After the end of the war and the carnival at the front, the coalition began to organize the retreat.

Because the number of casualties is controllable, the wounded are treated properly.

The Dragon even took the initiative to send chaos city and night elves directly back to chaos city. Of course, it was just on the way.

McGonagall was not in a hurry to leave. Although kesuru was sealed, it was not all right.

Jonas, together with several Level-10 mages, arranged several powerful arrays besides the seal array to reinforce the array and prevent others from breaking in and releasing the seal.

In addition, each ethnic group also sent ten strong people to stay behind, and set the rules of rotation for three years. In the first round, the Los Empire, the dragon and the orcs sent ten strong people to stay behind.

In addition, the unawakened frankster also became a headache for McGonagall.

Elizabeth was still waiting for frankster, looking worried.

After more than a month away from the Maimi restaurant, she looks much thinner.

Lewis and Douglas are standing in the distance, and how to solve the problem of frankster is also troubling them.

Elena has done several rounds of deep cleaning for frankster with the holy light, dispersing all the black magic in his body.

But he was so cunning that no one knew whether frankster could really recover his mind.

Frankster is powerful and dangerous.

Moreover, it is not clear how he was possessed. These are things that need to be traced.

After Irina treated frankster again, frankster, who had been in a coma for several hours, finally woke up.

His eyelids moved, and when he opened them, they were clear golden eyes.

Looking at the sight of ice and snow, he was stunned for a moment. He tried to stand up, but he was trapped by the seal and couldn't move.


Elizabeth, looking at frankster with emotion, called.

Frankster looked up at Elizabeth and was silent for a moment. He said, "Elizabeth?"

"Yes, father is me! Elizabeth Elizabeth quickly nodded, looking at Elizabeth who was locked by the seal, her eyes were full of heartache.

"Why are you here? The devil... "It seemed that frankster suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly became nervous, his body glittered with gold, trying to break free from the shackles of the seal.

"The devil has been sealed again. Father, don't worry. We are safe now." Said Elizabeth hastily.

"It seems no problem." Irina whispered to MEG.

"We have to observe again." McGonagall is noncommittal. When Joe was controlled by the devil, he didn't show much abnormality and cheated countless people.

Douglas and Lewis also look happy. If frankster can recover, it will be a good thing for the dragon people.

"Has it been re sealed?" Frankster was a little stunned. His eyes turned and fell on MEG, who was standing beside him. He was surprised. "Alex? Why are you here? "

However, his face soon showed the color of pain, some messy memory fragments began to flash back in his mind.

"Father Elizabeth looked at him nervously.

After a long time, frankster digested those memories and sighed solemnly: "I am the guilty dragon."

McGonagall stepped forward, looked at frankster and said, "it seems that you have remembered something. You don't have to be too guilty, but we need to know what happened between you and kesuru? Why do you appear in the seal cave under Dragon Island? Why did you follow kesuru here? "

After thinking for a while, frankster said: "three years ago, I found that ancient relic under the Dragon Island. Because of the leakage of black magic gas and a terrible breath, I stayed and watched.

But I didn't expect that the dark evil spirit slowly eroded my mind and was finally controlled by it. When it got away, I tried to kill it, but it was far from his opponent and was completely controlled.

Later, I have no memory, but just now I remember some fragments, which took me to the ice and began to excavate and summon ancient corpses. You and I once fought each other, and I also killed human beings and people.... "

Frankster's voice was a little low, with deep remorse.

As a proud dragon, he becomes the accomplice of the devil and brings disaster to the world, which is something he can't accept.

Moreover, he personally killed dozens of dragons and hundreds of allied forces of various nationalities, and his hands were stained with the blood of many innocent people.

MEG nodded slightly, not far from what he expected.

Before that, almost no one knew the existence of the old dominator. In the absence of any defense, frankster was controlled by kesuru and became a puppet after the failure of resistance.

However, relying on the will of the strong, he at least preserved his mind.

A weak willed man like Joe soon swallowed his soul and became a tool man.

"How are you now? Can kesuru still influence you? Is his breath still in his body? " Asked MEG.

This is very important.

Elizabeth also looked nervously at frankster.

Douglas and Lewis look at each other, which is related to whether frankster can regain his freedom.

Frankster closed his eyes, and there was a faint silver light on his body.

Soon after, the wisps of black gas from his scales were forced out, touched the seal array and disappeared.

Frankster opened his eyes and said calmly, "all the evil Qi I can feel has been dispelled out of the body. It should be because of the seal of kesuru. Now I am no longer affected by it."

MEG nodded slightly.

Look at Lewis and Douglas.

These two are the highly respected elders of the Dragon nationality, and they have a close relationship with frankster.

Douglas stepped forward, looked at frankster, then looked at McGonagall and said, "Alex, frankster was controlled by the devil before and made all kinds of killing actions. Now he has regained his mind. We dragon people hope to let him return."

Louis also nodded: "it's no wonder that he is so powerful that we can see for all. It's not easy to keep his mind. It's just a trap for him to kill each other again."

"Well, it's not frankster's fault. Now that he's out of the control of kesuru, it's best for him to start a new life." MEG nodded, not to embarrass frankster, even in the presence of Elizabeth and abelmia.

And as the two said, kesuru is beyond the scope of the world's cognitive existence, controlled by him, not by anyone who can change by will.

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