"I'll arrange it." Dexter nodded, hesitated, and said, "besides, I have one more thing to tell Lord Alex."

MEG looked at him.

"Last night, there was a movement under the ground of randiste, and the pillar of heaven vibrated violently all night. This situation has never happened in the history of randiste for thousands of years, so I am worried about whether it has something to do with the devil." Said Dexter.

"And that?" MEG frowned.

When did randist fall to the bottom of the sea? They didn't even know why.

However, at this time, the sudden change under the ground of landist is really unusual.

"I'll look into it." McGonagall nodded. He was going to go back to the city of chaos to carry guns. It seemed that he had to go to landist by the way.

Then McGonagall took Dexter to see Dominic. Now he is basically in charge of front-line affairs. It's natural for him to arrange randist's personnel.

Moreover, randist has no logistics and needs the responsibility of the Los empire.


After arranging the business, MEG and Elena go south on the flying mount.

"If another old dominator breaks the seal, it's a problem." After listening to McGonagall's narration, Elena also looked dignified.

"I need to see it with my own eyes and contact XI by the way to see if she knows anything about it." MEG nodded and sent a message to Xi.

Soon McGonagall received a reply from Xi:

"Under lantiste, the seal is krasulu's old nest" lalaiye city ". I have noticed the change, and I have returned it to the underground city, but I haven't received any feedback yet."

"La Laire." McGonagall frowned, did not expect that the legendary city actually exists.

In this case, there is some trouble.

At the same time, lalaiye, who was sealed on the bottom of the sea, appeared a change at this time. It is difficult not to connect the two.

"What's in there?" McGonagall sent a new message.

After a long time, MEG received Xi's reply:

"Before kesuru was sealed, there was a miasma barrier outside lalaiye, which was unable to enter. Kesuru's loyal servants were hiding in the city. So the ancestors could only sink landist and seal it in the deepest trench in the endless sea.

In order to prevent the families of the stars from destroying the seal, the ancients dragged it into the underground city countless years ago, completely separating it from the continent of Nolan. But judging from the families of the stars who have appeared in the dungeons from time to time these years, they may still be alive. "

MEG frowned as he read the silence.

"Why?" Irina came forward and looked solemn after reading the message.

"What are you going to do with it?" Irina asked, looking at MEG.

"This is no longer what we can deal with. Kesuru and the undead army in the north have made all the ethnic groups give up. If we let them know that the rear might be threatened at this moment, their morale will be completely destroyed." MEG shook his head.


"So this pot has to be thrown to the ancients."

MEG stares at the communicator in his hand, thinks for a while, and sends a message to Xi.


In the spaceship lounge, Xi sits by the window and looks at the message just received on the virtual screen. Gujing bubo's face shows some entanglement.

After taking a bath, Vicky, who has changed back into a black Lolita skirt, walks in and looks at Yan Xi, subconsciously scanning the virtual screen.

"Are the families of the stars of kesuru going to break the seal?" Vicky said in surprise.

"Lalaiye's change, kesulu didn't rush to launch the undead army to the south, which may be the reason." Xi nods. As Vicki, there's no need to hide this from him.

Vicky thought deeply and said: "with the strength of Nolan, it's a headache for kesuru and the Legion of the dead, so he threw the pot to us? Want us to help them with lalaier. "

"He has no choice." Xipingdao.

In such a short period of time, Alex was able to integrate all ethnic groups in the originally divided and chaotic Nolan continent, and form a large-scale and powerful coalition, which has made her look with new eyes.

"Once the ancients were also members of the continent of Nolan, and lalaier is now in the underground city. Why not solve this problem by us?" Vicky looked at Xi and said seriously.

"It's not something I can decide." Xi said calmly.

"I know who can decide." Vicky points to open the bracelet, links to the warship network, and then dials the number that hasn't been dialled in two years.

After a long call, Vicky hung up the phone and looked at Xi and said, "now you can reply to him. And please tell her for me. It's a thank you."

Xi nodded slightly, looking at Vicki's eyes is a bit different, but still quickly sent a message to MEG.

Lord Ferdinand's promise to completely solve the city of laayre means that the threat from under the endless sea has been lifted.

The technology of the ancients may not be able to solve such a powerful invader as ksuru, but it's hard to say if even the servant race in lalaier can't solve it.


As soon as Meg got off the Griffin, he received a message from Xi.

The message is as simple as ever.

"Lalaier's threat is lifted. This is the thanks of the one you rescued."

"The man who saved before solved the problem." Meg said to Elena with a smile.

"That one doesn't look inferior." Irina was a little surprised.

"People who can influence decision-making."

McGonagall nodded his head in agreement. Sure enough, good deeds are rewarded, which directly relieved him of his worries.

"Please ensure the safety of the residents of landist." McGonagall sent a message, put away the messenger, and quickly walked into the main house of the city.

McGonagall didn't tell Michael about lalaiye. He loaded the gun and left the city hall.

MEG and Irina went to the ice cream shop, but they just stood in the distance and looked for a while. They saw that the two children were eating ice cream by the window. They were laughing and left with ease.

Then MEG went to Taoshan in the Dragon kingdom.

There are thousands of mu of Taoshan, which has been cut down most of the time.

There are orcs and elves cutting down trees all over the mountains, and there are several large-scale arms factories, which are stepping up the production of peach arrow and other weapons.

The finished weapons are transported to the front line by the dragon, because they are on the way.

"According to this efficiency, we should not worry about the shortage of weapons." MEG nodded.

Looking at the wooden boxes stacked into hills on the giant dragon taking off from time to time, I am quite pleased.

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