Deep in the ice, the snowstorm swept, in the middle of the storm, a huge figure slowly forward.

And in this giant, it's a dark army of the dead, stretching for several miles, and there are more and more skeletons crawling out from under the ice to join the team.

A pair of scarlet eyes, flickering in the dark snowstorm, even more orderly pace.

Beside kesuru, there is a huge bone dragon composed of countless bones, with a height of nearly 1000 meters.

Above the top of the dragon's head, Joe stood with his hands down.

A pair of eyes as black as ink, thin lips also dyed black purple, looks strange and indifferent.

"Alex, I will tear you to pieces!" Joe's cold voice echoed across the ice.

"Can't you suppress the obsession of a little human?" Kesuru sounded with a voice of derision.

"That guy is always bad for me. It's not only his obsession, it's also my obsession." "If it hadn't been for him, I would have come out, and I wouldn't have lost part of my spirit!" said Joe

"When we conquer the world again, everything will be ours."

"This day will come soon!"

The terrible gibberish reverberates on the ice sheet, making the lonely ice sheet more terrifying.


Endless ocean floor, landister.

"Your Majesty, all the people have evacuated to the position far away from the pillar of heaven according to your order, and have built a defensive array." A middle-aged Mermaid looked at the king standing in front of the pillar and said respectfully.

"Good." The king nodded, but looked at the more violent shaking of the sky column, the frown was still not half split.

Tongtianzhu movement has lasted for many days. The day before yesterday, he received a letter from Alex, and immediately arranged for the evacuation of the people.

Alex said that the change here is really related to the devil, but let them not panic too much, he will solve the problem, but ask them to stay away from the pillar.

As a king, he had to do more for the sake of his people.

If the problem is not solved as Alex said, he must be the first to know what is likely to happen and how to deal with it.

Tongtianzhu shakes more violently, as if something will run out uncontrollably


On this day, the aurora above the Arctic ice sheet is in the sky, and the night is like day.

A sharp horn sounded from the ice sheet.

Then a fire burst into the sky in the gus mountains, making a deafening sound, and the sound of the horn soared into the sky!

The Allied soldiers who were sleeping with their armor by the fire quickly turned over and stood up. They had not seen each other for a long time according to the plan.

The cover of the gun was opened, the artillery adjusted their angle, and the dark barrel aimed at the ice field, ready to go.

The dragon clan rose into the sky in a line, with hundreds of dragons as a group, suspended above the gus mountains, ready to go.

This is the signal that the vanguard of the undead army is 30 kilometers away from the front line. In the depth of the ice field, two regiments of red flames are rising, lasting and bright.

"Second battalion commander, do you see the fire? Aim at me, hit me hard MEG stood by one of the main guns and ordered.

The knight gave a thumbs up and made a serious gesture to the red light.

"OK, don't draw. Just fight in that direction. Every time you lean a little bit to the left and right, keep a little time difference." MEG rolled his eyes.


The knight agreed. The artillery loaded the cannons and pressed the ignition button.

Boom! Boom!

Two tens of meters long cannon, issued a deafening roar.

Two silver shells, with red tails, cut across the sky and flew towards the ice.

On the hundred mile front, the Allied soldiers looked at the scene with a shocked face.

Soon after, there was a series of explosions in the ice sheet, like thunder. The vibration was clearly felt in the gus mountains tens of miles away.

"I don't know where the commander-in-chief got these amazing artifacts. If there are several more, why worry that the Legion of the dead will not be destroyed." McCurry looked at the big gun not far away and said with emotion.

Compared with the cannons supervised by the city Lord's office, the appearance and power of this huge gun are not in the same breath.

Although he knew that the drawing of the gun was given by Alex, he did not expect that he had built two powerful guns himself.

At this time, on the ice sheet 30 miles away from the gus mountains, after the shrapnel dispersed, the explosion covered an extremely wide area. The explosion of ancient corpses in neat lines directly emptied a large area, and the number could reach thousands.

However, the explosion did not affect the momentum of the undead Legion. The vacancy was filled quickly. The undead legion, still fearing death, continued to charge in the direction of the gus mountains.

