"Host, please don't stigmatize this system, I'm definitely not such a system!" The system seriously refuted and said: "for the sake of the safety of the host, in order to avoid death before victory, the system will enter the real-time command mode to provide the most accurate analysis for the host. It can definitely tell the host that the frontal impact speed of this level 3 Warcraft copper boar has reached 300kmh, and it is still accelerating, you can't stop it."

"Nonsense, I know I can't stop it..." McGonagall looked at the boar that came crashing like a heavy truck. He didn't float away just because he killed a chicken. He didn't care to answer Amy's food comments for the time being. He picked her up one by one and put her on the big rock beside the hot spring.

The stone is more than one person high and three meters thick. It is connected with the mountain. If the boar is not crazy, he should not take his head to the stone.

But McGonagall was worried that he would jump up, and the dog would jump over the wall if he was worried, not to mention a Warcraft boar.

"Amy, stay on top and wait for me to distract the boar." MEG reached for Amy's cloak, touched her head and said seriously.

"Oh." Amy nodded cleverly, but soon asked with a tangled expression: "but... But if it's distracted, then we won't be able to eat delicious boar meat at night?"

"We can buy it." Although the situation is tense, McGonagall can't help laughing. This level 3 Warcraft is obviously not an opponent. Although Amy can play fireball, it's estimated that a small fireball can only lose a few hairs when it is thrown on the bronze boar. Maybe it will completely enrage the boar and take Amy as the target. McGonagall doesn't want to take the risk.

"System, if I hang up, no one will buy your food. Call for support immediately, any air precision strike will do!" McGonagall, holding the red cloak in one hand and the sword in the other, ran to one side and cried in his heart.

"The copper skin wild boar is ten times more aggressive to the red target. Are you sure you want to use yourself as bait? He's locked on you now, and his speed is still improving! 335! 345! 350!……” The sound of the system is also gradually improving.

"Support! What I want is support! " MEG couldn't help Tucao. The system was full of nonsense. Anyone could see that the wild boar was staring at him with scarlet eyes and was speeding up. It was really fierce. Is it really necessary to make complaints about the battle of the thorn Valley?

Although he felt that his body was light and nimble to dodge, McGonagall felt that the end of his action was more likely to be that he was arched by a pig.

"System, you said I'll bring Amy. The survival rate is 100%. Now?" McGonagall ran to the right cliff and continued.

"If you insist on not letting her do it, you have a 0% chance of survival." The cold sound of the system sounded.

"Father, come on! Come on McGonagall looks back at Amy standing on the stone twisting to cheer him on.

The ugly duckling is lying on the stone lazily. It seems that it's unnecessary to have a look at the ferocious copper boar. It's not interesting at all.

"How can it be?" McGonagall had doubts. The boar was 50 meters away, and he was too far from the edge of the cliff to rush there.

"Come on, let me try how strong this level 3 Warcraft is." McGonagall stopped at once. The black boar, the size of an elephant, came straight forward with black dust. The thorns with the thickness of his thumb were trampled and broken, which could not stop him. The ground was shaking, and the small stones were rolling down the mountain.

The heart was beating wildly, and the hand holding the sword was clenching slowly, but Meg's expression became particularly calm. The sword in his hand pointed sideways and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Father is the best! Piggy can't beat your father! " Amy stood on the stone, waving her little hand and looking at the boar rushing to MEG with wide eyes. Her face was full of confidence.

The system wakes up the sleeping cells with electric shocks, and also wakes up some things MEG used to be able to do easily, such as jumping several meters high.

The wild boar rushed in with a gust of wind that hurt his face, where he came with sand and thorns.

McGonagall leaped three meters, narrowly avoided the boar's head-on collision, body 180 degrees rotation, the hands of the sword upside down, a sword stab!


The sword, which easily penetrated the throat of Huolie chicken, seemed to be stuck on an iron plate. It only penetrated less than 10 cm. After penetrating, it was directly clamped. The strong and terrible inertia almost threw him forward. With a turn of the wrist, he forced to take back the sword. It only opened a small gap on the back of the wild boar and cut off more than ten wild boar hairs.

McGonagall faltered to the ground. He pestled his sword behind him and stood still. The hand holding the sword felt sticky. The mouth of the tiger had split and a little blood overflowed.

"Level 3 Warcraft is really different." McGonagall raised his eyebrows. The wound on his hand didn't hurt much, but his strength limited his ability to kill the wild boar with one sword. It should be said that he couldn't fight.

He couldn't even break the defense. It was impossible for him to kill the wild boar.

"System, lend me 1 Physical Fitness point five seconds?" McGonagall asked in his heart. It only took one point, and he was sure that he could easily kill the boar.

"If it's 1:00, the power needed to pass through the host's body may be larger, and the duration will be longer. Are you sure you want to choose one power now?" The system sounds.

"It's too late, OK?" McGonagall looked at a sudden brake, pulled two exaggerated marks on the ground, stopped steadily, then turned and looked at his big wild boar again, with his chest undulating violently, and completed the just difficult movement with his current physical quality, which still consumed him a little.

"The host does not have permission to get 1 fitness point." The system responded calmly.

"Roar!" The copper boar's hind legs stepped on the ground, the wound on his back hurt, and his eyes became more red. He stepped on the ground and rushed to MEG again. Although it was uphill, it looked fat and bulky, but it could accelerate very fast. In a twinkling of an eye, it had risen to more than 100kmh and hit MEG again.

"Crazy!" McGonagall turned around and ran to a small tree beside him. He stepped on the trunk of the tree and jumped up. Once again, he dodged before the boar broke the tree. His steps bent slightly to release the momentum. It seemed that his action was enjoyable and relaxed, but only he knew that his physical strength was declining rapidly.

"Father, my lord..." Amy's eyes fell on McGonagall's bleeding right hand. Her happy voice suddenly stopped, and her expression suddenly became angry. As soon as her hands extended, a blue purple flame rose from her hands, suddenly contracted and condensed into a small fireball. She looked at the wild boar angrily and said, "little pig, Although my father can beat you easily, I decide to cook you now! "

Voice a fall, a blue purple fireball askew toward that turn to rush to the wild boar again fly.

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