Frankster is very strong, and his strength has far exceeded that of the ordinary top ten.

But the four old men who don't talk about martial arts are also very strong.

So for a time, the scene turned into a chaotic group fight.

Kelasu stepped on the wheel of wind and fire, swung the magic wand and smashed the head of the ice dragon in the air.

Julian's magic wand is light, and the frozen circle is tightened layer by layer, which turns the ice dragon into an ice stick.

Louis, the golden dragon, glitters with golden light and scales. In melee, scales are flying.

Douglas, on the other hand, opened up the frost field to counteract the frost field of frankster.

Frankster left right sudden, Leng is hit a little temper.

McGonagall glanced at it with the remaining light, and his eyelids jumped. It's terrible that the old man doesn't talk about martial arts.

Of course, light people should not be too arrogant. They should be self righteous.

After successfully angering kesulu and attracting him, McGonagall fought and retreated, leaving a safe distance for Azzi.

At the same time, Irina incarnation laser gun, light baptism everywhere, a piece of harvest undead, to achieve a real sweep.

"Don't fight, retreat!" McGonagall sends a message to Kelasu. He raises his hand to take back Tiandu sword and asks a Zi to speed up his evacuation.

"Go Louis roared, picked up Crassus and turned back.

Although they succeeded in suppressing frankster, they were not sure that they could kill or trap him in a short time.

Julian raised his hand and laid an ice wall under it. Douglas also took him to turn around and leave.

The purpose of the convoy has been achieved, and the successful retreat is the completion of the mission.

Kesulu's forward body slowly stops, looking at the purple Griffin disappearing in the sky, some unwilling to roar, but not in a hurry to chase.

Frankster circled in the sky and gave up the chase.

"It's a pity."

McGonagall looked around with some regret.

A strong and cautious opponent is a headache.

The purple Griffin falls in the gus mountains, and all 20 groups of dragons have returned to the sea.

With a small amount of loss, dragon United has achieved great results, killing more than 100000 skeletons.

The two main guns have finished shelling and have stopped.

However, there are still explosions in the ice sheet from time to time, especially the vibration.

"Prepare the artillery battalion! Watch the signal

"The dragon has a rest and is ready for the next attack!"

As the orders went on, MEG squinted at the direction of the ice sheet with a dignified look.

Even if it is as strong as a dragon, it is still small and will be killed in such a large-scale war.

He can't make the coalition zero war damage, but still hope to minimize the loss.

The dragon's air strike slowed down the advance of the undead legion, but soon they rallied and went on.

Moreover, compared with the previous assembly state, the distance between them is significantly farther.

Soon, red flames were lit up again in the ice sheet. Across the East and West, almost all signals could be seen on the hundred mile front.

It's a sign that the undead are in artillery range.


Thousands of guns fired simultaneously in the gus mountains.

The whole mountain range was shocked by the roar.

"Attack the whole army!"

Meanwhile, in the sky, Isaiah, the leader of the tyrant dragon clan, roared.

Eight thousand dragons came out of the nest, carrying explosive packs and flying towards the ice sheet under the cover of dense artillery fire.

Soon, countless fires lit up in the ice sheet.

The dense explosion sounds like the sound of firecrackers in the ice field, and the ground vibration is so real and dense.

After the improvement, the range of the artillery reached 15 kilometers, the vast ice field, and fell into the whole line of bombing.

Eight thousand dragons flew into the ice sheet, dropped the ignited explosive package in the air at a height of 1000 meters, and then quickly pulled back.

Hundreds of kilo weight explosive packs are simple but powerful.

Eight thousand explosive packs exploded on the ground, turning countless skeletons into powder.

The Furious kesuru flapped his wings, making hundreds of dragons fall from the sky and be devoured by the crazy ancient corpses on the ground.

But most of the dragons were able to return safely to the rear of the defense line in the gus mountains for resupply.

This round of large-scale shelling once again took away tens of thousands of undead legions.

Before reaching the daggs mountain front, the million undead Legion had already lost nearly 300000. The results inspired the Allied soldiers.

"Alex is really a genius, completely subverting the mode of war."

Louis landed and couldn't help exclaiming.

Douglas and Isaiah nodded.

First of all, it Snipes the opponent's air power with the combination of the dragon and the strong, then it uses the artillery's long-range coverage attack as the cover, and then it uses its own air power to air drop the explosive package.

Killing the most enemies with the least cost consumes 30% of the enemy's combat power before the formal contact war.

Such a mode of war, even for those who have experienced ethnic wars, is unheard of.

The Julong nationality dominated the sky, but during the ethnic wars of that year, most of the foreign wars were fought by different nationalities and suppressed by absolute strength.

Today's battle, each dragon is more like a tool in the whole, unified action.

Just like the second round attack, even the level 10 strong, in addition to the pilot, just carry the explosive bag and drop it when they arrive at the designated place.

But this seemingly simple action still achieved extremely beautiful results.

What's more, the battle damage of the dragon clan is extremely limited except for the bad luck of meeting more than 100 Dragons of kesulu.

Dominic, sitting in the command room, listens to the constant reports on the battlefield and nods his head. In his heart, he is more and more respectful of Alex.

I didn't expect that three years later, Alex, who was far away from the army, had a better understanding of war than he had imagined.

"It's a pity that the other side is the undead Legion..." Dominic sighed. The undead Legion controlled by kesuru didn't know how to be afraid.

If a regular army, no matter what race it comes from, loses 30% of its combat power before formal contact, it will undoubtedly be fatal to the morale of the army.

It can even be said that the war has not officially started, and the other side has lost.


In the spaceship, Vicky opened her mouth and looked at the ice sheet covered with black and white in the bombing.

The picture of eight thousand dragons flying by and dropping explosives still lingers in her mind.


It's a picture that subverts her imagination.

There are no advanced bombers and warships, and there are no powerful and sophisticated shells.

But the commander used eight thousand dragons to present a shocking bombing.

Even the first fleet of the ancients did not have 8000 warships.

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