Michael's words calmed down the crowd.

They are all the races that survived the race war a hundred years ago. In fact, they all know the importance of an excellent commander and tactical cooperation.

At that time, the elves almost lost the whole forest, but under the command of Helena and the elves queen, they drove the orcs and demons out of the forest, relying on their strong personal charm and excellent command ability.

Some time ago, 100000 northwest cavalry of the Los Empire drove straight into the twilight forest, tearing up the whole forest in three ways, which proved the importance of tactical cooperation and command ability.

You should know that orcs are not a weak race, but the tribes that fight on their own can not form a strong fighting force at all, they can only be ruthlessly crushed.

"I agree with this view that the current situation is related to the security of Nolan mainland. If we only care about personal gains and losses and the interests of a certain race, the final result will be a tragic defeat." Douglas nodded.

"We dwarves also agree that we should not fight a disorderly battle." The king of dwarves, Lang said.

"If the goblins don't have any opinions, vote and choose a man to serve as commander." Said the goblin patriarch.

"Having said that, how to choose the candidate?" Helena asked.

People are also looking at Michael.

Michael looked at the people and said, "all of you here are highly respected people of all ethnic groups. You are also the most powerful and wise people in Nolan. You are eligible to run for the election."

"This battle is about the survival of Nolan. It's moving that all ethnic groups can stand up at this moment. And the commander's candidate is very important. I hope the person with ability can stand up and take the responsibility and become the candidate. "

"All the ethnic groups present are eligible for one vote, and the candidate with the largest number of votes will become the commander expected by all."

The rules are simple and the candidates are realistic.

Participants of all ethnic groups present are eligible to participate in the election. Based on the principle of voluntary participation, all ethnic groups vote together to choose the final commander.

It's also a popular expectation that those with high votes will become commanders.

The way of electing the commander is to make the representatives of all ethnic groups nod their heads in agreement.

At this time, it's not suitable to choose the leader of the alliance at the dance forest meeting.

"In this case, I'm not polite. We are rich in experience in the battle of the abyss demons. I've commanded more than 100 battles, whether it's the race war in those years or all kinds of battles in these years. If I were chosen as the commander, it would be very suitable." The head of the abyss demon clan stands up with a smile and says confidently.

"Oh, was it not bad enough to lose in the forest of wind?" Helena laughed scornfully.

"Even a blazing demonic clan has its ups and downs. I expect you to fight with demons. Don't you take the elite of all races to fill the ice cave?" Irina also sneered.

In those days, the abyss demons committed all kinds of crimes in the wind forest. Now he dares to show off and use them as capital. Naturally, they can't stand it.

"You... You..." the abyss devil's face turned red and could not hold a word for a long time. He sat down angrily.

Sitting on one side of the flame demon patriarch originally wanted to show a wave, did not expect to get up on the gun, pinched his fist, or put himself on the seat.

And the setback of the abyss demon clan leader also calmed down the original demons.

They can't even convince the people inside the demon clan, let alone talk with other clans on this occasion.

"Uncle, don't you try?" Camilla whispered to Dracula.

Dracula shook his head and sighed: "although I know my charm is limitless, I haven't even directed the battle of a thousand people. I really can't fight a rich battle of a million people."

Camilla curled her lips. "I'll just casually say that maybe you can't even get the demons vote."

"I believe that, too." Dracula nodded honestly.

If demons can be monolithic, their strength is stronger than orcs.

Unfortunately, it's in bulk.

After a moment's silence, Louis got up and looked at the people: "count me in. We dragon race have a strong ability to control the situation. We golden dragon race also achieved a lot in the race war."

Louis is a strong man who has been famous for a long time, and the dragon clan is powerful. Louis is really easy to convince the public.

Andre nodded to Dominic next to him.

Dominic got up and said, "I'm Dominic, marshal of the Los empire. I've commanded millions of cavalry of the Los empire. I have decades of rich experience in both tactical arrangements and military management. It's a war destined to be high-intensity, and the cooperation among all ethnic groups is very important. I think I can be a good commander. "

As Dominic said, Dominic is the only one who manages millions of riders.

Although the war launched by the northwest army against the orcs was not under Dominic's command, it is said that the preset attack plans and plans were all made by Dominic. The northwest army almost occupied the twilight forest just by following the plan.

The use of tactics by humans is indeed better than that of other races.

Otherwise, with human fragile body and not strong individual strength, it is not easy to survive in the continent of Nolan.

"During the racial war, I led the elves to defeat the strong by the weak, and drove the orcs and demons out of the wind forest, creating many war miracles. I think I can also lead this war well." Helena stood up and said calmly.

It's a little unexpected that Helena will run for the election, but what she said is true. The fight of the elves in the race war can be called a reversal against the wind.

Orcs and demons are two powerful races. Leng is beaten as a background board.

Among them, Helena, as the high priest of the elves, really played a crucial role.

One after another, people's eyes turned around and finally fell on Alex.

"Will he run?" Connie whispered.

"Maybe, no one is more suitable than him." Rex looked at MEG and said.

Dexter also looked at MEG, eyes full of expectations.

MEG got up and said calmly, "I'm running."

It's simple, it's clear.

"I don't think anyone knows the devil and the Legion of the dead better than I do, and how to deal with them." McGonagall continued.

A straightforward but irrefutable reason.

Looking at the expressions of the representatives of all ethnic groups, McGonagall knew that he had won.

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