"Oh, it's good to hide. Did I finally find it?"

Vicky looks at the tens of thousands of ancient corpses hidden in the canyon below and smiles.

"This is the battlefield of ancient times, where all ethnic groups united to fight against the invaders, causing heavy casualties and eventually sealing the invaders.

I didn't expect that their bodies were now used by the invaders to invade the continent of Nolan they once guarded Another voice said.

"Now they are not the heroes guarding Nolan, but the puppets controlled by the devil. If they know, they should let us destroy them." Vicky hovered the ship, opened the weapons warehouse, and aimed at the ancient corpses in the canyon.

"But where are their controllers?" Vicky stares at the screen, radar scanning results, only a small red spot in the canyon, did not find more powerful life.

"Ancient invaders are the existence that our ancestors fear. We'd better be careful."

"I'll see how long it can hide!" Vicky pressed the red button on her hand.

The four projectiles, which had been aimed and locked, shot out and flew towards the canyon below. They split hundreds of meters above the canyon, turned into hundreds of small bombs and fell into the canyon.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the fire cracked, and a mushroom cloud slowly rose.

Icebergs on both sides of the canyon collapsed in the explosion, almost filling up the whole canyon.

"Roar! Interesting

Vicky looks a little excited, staring at the screen suddenly disappeared half of the red dot, once again aimed at the red dot density.

As the smoke and steam dissipated, the skeleton struggled to get out of the ice.

After the attack, the red light in their eyes became bright, like a beam of light, looking around for the target, and began to leave the canyon.

The ancient corpses with flying ability began to take off, and dozens of ancient corpses of all kinds flew to the sky, and to the warships in the sky.

"Come on, you disgusting people!" Vicky looked at the fast approaching corpse Warcraft, including several corpse dragons. When she pressed the shell launch button, she pulled the handle, switched to the warship heavy machine gun, and started the unilateral slaughter by aiming at the corpses below.

Dada dada

With the sound of a smooth machine gun, the corpse dragon was shot in the head and half of its head was knocked off. Flying Warcraft was shot to break up its skeleton and disintegrated directly in mid air.

The ultimate performance of the warship makes Vicky invincible in the face of 50000 undead legions.

The bombs dropped before also swept the canyon again, turning tens of thousands of skeletons into ashes.

"When you get back, you can write an opera about Miss Black Cat's sweeping the valley of the dead." Vicky mouth up, looking at the bottom of the skeleton people scattered away.

The Legion of the dead, which is feared by all ethnic groups in Nolan, is nothing more than that.

It is said that all ethnic groups in Nolan are too weak, and science and technology are not good. Even if there are no warships, there are no guns.

There are no skeletons in the world that can't be solved by a single shell.

If there is one, let's do it again.

The black cat warship belongs to Vicky's grandfather. Vicky, who grew up playing on the spaceship, became the youngest captain of the ancients when she was eight years old.

She was 18 years old when she could officially own the warship and join the old guard.

But when she ran away from home the year before last, she sneaked the boat out.

This is a quasi warship ship.

However, Vicky has refitted herself. Both the power system and the weapon system have reached the warship level.

And the ammunition was extremely sufficient. When she went out, she directly emptied half of the fleet's ammunition stock.

"But what's this button for?" Vicky played for a long time, her eyes fell on a striking white button beside the screen.

"It's better not to press the self explosion button in case of non emergency." Another soft voice replied.

"Don't worry, I won't kill myself if I'm ok."

Vicky pushes down the control lever to make the spacecraft dive down. Meanwhile, the machine gun aims at the skeletons fleeing below and starts firing.

Only those skeletons with more dazzling red dots are qualified to take a bullet from her.

The ice gun thrown by the skeletons can't even leave obvious traces on the surface of the spaceship. It's a one-sided massacre.

"Where is that guy hiding? Do you know what it looks like? " Vicky glanced around, including the ice. Strangely, after so long, the legendary ancient invaders still didn't appear.

"Most of the ancient invaders are indescribable objects. They have terrible appearance. Some of them have octopus heads. Their gelatinous bodies can be changed into any shape. Behind them are huge bat wings. Some of them are illusory existence..."



"Unidentified objects approaching quickly!"


The ship suddenly issued a warning, and quickly entered the automatic dodge mode, ejecting the puzzle bomb at the same time, accelerating away.


But a dull crash still sounded from above the ship.

The ship was hit and went down.

Several warning signs appear on the dial.

"Damaged shell!"

"The pressure is dropping fast!"

"No.4 engine stopped, standby engine failed to start!"


Vicky hit the joystick in the collision, and there was a lot of swelling in the middle of her head.

"Well... It hurts."

Vicky covered her forehead, a little confused.

"Pull the ship to the left, it's coming again!" Another voice said anxiously.

"What?" Vicky tries to hold on to the rudder.

But without waiting for her to respond, the ship was slammed down again.


The piercing sound of splitting sounded overhead, and a large piece of the top of the spaceship was torn directly.

The ship spun out of control and fell to the ground.





The alarm was loud and the height from the ground was getting lower and lower.

Originally scattered skeletons, people began to gather towards the scope of the spacecraft's fall, and the bodies with teeth and claws seemed to be ready to enjoy a feast.

"This..." Vicki looks a little flustered, I don't know what to do.

"I'll take it." A gentle and helpless voice sounded.

The panic in Vicky's eyes disappeared, like a new person.

She quickly pressed a few buttons, almost all stopped the engine instantly restart three.

Holding the lever in both hands, she gritted her teeth and pulled it up.

Spinning down the spacecraft, in the moment before the crash, close to the ice wobbly climb up again.

The ancient corpses that jumped up even hung in front of the spaceship, frantically patting the surface of the spaceship.

At this moment, Vicky saw the existence of attacking them.

A majestic ice dragon, suspended in the air, gazed at them with scarlet eyes.

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