After a brief self introduction, Elena uses the identity of Caroline to make a friendly acquaintance with the girls in the restaurant.

After everyone's dismay, MEG finds his wife and Amy finds her biological mother, which is quite happy.

After all, Miss Caroline, no matter her beautiful appearance or her powerful strength, shows the true qualities of a strong woman, which makes it difficult to find out what's wrong with her.

MEG calmed down a little, looked at Elena and said, "I don't think we've eaten yet, have we? Would you like to sit down and eat together? "

"All right." Irina took a look at all the dishes on the table and said with some relief, "it seems that your cooking skills have improved a lot since I haven't seen you for three years."

"When there are no women, it's faster to draw." McGonagall said calmly, "so cooking will naturally improve."

"Good is good, it's your hand." Irina said with some heartache.


They didn't understand what they were saying.

The meal was inexplicable, but the new landlady was familiar with it. After a simple relationship with Amy, the mother and daughter began to eat on their own. They didn't see the appearance of seeing each other for a long time.

"Did you have any delay before? Why haven't you been back to the restaurant for so long? " Asked Phyllis cautiously.

She has always loved little Amy. He grew up with his father and never enjoyed his mother's care.

Now Amy's mother is back. Although she doesn't seem qualified to question, she still can't help talking.

"You don't always..." Elena said subconsciously.

"You really should give Amy an account of this." McGonagall interrupted her, adding to her voice.

Irina choked and looked at Phyllis. She was almost taken askew by bean sprouts. Her face became a little self reproach and said, "what happened in these years can't be explained in a few words. I was trapped in a place. I got out of it a few days ago and immediately came to the city of chaos."

"Xiaomi, mother is sorry for you." Irina looked at Amy and said seriously.

"Never mind. I've forgiven you." Amy put some greasy hands and continued to gnaw at the chicken wings.

The girls' affection for Elena is rising again. Although I don't know what happened to her, her feelings for Amy can't be deceived. Her eyes are full of doting.

"You are Amy's sister's mother, I am Amy's sister's father's daughter, what should I call you?" I don't know when I ran to Elena's side. I looked up at her and asked.

"Little girl..." Jina bit her lower lip, but she didn't know how to let her child not ask this question. She could only look at Elena nervously.

This is a white lie from the boss to Xiaoguai, but for Caroline, it should be hurt.

"Darling, you look so good, of course you have to call me auntie." Irina naturally said, but on second thought, she shook her head and said, "Oh, no, I'm too ugly. Then you can call me... Aunt Caroline."

With that, Irina turned her head to look at Gina and said with a smile, "you say, sister Gina."

"Well, that's what you call it, my dear." Gina nodded slightly with a smile on her face.

Irina's extraordinary generosity makes Gina feel a little embarrassed. She can only explain to her when they are not present.

"Aunt Caroline, you are so beautiful." Little darling looked at Elena, big eyes flashing light, "just like the fairy in the sky."

"Sweet mouth, little one." With a smile, Irina reached out and squeezed her fleshy face.

Xiaoguai happily returns to Jina and continues to eat.

After eating a piece of braised pork, Irina suddenly looked at MEG and said with a bit of resentment, "you cheated me by cooking skills in those years. I didn't expect that cooking skills have improved again. You should have charmed many ignorant beautiful girls, right?"

At the dinner table, people's expressions suddenly became a little strange. Some people bowed their heads, while others were thoughtful. It turned out that Meg conquered such a level 10 wizard by cooking.

People don't find it hard to accept this.

They will stay in the Maimi restaurant, in addition to Meg's good character, of course, the attraction of the food is strong enough.

This is a temptation that the strong cannot resist.

"If it's delicious, eat more." MEG gave her two pieces of braised pork. This guy was too deep in the play to stop.

Lunch ended in a good atmosphere, and the girls' acceptance of the sudden airborne landlady was good, at least on the surface.

McGonagall nodded to himself. It's not easy for Elena to do this.

"The restaurant is going to open soon. Everyone will be very busy. If you are tired, go upstairs and have a rest first. We'll talk about our business when we are finished." Meg said, looking at Elena.

"I'm not tired. I'll just watch. Maybe I can help." Irina consciously sat down on the chair behind the counter and said with a smile, "it's my first time to be a boss. I need to get used to it first."

"Not bad." MEG took a look at her, turned and walked towards the door of the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, the guests were still talking about the beautiful elf who had just entered the door.

From the limited information, people have basically identified the person as Amy's biological mother, which is the original match of boss Mai.

As for why she had never appeared in the restaurant before, and why knocking on the door seemed so strange, many versions were derived.

For example: the beautiful landlady left the disheartened boss Mai and her newborn daughter to run with other men; Boss Mai, who always abandons everything, abandons the beautiful landlady and runs away with his sister-in-law

Krasu and Julian, who are standing in the front row, are communicating with each other by voice.

"Who do you feel like?"

"Do you feel like her, too?"

"Although they are not the same in appearance and shape, there are not many elves of level 10 in the world. It's hard not to think of Elena who is so young in the past hundred years."

"I've been thinking about who her mother is for a magician as talented as Amy. Now it seems that she has been excluded."

"If she is her, isn't boss mai..."

"Boss McGrady always closes in time... When something big happens."

They both looked at each other with a thoughtful look.

More coincidence, then the answer will naturally appear.

"It's not unreasonable for Amy to learn melee magic so easily." Crassus thought.

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