The sound of guns is booming, and the bombs falling from time to time in the sky can always sweep a low-level ancient corpse in the dense group of ancient corpses.

But for an army of nearly a million dead, this level of casualties is not unacceptable.

Of course, the most important thing is that the intrepid ancient corpses have no fear of casualties.

The scarlet eyes twinkled. Under the control of kesuru, he kept a neat line and continued to march towards the gus mountains.

"One to twenty groups of dragons come out with me. Douglas and Lewis, you are responsible for confronting frankster and dragging him. I'll attract kesuru. The Dragons of all ethnic groups will carry out the first round of attack on the ancient corpses on the ground and in the air according to the queue, and then return immediately according to the original plan!"

With McGonagall's command, two thousand dragons, led by Louis and Douglas, split into 20 combat units and flew toward the ice.

Each group is led by a level 10 dragon, and these 20 groups of dragons are carefully arranged, and their strength is above level 7, and they all have strong long-range attack ability.

Of course, the most conspicuous is the huge explosive bags they are carrying. This is the battle dragon and the bombing dragon.

MEG himself led the team, and Irina sat behind him. The primary goal of their trip was to eliminate the ghosts in the air of the undead army.

In recent days, the death rate of spies sent into the ice sheet has increased rapidly because of the flying corpses wandering over the ice sheet.

The defense of the gus mountains is aimed at the undead Legion on the ground, and its defense ability against the ghosts in the air is limited.

Therefore, MEG and dominia's strategy after negotiation is to go out directly to find the target, and eliminate the air power of the other side before the formal confrontation between the two army's ground forces, so as to completely control the superiority of the sky.

But on Louis and Douglas's back, there was one person sitting on each other.

"Ha ha, it's fun to ride a dragon when you are young, and it's fun when you are old." Krasu sat on the back of the golden dragon, holding the wand in his hand, laughing.

"Don't be proud, Krasu. I wouldn't let you sit on my back if it wasn't for Alex's orders!" Louis said angrily, a little subdued.

"Well, Alex didn't worry that you couldn't fight, so he asked us to help." Crassus turned his mouth.

"Who said it was impossible! I'm just going to have a good fight with him Louis was unconvinced.

Compared with Lewis and Clarissa, they are more likely to fight first, while Douglas and Julian are more harmonious.

"It's said that frankster has stepped into a higher level, which makes people wonder what the ice system above level 10 is like." Said Douglas.

"I've been searching for decades, and I've still got nothing. It's really curious." Julian said hoarsely, which is why he agreed to work with Douglas.

It is difficult for him to enter the ice field, but with the help of Douglas, he can directly fight with frankster, which is a very rare opportunity.

Thirty miles away, at the speed of the dragon, it will arrive in a short time.

Not far away, the storm came with ice and snow, and the Legion of the dead on the ground continued to go. Even if they were flying in the sky, they still could not see the end, which made the dragons panic.

And the ancient corpse, which is often tens of meters high, exudes a terrible and powerful atmosphere, more powerful than they expected.

"Kesuru is in front of us. Go to both sides separately. After the attack, fly around to both sides and return. Don't love fighting!" Magnum gave the order.

The dragon's line immediately separated and flew to both sides.


A sharp roar from the center of the undead legion, the sky suddenly appeared numerous black flying corpses, launched a crazy attack on the dragon.

The dragon is ready. Under the leadership of the level 10 dragon, with tacit cooperation, the ice fireball explodes in the air, locking the ancient corpses in various fields, and then killing them.

Soon, the Dragon regiment smashed the attack of flying corpses and killed them all.

The sky is clear, and there is no trace of flying ancient corpses.

Solved the flying ghost, the Dragon began to dive, a powerful attack began to brew.

Ice cones several meters to tens of meters long begin to condense in the air. Flames and fireballs condense in the mouth of the fire dragon. Tornadoes have formed behind the wind Dragon

The dragons showed their magic power and used their strongest means of long-range attack one after another, striving for the greatest lethality in one strike.

At the same time, the ancient corpses on the ground had stopped, and an ice gun appeared in their hands, looking up at the sky.

