When the seal was lifted, frankster's body became smaller and became an uncle in silver armor.

His face is like a knife, his eyes are full of vicissitudes, but he is still handsome, and his whole body is full of the temperament of my story, which is the little girls' favorite uncle appearance.


Elizabeth threw herself into frankster's arms, still in tears.

The last time I hugged my father like this was many years ago, and she was even about to forget this feeling.

After all kinds of despair, she was very satisfied to be able to hug her father like this.

"Elizabeth, I'm sorry." Frankster patted Elizabeth on the back with tears in her eyes and said apologetically.

Father and daughter's warmth did not last long. Frankster looked at McGonagall and said, "thank you for saving me."

McGonagall nodded slightly and said, "what are you going to do next?"

Although there is still a long way to go to become a God, it is not absolutely hopeless.

"I will go where there is no one and repent my sins for my whole life." Said frankster calmly.

"Father..." Elizabeth's face changed slightly. She just found randist. Is he going to leave again?

Lewis and Douglas are frowning, but they can understand randist's mood at this time. After a little thought, they still choose silence.

"It's not necessary. Today's event is not caused by your will. Besides, at the beginning, your original intention is to investigate the situation and solve the problem." MEG shook his head

"Moreover, if there is another devil to break away from the seal, Nolan needs strong guardians. If you live in seclusion, don't you want to escape? You know, there's more than one devil on the continent of Nolan. "

Meg's voice was deafening, and his eyes were sharp at frankster.

Frankster was a little stunned. He looked at MEG for a long time and said, "if there is another devil, he will lose his life, and I will be the first."

"It's just that I'm obsessed with killing innocent people. I'm ashamed of them and have no face to face the public." Frankster looked down, his face full of chagrin.

"In order to defend the continent of Nolan, the Allied soldiers died on the front line, which is worthy of respect and memory. But it's all caused by the devil. They are worthy of fighting for their homeland and their relatives behind them.

What you are ashamed of is your daughters. They have suffered a lot because of you. They even nearly died in order to find you and enter the ice field alone. They were besieged by ancient corpses. But you just turn a blind eye to them. Now they want to escape from the problem like a coward and disappear again.

In terms of strength, I respect you as a strong opponent. But you really don't deserve to be a father. "

MEG looked at frankster with scorn and irony.

When he knew that abelmia and Elizabeth were sisters, both of them were frankster's daughters, he equated frankster with slag man.

Elizabeth, as the daughter of the patriarch, was excluded from the clan in every way, and even nearly died in the unfair fight in the arena.

She lived with her mother from childhood and almost died of starvation in front of the Maimi restaurant.

Their father, the head of the ice dragon clan, and Alex's top ten, knew nothing about it.

This is a bad father and a bad husband.

McGonagall is a novice father, but he still despises it from the bottom of his heart.

Frankster's body shakes, as if struck by lightning. Looking at Elizabeth, his lips move, but he feels hoarse and speechless.

Elizabeth listened to Meg's words. Her eyes were red again. She bit her lips and said, "father, I have found my sister. She has never seen you before. Do you really have the heart not to see her?"

"Sister?" Frankster looked at Elizabeth, his eyes suddenly widened. He stepped forward and grabbed her by the shoulder. "You mean... Abelmia?"

"Abelmia?" This made Lewis, who was still wondering why frankster had a child, open his eyes.

However, he soon realized that he was also right that frankster had half the blood of the Golden Dragon. If abelmia was his daughter, then any half dragon man would have such a powerful talent, which makes sense.

"Yes, I found her and gave Longyuan to her, making her a real dragon." Elizabeth nodded.

"She... Is she OK?" Frankster was excited but worried.

"Her mother has been dead for many years, she..." Elizabeth pause: "she is very good now, in a restaurant, but the waiter, very happy."

"Be a waiter in a restaurant! Who's the boss? " There was a fury in frankster's body.

His daughter, frankster, was forced to work as a waiter in a restaurant! This is an intolerable shame for the dragon!

It's me... McGonagall said, his eyelids beating wildly.

He did not oppress the employees, and gave them a very good salary, excellent accommodation and three meals.

What's more, Mia was picked up by his ability. You're a father. What's the purpose of this crazy posture?

"Father, it's not what you think. The boss is a good man. He took MIA in to get her out of trouble. And she's happy to work there, not forced to Elizabeth explained quickly.

McGonagall's mouth slightly tilted. If frankster knew that Elizabeth had been a waiter in the McMillan restaurant for some time, he would not be angry.

Although they seem to be equal in the fight, he won the game after all.

"Is that so?" Frankster is thoughtful, but listening to Elizabeth's statement, his daughter MIA may have had a very difficult time before, and her heart is even more sorry.

He was even more upset to think that the gentle and lovely woman had passed away.

He failed her too much. If he didn't meet him, she should be able to live better.

"Where is she? I want to see her Frankster clenched his fist and said with guilt: "I owe you two sisters too much. My father is a jerk and is not qualified at all. I hope he can make up for you more in the future."

"No, father, I'm content to see you again." Gloria fell into frankster's arms and sobbed.

This forever cold girl, at this moment, finally cried like a child.

And frankster, a tough guy, couldn't stop crying.

"Good bye, then." MEG waved and turned away.

He knew they would see each other soon.

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