Little darling slowly stopped chewing, holding a spoon in one hand, also full of curiosity at MEG.

Compared with the worry about Amy's notes, MEG didn't want to hurt little darling's feelings, so he just nodded and said, "yes, I'm little darling's father, Gina is her mother, and today is her shell breaking day."

"Broken shell? Is it from the eggshell that the duckling and the duckling come out Amy's eyes were round and full of surprise.

"Yes." MEG nodded with a smile.

"Does that little girl grow wings when she grows up?"

"I don't think so."

"It doesn't matter. When she grows up, I can teach her to fly." Amy said with a smile.

"Feifei, I like Feifei." Said the little boy, nodding his head.

"Honey, go on eating. When you finish eating, we can have an ice cream." Said Amy, touching her head.

"All right." Xiaoguai agreed and continued to eat fried rice.

"Only one ice cream is allowed. I'll go to cook and tell me what else I want to eat." MEG got up and went to the kitchen. He was going to start making a formal dinner, and later he had to entertain Luna's grandfather, Mr. Byron.

Just then, the door opened.

When the door of the restaurant was pushed open, Annie stood at the door holding the sketching board. Her eyes fell on Xiaoguai. Her feet stopped suddenly when she stepped into the door. Her face was a little puzzled. A stack of drawing paper in her left hand was scattered all over the floor, full of sketches of various characters and scenes.

And the little girl, who was eating delicious food, suddenly turned back and saw Annie standing at the door of the restaurant stunned. The spoon in her hand fell on the table.

"I'm afraid The little girl swished down from the chair and went directly into Gina's arms. She buried her head in her soft chest and shivered.

"Good, don't be afraid. This is sister Anne, not a bad person." Gina holds Xiaoguai and gently pats her back to comfort her, but she feels a little surprised. Why is Xiaoguai afraid when she sees Annie?

No matter what he saw along the way, he was full of curiosity and didn't know what to fear.

McGonagall looked at Annie, who was staying at the door, and the little girl who was hiding in Gina's arms and didn't dare to probe. He was surprised, but also had some guesses.

Annie was born from kessulu. Although she has become an independent individual, she still has the brand of old dominator.

However, Xiaoguai may be the reincarnation of Poseidon, and there should be a mortal enemy between him and the old dominator.

This kind of hostility has been printed in each other's souls, so when the young children see Anne, they will feel it and instinctively reject each other.

However, because she is too weak now, this kind of emotion becomes fear, which is also a kind of protection for her.

But Annie's reaction is not big. After a short period of stupefaction, she has returned to normal. Looking at the little girl hiding in Gina's arms, she seems a little innocent and at a loss.

MEG felt that it was a little too bold to take God and the old ruler as daughters and raise them under the same roof.

"I'm back." McGonagall came up to help pick up the painting on the ground, closed the door and introduced it to Annie with a smile: "this is a little girl, a new member of our family."

"Sister Annie, I'm super cute, but I seem to recognize you." Amy jumped out of the chair and said with a smile.

Annie's face also showed a smile, eyes full of curiosity, looking at the head buried in Gina's chest, but did not come forward, she can feel that the little girl does not like her very much.

"Darling, this is sister Anne. Please eat the rest of the fried rice. I'll get you ice cream, and then we'll see sister Anne's painting today." Amy went to Gina's side, reached out and gently shook the little girl, and said softly.

Little darling slowly raised her head and peeped out half of her head. She carefully looked at Annie. The black shadow disappeared. She was a beautiful big sister.

Annie gave her a warm smile.

Xiaoguai's face also showed a smile, sweet cry: "Annie... Sister."

However, Xiaoguai didn't mean to come down from Jina. She took the plate and ate the rest of the fried rice, but she refused to come down from Jina.

Although he didn't say it, McGonagall could see that he was afraid of Annie.

This is a kind of instinct. MEG knows that it's impossible to eliminate it quickly. He can only dissolve it slowly.

"Take a break, and you'll eat soon." MEG took Annie's drawing board, touched her head with a smile, turned and went into the kitchen. By the way, he said to Amy, "Xiaomi, please ask your sisters to have dinner. Let's introduce you to Xiaoguai."

"All right!" Amy agreed and hopped out.

"Sister Gina, is this your child?" Annie sat down opposite Gina and looked at her for a while. Then she looked at Gina and asked in sign language.

"Yes, darling is my child." Gina nodded her head in a firm voice.

"Is that the father's child, too?" Annie pointed to MEG in the kitchen again.

"Er..." Jina looked at the direction of the kitchen, her face turned red, held for a while, and nodded.

This... Is too hard to say!

As soon as she thought of the same problem, she would have to admit it to everyone again later. Now she wants to run away with her baby.

It's clear that there is nothing between him and the boss, but now he has a little girl. Even if he is full of mouth, he can't tell clearly.

Annie nodded thoughtfully and noticed that Xiaoguai was staring at the picture she was holding. She pushed the whole stack of pictures in front of her with a smile.

"Annie went to the flower and bird market in the west of the city today." Gina looked at the paintings for Xiaoguai. There were all kinds of flowers, plants, birds and animals, and many lively and interesting scenes. She said with a smile.

Annie nodded.

"It's beautiful." Xiaoguai looked at the painting, whispered praise, then pointed to a rooster and asked: "what is this?"

"This is a rooster." Said Gina.

"Is it delicious?" The little girl asked again.

Gina takes a look at her and then plays with Amy for a while. Has the way of thinking been brought to the food line?

"Well, it's delicious. It can be made into Jiaohua chicken and spicy diced chicken." Gina nodded with a smile.

"I want to eat it." Xiaoguai looked at the big cock and swallowed.

"That night, add a Jiaohua chicken to Xiaoguai." Meg's voice came from the kitchen.

Snack goods and so on, the easiest to meet, McGonagall is the most afraid of meeting snack goods.

"Good!" Xiaoguai happily agreed.


"What! Gina has a baby? "

"And with the boss?"

"This... When did this happen? Why don't we know anything? "

"Boss, this beast!"

"I came first..."

People have not entered the door, a shock voice has been passed through the door into the restaurant.

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