The distance between the dragon and the ground is getting closer and closer, 1000 meters, 800 meters, 500 meters

The ancient corpse raised his hand and threw out his ice gun.

At the same time, the dragon also cast skills one after another.

The fiery ball, like the sun, spits out from the mouth of the dragon and expands rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye. When it falls into the middle of the undead army, its diameter has reached more than ten meters, and then it explodes.

There are no ancient corpses within 500 meters.

Huge ice cones fell all over the sky, carrying a terrible impact force, directly biting the ancient corpses within hundreds of meters on the ground, and then smashing them into powder.

Hundreds of tornadoes mixed with storms rushed into the Legion of the dead and rolled up countless ancient corpses. The blue wind blade was like a meat grinder, turning them into pieces.

Of course, the most spectacular scene is the scene of 2000 explosive packages being thrown into the ancient corpses and then exploding.

Two thousand high-level dragons attack at the same time, as well as the explosion of explosives, leaving a large area for the dense and neat formation of the undead army.

At least tens of thousands of low level ancient corpses were eliminated in this round of attack.

However, the sharp ice gun thrown by the ancient corpse, like a shower of arrows, also tore through the dragon's defense line.

Hundreds of dragons were shot and fell to the ground. Then they were torn to pieces and eaten by the swarming ancient corpses.

The Dragon took off again, then quickly pulled away to both sides and left without looking back.

Irina raised the wand in her hand and finished singing. A beam of Holy Light tore the blizzard. Where she passed, the undead army was empty and finally landed on the bone dragon, which was 1000 meters high.

Qiao Xiu, standing on the top of Gu Long's head, opened his hand. A dark light came up from his palm, and a faint light came up on the surface of Gu Long.

The faint light and the Holy Light consumed each other in the confrontation, and finally the faint light was exhausted, and the bone dragon's wings were melted by the holy light, and the holy light also dissipated.

On the other side, McGonagall looked at kesulu, who was rushing towards them. He also raised his hand and threw out the Tiandu sword. At the same time, he asked ah Zi to retreat and open the distance.

At this time, a silver figure came from the sky and rushed towards the purple Griffin.

"Your opponent is here, frankster!" A fireball burst in front of the ice dragon, then turned into a phoenix and rushed at him.

The ice dragon's body stopped, sidestepped to avoid the burst fireball, and with a flick of its tail, it patted the rushing firephoenix, which was instantly annihilated.

"His strength is really far ahead of the original, but I don't know if it's because of demonization." Crusoe stood on Louis' back, his wand trembling with excitement.

"Take it easy. Don't roll over. It will fall down here, but it will be eaten." Louis leisurely reminds a way.

On the other hand, Douglas and Julian also appeared behind frankster, and the front and back attack had already taken shape.

We can see the importance of the four top ten strong men in Nolan to deal with frankster.

"Frankster! As the king of frost, how can you be controlled by the devil and not wake up quickly Douglas roared at frankster, resounding all over the world.

Frankster's Scarlet eyes flickered a few times, showing a bit of struggle.

Just then, a shrill voice came from kesuru's body, and frankster's eyes turned red again, and he turned directly towards Douglas.

"He's completely under control. Don't keep your hand. Go all out!" Julian said in a deep voice. As soon as he lifted his magic wand, a series of frost circles appeared in the space where frankster rushed forward.

When the ice dragon passed, the ice circle suddenly tightened, and his forward speed was significantly reduced.

Through ten Ice Circles in a row, the ice dragon has a thick layer of ice, and its speed has been reduced by more than half.

"Here's the chance!" As soon as Krasu's eyes brightened, he put his foot on Louis's head. At the same time, two rotating fireballs appeared at his feet, whistling toward frankster. His wand had been raised, and the top of it was shining.

"Don't talk about martial arts, old man!" Louis glared, but the speed was not slow at all. There was a golden light shining in the air.

"Extreme frost!" Douglas also opened his mouth with a cold voice. Within a kilometer range, the cold air suddenly condensed into essence, like a vast white fog covering all around.

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