"If frankster got his strength by selling his soul to the devil in those days, do you think you can still stand here today and make such sarcastic remarks?" Douglas said, looking coldly at the two elders.

The second elder choked and lowered his head in silence.

"I don't know why frankster became a puppet of the devil, but I don't think there is any problem with his becoming the patriarch.

Moreover, I now tell you that Elizabeth is the hope of our ice dragon race, and also the hope that we will continue to retain the top ten dragon races.

If we lose her again, you may have to get out of this island. Because you don't have the ability to stay here and try to kill the person who can keep you here. "

Douglas's voice echoed in the hall, and the elders of the ice dragon clan changed slightly, but they could not agree with each other.

Fox is a waste material that can't be supported. If he becomes the patriarch, it will only make the ice dragon clan lose its position in Dragon Island faster.

"Find her at all costs and bring her back." Douglas gave a cold order.


Endless waters, devil islands.

On the misty archipelago, old gray castles stand by the sea.

"As the ancestor of the vampires, I should have the right to recall your identity, right?"

Dracula sat at the top of the table, shaking a tall crystal glass with scarlet liquid in his hand, and looked at the vampire patriarch Maynard with a smile.

The upper level of the vampire clan gathered in the castle hall, but the atmosphere was a little frozen at the moment.

Dracula, the ancestor of vampires, called them here today, saying that they wanted to re select the position of patriarch.

Maynard has been the head of the vampire clan for more than 100 years. After Dracula became the new ancestor, everyone thought his position would become stronger.

I didn't expect that Dracula was the first one to make up his mind.

What's more surprising is that another ancestor was absent from today's meeting and made it clear that he would not interfere in the result.

It means

Maynard's position as patriarch is only between Dracula's thoughts, and he can appoint a new patriarch according to his will.

At this time, Camilla, who has not appeared on the island for a long time, is standing behind Dracula, which makes people daydream.

Before that, Dracula was inherited from her ancestors, which had a great relationship with Camilla's forced marriage.

Maynard's face was a little black, but he bowed his head and said respectfully, "yes, it's the right of the ancestor."

In the vampire clan, the ancestor of the vampire has absolute blood pressure on other vampires, which is also the reason why the ancestor has a transcendent position in the vampire clan.

The patriarch can only be said to represent the daily affairs of the clan, and the final decision is in the hands of the ancestor.

Maynard failed to sell her daughter and was plucked by Dracula. It's miserable enough for her to become the ancestor of the vampire. I didn't expect that she would be deprived of the patriarchal position today?

There are also vampires who think carefully. Although the patriarch has less power than the two ancestors, the ancestors are still the controllers of the vampires.

If Maynard is removed, who will become the new patriarch?

"Very good, it seems that as the patriarch for so many years, elder brother, you still recite our rules very well." Dracula's evil spirit smiles, glances at the vampires present, and then says in a loud voice: "Maynard's conduct is improper. From today on, he will be removed from the patriarchal position and inherited by Camilla."


All the vampires' eyes fell on Camilla, and they were surprised.

Camilla was also surprised. Obviously, she didn't know how xiaodegura arranged it.

"I'm afraid this... This arrangement is not suitable?" Maynard looked at Dracula and Camilla with an ugly look. "Camilla is still a child, and she has never been in touch with the affairs of the clan. Now it's a time of trouble. I'm afraid she will miss a big event if she comes to accept the affairs of the clan leader."

Many vampires nodded along.

Dracula shook her wine glass and looked at Maynard sarcastically. "I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to say that she's still a child, right? You know, you've done it twice to force her to marry and exchange chips for yourself. Do you deserve to be a father to force a child to do such a thing? "

Maynard's face turned blue and red, and he couldn't give a fart.

"Great, my uncle!"

Camilla looked at Dracula's eyes have a little star, this life, he will protect himself.

As for the so-called father

Maybe from the time she was born, she was only regarded as a bargaining chip that could be traded at any time.

Other vampires can see that it's a domestic matter, and they all hurry to shut up.

Maynard has gone, Dracula to support Camilla upper, and has been recognized by another ancestor.

Next, the vampires will usher in the reign of Camilla.

Maynard took a deep breath, looked at Dracula and said, "this is nonsense. I don't believe the Presbyterian Council agrees with your decision!"

"Well, since he didn't show up, he acquiesced in my decision." Dracula shook her head, sipped a sip of red wine, looked at Maynard and said, "dear brother, I'm not the one who let you whine at the beginning. I hope the word" nonsense "won't appear in the conversation between you and me in the future."

The terrible momentum appeared from Dracula's body. Menard's face showed fear and his legs trembled. He could not control his legs and knelt on the ground.

"Now, do you have any comments?" Dracula's face was still playful when he lost his authority.

"No... no..." Maynard said, looking down and biting his lips.

Yes, he is no longer the brother who can make fun of him.

The absolute suppression of blood and strength made him unable to make any strong resistance.

Camilla looked at Maynard kneeling on the ground, some happy heart, but also a trace of sadness.

"Good." Dracula nodded slightly, then looked at the blood sucking ghosts present and said, "now I announce that Camilla will become the new head of our vampire clan and take office immediately."

"I have seen the patriarch!" Many vampires salute Camilla.

Or some confused Camilla even busy way: "free... Free."

She didn't expect that she just came back with Dracula to be forced, but somehow she squeezed her father out and became the patriarch.

However, the feeling of returning


Looking at Maynard's dejected and subdued feeling, he almost expressed all the sullen breath in his chest.

For a time, she did not want to set foot in this sea area and this castle, even if she was wandering forever.

But Dracula brought her back, and gave her a foundation, and more.

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