Under the arrangement of McGonagall and Dominic, the Allied forces of all ethnic groups in Nolan began to form a defense line.

With the support of all ethnic groups, the front fortifications were completed more than expected.

Even in front of the Briggs mountains, a hundred meter wide nuomi Avenue was paved and a hundred meter deep trench was dug.

Digging holes is very simple for some demon races who are good at digging.

All the glutinous rice transported to the front line was bet on nuomi Avenue. Except for the gap left in the three grand canyons, the mountain front was paved to prevent the surging skeletons from piling up into mountains and climbing up directly.

McGonagall sat on the Griffin, patrolling the defense line that had been basically formed.

A black gun stood on the front line, with 3000 guns.

The dwarves supply with the strength of the dwarves, which shows the terrible talent and ability of the dwarves in forging.

In addition to artillery shells, simple explosive packs are also continuously transported to the front line.

It can be divided into three categories

The super large explosive bag can replace the stone of the catapult with the explosive bag, with a range of about 1 km to 1500 meters. It can also use flying races such as the dragon to carry out the bombing.

The big cup explosive bag is usually used to be thrown by hand for Hercules. Both strong trolls and orcs can throw hundreds of meters at will, so that they can also gain the long-range attack ability of large-scale damage.

The explosive package in a small cup is the size of a fist. It is suitable for people with relatively small strength to use in close defense. Its lethality is limited. Generally, the throwing distance is about 100 meters.

The advantage of explosive packs is that they are easy to make and have a wide range of uses. Now there are ten factories specializing in explosive packs at the foot of the gus mountains, which rush to make them day and night.

The most exaggerated is the three grand canyons.

The open mouth of the canyon is the only breakthrough left by the gus mountains.

When the undead army comes, the three canyons will be easily broken, and then they will be met by a meat grinder full of killing array and traps.

The top archers and magicians of the coalition forces are arranged on both sides of the canyon. They will give a head-on attack to the undead Legion entering the canyon and kill the undead Legion to the maximum extent.

At the end of the canyon, the most powerful melee force of the coalition was deployed.

As the last and most important line of defense, they will face the powerful legion of the dead through the canyon and engage in the most intense close combat.

This is the layout of the whole battlefield.

According to the Sentinel's return, the legions of the dead in the ice sheet began to gather and tend to march towards the gus mountains.

However, the news is not clear, because the death rate of sentinels began to rise rapidly.

Therefore, the gus mountains have officially entered a state of war. While the engineers reinforce the fortifications, the coalition forces are ready to fight at any time.

McGonagall raises his hand, and the virtual screen lights up with a red dot moving slowly.

This is Xi's loan. The red dot is kesulu's positioning.

As the commander in chief of the coalition forces, being able to see the movements of the enemy leaders is undoubtedly tantamount to opening the plug-in.

If it's not true, it's a sharp weapon for decapitation.

You know it's there, and you know that as long as you kill it, the battle is over.

But you can't do it

You say you're angry.

However, it can be made clear that kesuru has indeed begun to call the undead army south.

Lewis once led dozens of dragons into the ice and attacked some undead legions. However, he was hit by landist and Crusoe. After killing and injuring more than a dozen dragons, McGonagall stopped him.

The giant dragon is a very valuable air strike power of the Allied forces, and it must not have heavy losses before the decisive battle.

At this time, there were several explosions in the ice sheet. Although the distance was very far away, there was still an earthquake on the ground.

People subconsciously look to the direction of the ice sheet, nothing to see, nor too surprised expression, these days have been used to this occasional explosion.

It is said that some magicians went deep into the ice and attacked the undead army from time to time.

But no one knows who it is or whether the news is true.

MEG listened attentively. There were eighteen rings.

No one else knows. He knows how the explosion came from.

In recent days, Xi's warships have been cruising around the ice sheet. With the accurate control of kesulu's position, she has seven in and seven out to launch air strikes on the undead army.

According to her feedback to McGonagall last night, the number of skeleton soldiers she wiped out in recent days is more than 100000, and her achievements are remarkable.

McGonagall is naturally eager for this.

One hundred thousand skeleton soldiers, if they are to be dealt with by the Allied forces, I don't know how much it will cost to destroy them all.

So his liking for Xi is also on the rise.


At the end of the middle Canyon, thousands of demons are digging.

It is said that the magician plans to make a fire pit here, so that the demons who rush here can experience the baptism of fire, and then accept the frontal sniping from the coalition forces.

"Boss, we've been here for several days. We dig holes here every day. When can we fight?" Mond threw a piece of ice behind him and watched Sargeras scratch his head.

The Burning Legion also stopped their work and looked at Sargeras.

"What's the hurry? When the undead army comes, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to fight." Sargeras rolled his eyes and hit the ice in front of him with one blow. There was a two meter deep hole. The ice was directly evaporated by the hot air.

They followed the chaotic city to the front line. This is the third day. They have been helping to build fortifications these days. No skeleton man has been seen. Let alone mond, they can't stand loneliness. Even he is tired.

But as the head of the Burning Legion, he can't show it.

"These things are naturally arranged by Alex. We just do it." Sargeras continued.

"Oh." Mond nodded, not daring to ask more.

"Hey, hey, let's work hard. When we get back, we'll go to boss Mai's place to eat rougamo." Kiel said with a smile.

When the Burning Legion heard the rougamo, their eyes lit up and they immediately raised their enthusiasm.

Sargeras looked up at the purple Griffin flying slowly in the sky with empty eyes, quietly took out the photo stone and recorded several pictures. He thought that he would show it to the boss after he went back. Maybe she would like it too.

Thinking of the little boss, Sargeras's mouth also unconsciously showed a smile, touched the little ring on his chest, thinking that he would bring something as a gift to the little boss this time.

By the way, snow fox fur in the gus mountains is very famous. It would be nice to take one back to make clothes for the boss.

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