MEG takes Gina back to the city of chaos.

Get off the Griffin outside the city and walk into the city.

Before we got to the restaurant, we saw some children around the magic potion shop.

"What are you looking at, baby?" MEG stepped forward and asked with a smile.

Amy, Annie, Anna and Jessica are all there, squatting on the ground to form a group.

"My father!" Amy heard the sound and suddenly turned back. When she saw MEG, her eyes lit up. She got up and opened her little hands to ask for a hug.

MEG picked up her padded jacket and gave her a smile and a kiss on her face.


Amy also held Meg's face and gave him a sweet kiss. Then she said happily, "father, you've finally come back. Xiaomi misses you. I can't eat well and sleep well these days."

"I miss Xiaomi very much, too." McGonagall's heart was warm, but the baby fat on the little guy's face didn't decrease at all. It could be seen that hee hee didn't treat them badly these days.

"So, is it to ask my father to make you a good meal as compensation?" Meg said with a smile.

"One meal... Doesn't seem to be good enough, at least... At least two meals." Amy held out two fingers and said softly.

The stronger the smile on McGonagall's face, the boy has learned to bargain.

Annie and Anna were also very happy to see McGonagall back.

"Uncle McGonagall, you're back. Is sister Sheryl back?" Anna asked with concern.

"Well, she should be back, too." MEG nodded with a smile.

Sheryl was slightly injured on the battlefield, but it's not a big problem. She should be with the night elves. Maybe she hasn't been disbanded.

"Great!" Anna's eyes brightened and her face looked reassured.

"It's very nice of you to be back." Annie said in sign language.

McGonagall grinned and touched her head. The little guy was still so clever.

"Uncle McGonagall, welcome home." Jessica looked up at MEG and said crisply.

"Well, how are you, Jessica? I'll stay for dinner and then go home. My uncle will tell your mother." Said Meg.

"Yes, yes." Jessica nodded her little head with little stars in her eyes. She felt happy at the thought of eating the delicious food made by Uncle McGonagall.

The children scattered, and MEG saw the little white thing surrounded by them.

It was a polar snow fox, about the size of an ugly duckling. It was snow-white and soft. Squatting there, it looked around with bright black eyes. It was smart and clever.

"Lulu brought it back from the north. The kids like it very much. I'll let them play for a while." Xixi came out of the shop with a pregnant belly and said with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaobai is super good, white and tender, much more lovely than the ugly duckling!" Amy slid down Meg's legs to the ground and reached for the puffy head of the fox.

The ugly duckling who had quarreled with black charcoal turned his head and squinted at Xuehu.

Did someone threaten the position of master Daoben orange?

The ugly duckling walks to the snow fox with noble cat steps, then raises its paw and presses it on the snow fox's forehead.

Snow fox's eyes gradually widened, squinting at the ugly duckling, shivering, dare not move.

"Meow ~"

The ugly duckling turned his head and gave a proud cry to Amy.

"You will bully Xiaobai and punish you not to eat at night." Amy put aside his fat claws and said, "three more laps."

“???” The ugly duckling has a crooked head and a confused face.

"In the evening, there is a party in the restaurant to celebrate the rebirth of Nolan. You and Lulu, please come here." MEG looked at hee hee and said, "thank you for your hard work in taking care of the two children these days."

"The two kids are good, and Mia and they play with each other. I didn't do anything." Xi Xi smiles and waves his hand, "then we'll come here to eat at night."

"Good." MEG nodded with a smile and said to Amy, "Xiaomi, you'll invite Mr. Julian to dinner later."

"All right." Amy nodded. She forgot to look inside the magic potion shop and whispered, "they are so fascinated after they have learned Gobang."

McGonagall went back to the dining room, opened the door, looked at the tables and chairs and the quiet kitchen, and felt that his body and mind finally relaxed at this moment.

When Superman's life is exciting, it's not the life he wants.

On the contrary, you can get the peace you want in the restaurant.

The identity of the owner of Maimi restaurant is actually his favorite.

Creating delicious food can bring freshness and happiness to diners. This sense of achievement is much stronger than cutting down 100 ancient corpses with one sword.

"Maimi restaurant, your emperor is back." MEG opened his hands and went into the restaurant.

The light stood on him and pulled out a long shadow in the dining room.

After a while, McGonagall put down his hand, looked back, made sure no one noticed, and quickly turned to close the door.

Secondary two is ill

It's a shame.

MEG took a bath, changed into a chef's uniform and came downstairs to prepare some of the dishes for the dinner.

The case of kesuru is over, and a new peace agreement has been signed. At present, the world does not need MEG to do anything.

But the guests at McMillan need it.

Closed for nearly a month, Maimi restaurant is full of complaints from its regular customers every day.

Fortunately, McGonagall has a lot of food in reserve. Tomorrow, the restaurant will reopen. He plans to launch two new staples, namely, sliced noodles and hot and dry noodles, and a new breakfast, soup dumpling.

Meanwhile, Maotai liquor and the rum produced by Hannah brewery were launched simultaneously.

In terms of food and wine, spicy chicken and spicy snails are ready to go, but MEG plans to slow down for a while, so he can't get used to the guests.

Although he has been a pigeon for a month, he is full of sincerity this time.

In the evening, the invited guests came to the Maimi restaurant one after another.

Besides the restaurant people, MEG also invited Mr. and Mrs. Xixi Lulu, Amy's master Krasu and Julian, Luna and Vivian, Miss Gloria and Miss Hill.

Abelmia came, but did not see Elizabeth. It seems that frankster has not recognized her father and daughter.

Sheryl will see Elizabeth in the snow front, she is safe news tells mia, she has been relieved, look also become relaxed.

"Celebrate the victory of Nolan." MEG raised his glass with a smile.

"We should thank Alex for ending the war." Krasu said with a smile.

"To all."


(゚▽゚) cheers

(゚ - ゚) cheers

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