The strength of the city of chaos is lower among all ethnic groups. The number of standing guards is about 40000. This time, 30000 elite troops were sent out, which shows sincerity.

Michael was well aware of the seriousness of the crisis. After several meetings inside the city of chaos, he finally decided on the number.

Louis said in a deep voice: "the dragon clan will send 8000 dragons to fully support this battle."

"Eight thousand dragons!" Meg's eyes lit up.

This is a real air strike capability.

All dragons have long-range attack ability, and most of them are regional skills, which can suppress the undead Legion in the air.

The number of giant dragons is the least among all ethnic groups in Nolan, and 8000 dragons are basically the core strength of the Dragon tribe.

It seems that the dragon people are very concerned about the devil's departure from the Dragon Island.

Then, all ethnic groups expressed their views one after another.

Randist will send 10000 soldiers to join the coalition. Only McGonagall knows that this is randist's total combat power, without reservation.

The goblin tribe sent 5000 goblin soldiers and 10000 elite logistics personnel to be responsible for the deployment of logistics.

The goblins are famous for their logistics and planning capabilities. After all, living in complex underground caves can keep the whole group in good order and produce the most minerals in the whole continent. There are still some ethnic talents.

The trolls will send 10000 Troll warriors and 20000 logistic trolls to carry the snow.

The dwarves sent 5000 dwarven soldiers and undertook the repair of weapons and fortification construction of the whole coalition. They are excellent tool men.

Orcs will send 200000 Orc soldiers to join the alliance. As a strong family that can fight against the Los Empire, orcs also have a large number of tribal soldiers.

However, the orcs put forward a request that the Empire of Los should bear all the logistics of ORC soldiers, which has been agreed by Andre on the spot.

All races have made their stand, only the elves and demons have not.

The crowd looked at Helena and the representatives of the demons.

The demons in bulk and the elves at the moment of division are not so easy to make a decision.

"How many Night Elves will go to war?" Helena didn't rush to make a statement, but looked at Elena and asked.

Irina said calmly: "I have sent out the sign of volunteering to join the war. So far, 3500 qualified Elves will join the team of chaos City, including 1000 soldiers and 2500 medical and logistics personnel."

"Well, that's what you look like, your majesty." Helena nodded, and then said in a loud voice: "the Elves will send 20000 elves soldiers and 10000 medical soldiers, who are responsible for logistics."

MEG looked at Helena unexpectedly. Now the wind forest is not very harmonious. He thought Helena would keep most of the main forces in the wind forest to prevent changes, but she sent almost all the elite main forces.

After Helena's statement, the representatives of all ethnic groups also looked at the representatives of the ten major races from the demons.

Because no powerful race can convince the public, and the previous alliance collapsed because of internal strife, there is no unified voice or representative voice of the demons now.

"It's all like this. Let's gather together at the scene. Before you come here, you should have a number in your mind as to how many people you can produce and how many people you can produce from affiliated races." Dracula put down his glass and said with a smile, "we vampires can produce a thousand people."

In terms of the number of vampires, a thousand vampires can be regarded as a big hand.

"Since all ethnic groups are protecting the continent of Nolan, we should not hide it. If we can't stop it, we may be even more cowardly in the future." The head of the nether demons clapped the table and said, "our nether demons plus the affiliated demons can produce 10000 soldiers."

The vampire clan and the void demon clan have made their stand one after another, so it is not easy for the demon clan to hide and tuck in, and they have also made their stand one after another.

In addition to the flame demons and abyss demons, who consumed too much in the civil war some time ago and were wary of it, other demons were quite sincere.

In the end, the demon islands sent 100000 troops, second only to the Ross Empire and the orcs.

"Good! In this way, there will be millions of soldiers from all ethnic groups in Nolan. If we fight against the demon's legion of millions of undead, we will not be weak! " Andre applauded.

All ethnic groups are sincere about sending troops, even far beyond Andre's expectation.

This lineup and specifications represent the strongest combat effectiveness of Nolan at present.

A hundred years ago, all ethnic groups fought together.

A hundred years later, all ethnic groups will fight side by side to fight against the devil.

The representatives of all ethnic groups also showed some smile.

I heard McGonagall say that the Legion of the million undead was really scared.

But now all ethnic groups have made great efforts to form an unprecedented powerful army, and finally feel the courage to fight.

Michael got up and said in a loud voice: "the United Army has been formed, but we have to decide tonight how and by whom to command such a huge army, which comes from all races, if we want to give full play to its role in the battlefield. A scattered mass of sand will only become the victim of slaughter and abuse on the battlefield. "

As soon as Michael's words came out, the representatives of all ethnic groups were silent for a short time and began to talk about them.

"Conductor? Oh, our warriors of the abyss have always only listened to my command. I don't want to listen to anyone's blind command and give up their lives in vain. " The chief of the abyss demon clan sneered.

"We flame clan will not listen to anyone's command, is it not to kill the dead? A fireball burning a pile, still need to command? "

"I'm afraid it's hard to choose this commander. If you choose an eccentric commander, you will protect your own people and put other races on the front line." Helena also has a word in her mouth.

"War is not a joke. It's a war of millions of elites. It's a war of wealth that no one has ever fought. Who can shoulder the responsibility?" Louis, too, frowned.

The newly formed loose alliance has the interests of all ethnic groups. It is obviously unrealistic to immediately choose a commander who can convince the public.

The dragon clan has a great reputation, but the battle of the Dragon always depends on its strength and unlimited suppression in the air. How can there be military talents who can command and control millions of troops.

And once the commander is determined, it means that the controller allocates the rights of all ethnic groups, and the representatives of all ethnic groups naturally have some thoughts.

When Michael saw the noise, he said in a loud voice: "the alliance of all ethnic groups has formed a powerful coalition. If no one can command us and use good steel on the blade, we have no chance of winning.

I think we should vote for an impartial commander to make the coalition more efficient and powerful to deal with the attacks of the demons and the undead. "

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