"Master, he's turned into dregs. What should we do now? I can't go back. " Connie walked by the sealed kessulu, looked at the broken meat on the ground and said.

Rex was silent for a moment, and said, "forget it. Anyway, we've all seen it. It's revenge."

"That's what I said, but it's a little cheaper for him to die so neatly." Connie was angry.

You know, orcs have killed more than 100000 orcs because of this guy, and he's gone with such a light bang. It's an insult to them!

"But when the war is over, everything can be calm again, and a hundred years of peace has been achieved. It seems pretty good." Connie was smiling again.

"If today's war is replaced by ethnic war, the casualties of all ethnic groups will be even more serious." Rex nodded and looked at the two orcs and knights in the distance who were drinking in the same wine pot, with a smile on their faces

"Moreover, the war seems to have changed the world."

"Yes, it seems that there is a shadow of the chaotic city." Connie nodded. I can't tell the feeling. It just smells like that.

On the battlefield, back-to-back trust casts friendship beyond life and death.

I believe that even if the war ends and all coalition forces return to their respective bases, the seed sown in their hearts will not disappear.

They will take root and sprout. Maybe they will grow different fireworks.

In a hundred years, many things can happen.

The city of chaos is out of thin air, and so is landist.

What about the next 100 years?

It's something to look forward to.

"The tree of life has given you its heart?" Helena came to Elena and looked at her a little lost.

"So what?" Elena looked at her, noncommittal.

Helena's body shook, her face a little more pale, and turned away.

Irina frowned and looked at Helena's back, some inexplicable, but also inexplicable in the heart, a bit empty feeling.

The joy of the victory of the war passed on in the gus mountains, and even the ordnance factory in the rear also fell into cheers.

"Fortunately, we craftsmen don't need to go to the front." Mo Bai took a few mouthfuls of the wine pot and threw it into Lu Lu's arms with a smile.

Lu Lu Han smiles and takes a drink from the wine pot. He looks at the white fox with a small head in his arms, thinking that Xi Xi should like this little guy.


"Boss! boss! Are you ok? " Asked Mond nervously, looking at Douglas, who opened his eyes.

"Cough..." Douglas coughed twice, leading to the wound. He couldn't help wring his brows. But when he opened his eyes to see Mond and Kiel and others around him, he said angrily, "what are you doing around me?! Are you deserters

"No, boss, the war is over, we win!" Kiel shook his head.

"Won?" Sargeras was a little confused. Before he was in a coma, he saw countless ancient corpses rushing in, far from over.

"Yes, it's said that Alex suppressed the devil's seal, and then all the ancient corpses turned into ashes. We won." Kiel nodded.

"Great!" Sargeras clenched his fist excitedly, which led to the wound in front of his chest and showed his teeth in pain.

"Boss, you'd better lie down. A spirit just healed you. It's said that you can keep it for a while." Said Mond.

"You little boy." Sargeras reached out and patted him on the head. He also laughed.

It's good to be alive.

After going back, I can eat the rougamo made by boss Mai again.


Headquarters, conference hall.

Representatives of all ethnic groups and the strong gathered together.

People looked at MEG with admiration.

If we say that the election of commander on that day, the people's favorite McGonagall's powerful strength.

That today's rolling victory, will be Alex's strong command ability to show the most incisive.

The final casualty statistics have not yet been sent, but they should be below 30000.

You know, they are faced with a million valiant undead legion, but with such a small number of casualties, they won the war and did not let an ancient corpse break through the defense line.

"In this battle, I'm proud of all of you here, and of every allied soldier on the gus line." MEG looked at the crowd and said sincerely.

This is a war. Maybe his sword has a profound impact on the war situation, but without the resistance of millions of coalition soldiers, the war would not have ended so quickly.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

"At the end of the war, the threat posed by kesuru was temporarily relieved." McGonagall looked at the crowd and said solemnly, "but on the continent of Nolan, we don't know how many demons are still sealed, and we don't know when they will come out to harm the world.

I hope that this century long peace will be a new beginning, and I also hope that you can make this precious peace continue for a longer time.

I hope you can remember who fought with you here today and sealed the terrible enemy.

Next time, we can stand side by side with our common enemy

The hall was silent for a while, and there was a warm applause.

Michael looked at McGonagall nodding and said with a smile, "if he hadn't already married, I would have married my daughter to him."

"Are you willing?" Roland laughs.

Michael thought about it and shook his head. "I really can't bear it. My girl is still young. I'm not in a hurry."

Roland smiles, disdaining her old partner.

Dominic looks at MEG with mixed feelings.

At that time, he saw Alex's extraordinary, so he was trained as the successor of the imperial marshal.

What a pity

What happened later made him stand on the opposite side of the Empire.

The wisdom he shows today is already above him.

And his pattern is far more than that of him, and he has really achieved what he should do as a commander of the coalition forces.

Even he could not help but began to think about what would happen if all ethnic groups could coexist peacefully or even integrate with each other.

It seems that the city of chaos has proved that this is not impossible for one hundred years. It is just that such a change will inevitably lead to a huge tear within all ethnic groups, and power will become the biggest obstacle.

Dominic doesn't have too much fantasy about it.

Neither his Majesty the king today nor Sean, who may become king in the future, is a man who can give up his power.

Not everyone can put it down. Most people can't be as free and easy as Alex.

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