The party ended in a happy atmosphere. Everyone drank a lot and left drunk.

McGonagall stood at the door, watching the guests leave, suddenly noticed that the snow on Aden square had unconsciously melted, and the bare trees seemed to be accumulating energy. Maybe one morning, we could see the spring buds on the branches.

"Spring is coming." Irina, standing behind him, whispered.

"Are the flowers going to bloom? Is the bird coming back? " Amy ran to the door with a light in her eyes.

There are many flowers planted in Aden square. Spring is coming. It's beautiful.

"Yes, soon." MEG nodded with a smile, turned to close the door, and the cold wind shut it.

Annie ran downstairs with a picture book in her arms and handed it to MEG in both hands.

"New work?" McGonagall reached for it and saw the black cat lady with a black mask on the cover. She was sexy but lovely, and her eyes were bright.

After this period of study and exercise, Anne's painting style has been very stable, and increasingly mature.

The picture books in this world are too limited, so MEG brought out a series of God cartoons from the earth's material library for Annie to learn.

The little guy's learning ability is very strong, fully absorbed the skills of the big guys, and maintained his own personal characteristics, honed his own painting style.

The ultimate delicacy, every detail is impeccable.

In this respect, Annie does have the concentration and hand speed that cartoonists envy.

Hand speed is really the key!

Generally, a cover picture of a cartoonist may take several days to draw, and Anne can finish a book by this time.

McGonagall opened the album and found that the story basically followed the main line of Miss Black Cat's opera, but Annie's clever transformation from opera to cartoon made the story still fascinating.

"Well, it's great. I think Miss Black Cat herself will like it." McGonagall nodded with a smile, and the completion was completely beyond his expectation.

"We Annie are really cartoon geniuses." Irina also exclaimed, but she can't even draw a circle.

Don't laugh, you too.

Annie had a smile on her face, but she quickly asked in sign language, "when will we go to lodu again?"

The day after tomorrow, the restaurant will open one day. The day after tomorrow, it's just a holiday. Let's go to Luodu again and deal with the pub

The resumption of the Maimi restaurant means that the Saipan tavern will be closed.

But McGonagall thought of a compromise, let Miss Effie and Marla take over the dish, in addition to the dishes may not be updated, the wine supply is not a problem.

Of course, if Miss Effie wants to be the receptionist.

And whether the black cat opera house moved into the site he left behind, and how it is now operating, also made him quite curious.


"What's the situation with landister?" Lying in bed at night, Elena finds a chance to be alone with MEG.

"They should choose to join the dungeons and leave the continent of Nolan McGonagall said, will today's conversation with Xi and Dexter simple and she repeated.

"Then Gina..."

"Gina chose to stay. She said she liked restaurants, liked everyone, and didn't want to go to the underground city, so she made an oath and decided to stay in Nolan." MEG explained.

"Gina is a good girl. The restaurant will be her home in the future." Irina nodded.

"Well, then we'll prepare a rich dowry for her, and we'll be her mother's family." MEG nodded.

"What if she had to marry you?" Irina looked at her with a smile, "is this money coming out of the left pocket and coming in from the right?"

"Er..." McGonagall raised his eyebrows slightly and said immediately, "am I such a person?"

"I don't know if you are, but Gina will stay. She must have the heart to repay her kindness." Irina chuckled.

"Gina is a good girl." McGonagall didn't dare to answer, so he had to be a repeater from the heart.


Ice Dragon Island.

Fox looked pale at the man who walked in slowly from outside the hall. His legs trembled with terror, and finally he couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

"Elder, help me!" Fox turned his head and looked at Douglas, who was sitting at the top of the table.

Douglas looked cold and indifferent.

Above the high position, the elders stopped talking and looked at frankster in silver armor. In the end, they didn't say a word.

This is the only man in Nolan who can compete with Alex.

Fox, who can't help himself, still hasn't been able to break level 10 even now.

Today, when frankster returns, everyone knows what it means.

The emperor of the ice dragon is back.

And judging from what he has done in the past, no one will doubt what will happen to him.

Even if it's the elder, he dares to kill you.

Frankster walked up to Fox and looked down at him with a sneer.

Beside her, Elizabeth, in a long silver dress, was equally indifferent.

"I hear you want to be a patriarch." Said frankster with a smile.

"I... I..." Fox felt that the terrible pressure made him gasp. His voice trembled and said, "I just don't want the ice dragon to be leaderless. Now you're back, you're still the only king."

"Is that the end?" Frankster took a step further. The frost spread from frankster's knee and frozen him.

"Big brother... Patriarch, patriarch, spare your life..." fox fell on the ground, kowtowing and saying, his face full of panic.

There was silence in the hall, and no one even asked for his mercy.

Frankster nearly killed Elizabeth by bullying the weak on the ice battlefield that day. It would be strange if frankster didn't kill him today.

It doesn't work today even if it's the king of heaven.

With disgust in his eyes, frankster raised his right hand.

"Father, leave him to me." Just then, said Elizabeth, who had not spoken.

Frankster looked at Elizabeth, withdrew her hand, nodded and took a step back.

"Elizabeth, I'm very kind to you. Please forgive me. Please forgive me... I can do anything for you in the future..." Fox seized a chance of life and looked at Elizabeth excitedly.

"I'll give you a chance. I'll see you on the ice." Elizabeth looked at Fox coldly. "If you win, you can leave. If you lose, you will die on the frosty battlefield."

"This..." the elders looked at Elizabeth in surprise.

There was a smile on frankster's face, which was just like his daughter.

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