The carriage stops outside the city. Vicky gives the driver the fare and walks away in the driver's puzzled eyes.

"Is it too bold for this little girl to go out of town alone?" The coachman shook his head and turned the carriage back to the city.

Vicky went over a hillside, looked left and right, confirmed that there was no one, flashed out her watch again, and clicked a few times on the virtual screen.

The ground trembles slightly, and in the distant valley, the dead leaves are falling. A silver spaceship sprays the blue flame, rising slowly and floating in front of Vicky.

Vicky steps up the spiral ladder and into the cockpit.

Pull out the silver stick from the bag and insert it into the hole in the middle of the rudder.

"Authentication is successful, the highest authority is on!"

A mechanical prompt sounds.

"Go here."

Vicky opened the map and marked a point.

"Position confirmed, autopilot activated!"

The mechanical sound rings again, the spaceship starts and disappears outside the city of lodu.


Over the endless sea, a spaceship floats on the sea.

Xi stares at the data coming back from the virtual screen with a dignified look.

The queer movement under landister caught her attention, and she had been observing it for a day.

According to ancient records, the sinking of landist in that year was related to the city of lalaiye, the home of kesulu.

But the city of lalaier has been sunk for countless years, and it has been directly pulled into the underground world. It should be completely isolated from the continent of Nolan. Why did it suddenly change?

She has reported the situation to the underground city, and she is still waiting for a reply from the underground city.

At this time, her eyes suddenly fell on the virtual screen, on which a bright red dot was moving rapidly.

"It's the black cat signal."

As soon as Xi's eyes lit up, he immediately opened the map to check.

Miss Vicky of the Roosevelt family ran away from home three years ago.

Before her departure, she was entrusted by the Roosevelt family to help find Miss Vicky in Nolan and give her the signal locator of her black cat spacecraft.

But for the first time in months, she has detected the signal of the black cat.

Previously, she thought Vicky should not be in Nolan, but now it seems that she may have not launched the black cat in recent months.

"Look at this route. Does she want to go to the Arctic ice sheet?"

Looking at the fast-moving spaceship, Vicki's face was startled. She hesitated for a moment and started the spaceship.

The huge spaceship took off from the sea and flew to the north pole as a streamer.


Vicky has put on a black combat suit, look serious sitting in front of the control panel, looking at the approaching destination.

The purpose of her visit is very simple. She will get rid of the ancient invader who caused trouble, and then return to lodu. If she has time, the evening performance may not have to be cancelled, and the black cat opera company may get a thousand copper tickets.

"I have read in ancient books that the ancient invaders were so powerful that they could not be killed, so the ancestors could only seal them all over the continent of Nolan. Can we kill them?" Vicky was worried and said to herself.

"You say it's ancient. The ancients in those days certainly didn't have such advanced technology as they are now. It's so simple and crude to first send it an electromagnetic gun and then send it to heaven with the whole ship's energy." Vicky asked herself.


"Don't be so fussy. I'll control the ship later. Let's see what absolute fire suppression is." Vicky's mouth rose and her eyes were full of excitement.

"What's that?" On the screen appeared a mountain range, like a wall across the snow.

Zoom in, you can see that there are many busy people in the mountains, repairing the city walls and arranging the array.

"Leaning against this wall, do you want to stop the ancient invaders and the Legion of the dead?" Vicky frowned slightly. She didn't see the so-called coalition, and didn't even know whether it really existed.

"No matter. Go ahead and have a look."

Vicky lifted the autopilot mode, and slowly pushed the acceleration lever before, the speed of the spacecraft suddenly increased and instantly flew over the gus mountains.

Meg, who was observing the landscape on the mountain, seemed to feel it and looked up at the sky.

Although the naked eye did not catch the trace of the spaceship, but just at that moment, he felt something flying from the sky.

This kind of speed and concealment effect should be no doubt.

But why did Xi enter the ice sheet at this time? Are you going to wipe out some of the living forces of the undead before the war?

McGonagall and Xi are now in a semi ally state. They have the same goal and relatively consistent intelligence sharing on the issue of fuksuru.

But it's all built on the premise of Xi's active sharing, and MEG is difficult to ask her for more information.

For example, in recent days, he doesn't know where Xi is, what she is doing, and why she suddenly appears on the ice and goes deep into the ice.

Of course, with the performance of her warship, as long as she doesn't fight to get in front of kesuru, it's OK to wave in the ice.

Thinking of this, McGonagall looked at the old man who was lying on one side chewing bones. McGonagall could not help but envy him.

Ah Zi is naturally a first-class mount. On the continent of Nolan, there should be no faster mount than him, including the dragon.

The extreme speed leads to the fact that as a level 10 Warcraft, ah Zi's attack ability is not strong, which is the degree of spitting thunder ball.

McGonagall is curious about the purpose of entering the ice sheet, but the ice sheet is not his home after all, so it's not good to go in and out casually.

We still have to take into account the feelings of kesuru.

If he gets annoyed and directly calls up the Legion of the dead to go south, the coalition forces on the way will have to go home and fight for their own.

It's hard to be in charge!

McGonagall went around the mountain, took out a pen and paper to write and draw. According to the terrain, he basically determined the style and location of the fort. Next, he should go back to the chaotic city and pull the first batch of guns to the front line.

"The main cannon has to discuss with Jonas. We have to arrange a protective array for it." MEG put away his pen and paper and walked down the hill.

At this moment, he suddenly looked up, eyes suddenly narrowed up.

"Why is there another one?"

If the previous spaceship is Xi's, whose is this one?

Is it the reinforcements sent by the ancients?

Then we have to go to see the excitement.

"Ah Zi!"

MEG whistled.

Ah Zi turned her head and got rid of the bone that she had been gnawing for a long time.

"In this direction, full speed!" MEG pointed in a direction and ordered.

"Ouch --"

Ah Zi raised her head and whined. The rune on her wings turned into a purple lightning, which plunged into the ice and disappeared in the sky.

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