Guy's face is a little ugly. As an experienced hunter, he can tell from the roar of the wild boar that the wild boar has been completely enraged. In this kind of terrain, even he has to give up.

As a third class knight, although he is nearly 50 years old, he has always maintained a strong physical condition and a cautious attitude. He has made almost no mistakes in his mercenary career for more than 20 years.

But today, he didn't want the half elf girl to have an accident. Maybe it was because she looked so cute when she was looking at the magic crystal, or because her granddaughter had a very good half elf friend at school. She was about the same age and should grow up happily.

So even if he may be in danger and become a new target of the copper boar, even if it is too late to see only a miserable image, he still wants to go up and have a look. Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.

"That boy is too unreliable. How can his daughter dare to go to such a place?" Guy's heart was so angry that he stepped up a little. His voice should be very close. His hand with the black javelin was blue. The worst place to deal with the bronze boar was at the foot of the hill. He had only one chance. If he couldn't hit the fatal place, it might be the end of his twenty years of mercenary career today, No one can run downhill faster than a wild copper boar.

As soon as he pressed his hand, guy jumped on a stone and stepped forward with his left foot. Holding the javelin, his right hand and body leaned back like a tough long bow, making the best position of projection almost instantly.

Momentum, strength, accuracy! All in this javelin, he has only one chance!

Then he saw a scene that he would never forget.

The half elf girl in a black skirt stood on the scorched stone and threw a fireball to the copper boar.

The blue and purple fireball is only the size of a child's fist. Compared with the huge and accelerating wild boar, it's like a bubble vomited by a child. It doesn't look threatening.

McGonagall, who was standing there with a sword, seemed stunned. He didn't move and didn't know how to dodge.

Then the little fireball fell on the head of the copper boar.


With a bang, the fist sized fireball burst open suddenly. The blue and purple flame burst open, and at the same time, it immediately wrapped the copper boar. The huge sound and the air waves directly made the ground sink more than ten centimeters, and the ground shook.

The copper boar, as if hit head-on by a heavy hammer, almost stopped in an instant, and its ferocious head was blown out of shape.

The blue and purple flames flashed across, and the black hair of the little thumbs was burned up all at once. The bronze colored pigskin with metallic luster suddenly became golden red, which seemed to be burned and melted.

After a moment's stillness, the copper boar gave out a very fierce cry. He was furious and ran madly towards the mountain.

But just ran out tens of meters on the ground, convulsed a few times, completely no breath, the air wafting with the smell of pig oven.

"This... This... How can it be! A four-year-old Level 3 magician Guy's lips trembled as he witnessed it, and his shock was beyond description.

It's not that he hasn't seen a more powerful magician, but this half elf girl is too young. Three or four year old third level magician, if this spread, I'm afraid the whole continent of Nolan will be a sensation!

The last genius magician who shocked the mainland was Princess Irina of the elves. She was born with magic. She became a first-class magician when she was three years old. She became a third-class magician when she was five years old. Later, she reached the top of the top ten level magician at the age of 26. This kind of talent is the most popular among the younger generation.

In terms of the life span of the elves at least 800 years, no one knows what kind of height she will be able to reach in the future. Even the queen of elves took more than 40 years to become a level 10 magician.

Now, this half elf girl can easily use the magic that is comparable to the third level magician's full strike. This talent may be even stronger than that of the fairy princess.

She is bound to become a shining star in the world of magicians, and may even reach the height of the fairy princess, becoming an unprecedented semi fairy magician.

"It seems that I think too much. They came prepared, but it was the little girl who was responsible for protecting them..." guy took a look at the roasted golden copper boar and took back his javelin awkwardly.

"Do you want to be so cruel?" Before the explosion, McGonagall had retreated a few meters under the system's warning, and was almost overturned into the hot spring pool by the air wave. He was also stunned to see the copper skin wild boar that had turned into a golden roast suckling pig.

He always knew that Amy was a genius, otherwise Krasu and Julian would not compete to accept Amy as an apprentice.

But Amy always looks like a cute little fireball. When did the power become so terrible? Although it burned Sargeras and Crassus, it was only burning, but the fireball just exploded, which was no less than a small shell.

"System, your 100% survival probability is really reasonable. It's a wise choice to take Amy with you. Fortunately, I didn't buy your equipment." McGonagall said in his heart.

"If you buy the equipment of this system, this system will be attached with a life accident insurance. If the host has an accident, this system will also make your family get rich compensation." The system tries to refute.

"Should I be happy?" McGonagall couldn't help but roll his eyes. He thrust his sword into the ground, went to the big stone, opened his hands, looked at Amy, and said with a smile, "Xiaomi is great. Today I've helped my father a lot. Come down."

"But..." Amy looked at McGonagall's right hand, which was red with blood. She was worried and said, "father, your hand must be very painful, right? Pig fool, it made you bleed, so I roasted it, so it won't rush and bump

"Father is OK. It's just a small wound. It doesn't hurt." MEG looked at Amy's worried look and felt warm in his heart. He shook his head with a smile. He took out a gray handkerchief from his pocket and made a detour on his right hand. It was just a small wound. It was really nothing. He reached out and took Amy and the ugly duckling down.

"I'll blow it for you, and it won't hurt." Amy was still worried. She took his hand and blew it gently, with a serious little expression.

"Well, it really doesn't hurt all of a sudden." McGonagall nodded in surprise and touched Amy's hair with a smile in his left hand. Then he looked at guy not far away.

"Why? Grandpa tiger, why are you here? " Amy also looks at Guy curiously and asks.

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