bottom elves accept the current living environment, Helena and the nobles can tighten the conditions at any time in the future, they are unable to resist.

This rope is still in Helena's hand.

McGonagall admits that he and Irina are still a little younger in the matter of playing tricks.

If his father had come, he might have been able to play tricks with old foxes like Helena and Andre.

In fact, there is another way to regain control of the elves, and that is to kill Helena.

However, in the current situation, it is impossible for McGonagall, who is most aware of the strength of the Legion of the dead and ksuru, to do such a thing.

"Let's wait until the end of this joint war. At present, kesuru and the undead are our most important opponents." Said Meg.

"Well." Irina nodded and said, "but tomorrow I'm going to the windy forest to get something."

"Good." MEG nodded, not asking.


Golden Dragon Island, golden hall.

Louis looked at the Golden Dragon and asked, "how are you, have you found Elizabeth?"

"Patriarch, we have searched all over the continent of Nolan, but we have not found Elizabeth." Kinks got up and shook his head.

The dragons also shook their heads.

"This girl, where did she go?" Louis frowned.

"I don't know if the ice dragon is looking for her. After all, she is an ice dragon, and her peers may be able to feel her presence more easily." Kinks thought, "I'm afraid they didn't look for it at all."

"OK, let's leave this matter for a while. As for tomorrow's meeting of all ethnic groups, yesterday's meeting of Longdao had already discussed the results. Douglas and I will go as representatives. You are on standby in Longdao and ready to go north at any time."


At the same time, on the ice Hall of the ice dragon clan, all the dragons gather together with dignified expression.

"Elder, we still haven't found Elizabeth, but there are people waiting at the edge of the polar ice sheet. If she goes north, she should be able to stop her before she enters the ice sheet." The three elders looked at Douglas and said.

"This girl, where did she go?" Douglas frowned.

"If you want me to tell you, we don't have to worry about this dead girl. I've seen that frankster is not a good thing for a long time. At that time, he was in a desperate situation for several times, but he could appear again. I thought he was lucky, so he had already become a puppet of the devil.

Now the dragon people are all gossiping about our ice giant dragon people, saying that we have let out the devil, and we should be on guard against our mutiny in the battle. " Two elder indignation way.

All the elders here don't look very good. There are a lot of gossips on the Dragon Island these days. The situation of the ice giant dragon clan is really worrying.

"Shut up Douglas took a cold look at the two elders. The smell of terror made the air freeze.

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