Vicky listened with a smile.

Until the voice of the crowd gradually reduced, eyes began to focus on her body, just put a smile away, voice slightly sink way: "so, you don't plan to rest?"

"Chief, we don't have to rest. As long as we can make the guests enjoy themselves, it's no problem to perform one more day."

"Yes, chief, it's not easy for us to make it. Now there are so many guests waiting for us to perform. We wish we could live on the stage and have a rest."

"We've discussed it, and we all think it's OK."

They all nodded their heads, but they were very united.

The old man opened his mouth and chose not to speak.


Vicky suddenly slapped the table.

There was a sudden silence in the conference room.

Everyone gathered a smile, some surprised, and a little confused looking at Vicky.

"You think it's ok?" Vicky looked at the crowd with a cold face. Her eyebrows had been raised. She said in a cold voice, "I think it's a big problem!"

"Commander..." the old man whispered.

Vicky ignored him and said, "did you forget what I said to you? A good opera player doesn't need to please the audience, you just need to perform attentively on stage, like by him? Do you easily lose your heart now because of a little attention? "

People's expressions changed slightly. Some people wanted to speak, but no one spoke first.

Vicky said with a disappointed face: "from the beginning of taking you into the business, I have always warned you that sound is the life of an opera actor. If you do not get the rest of your throat for the short cheers and applause in front of you, and make your life cycle short, to be honest, I am very disappointed."

People's heads gradually lowered down, and their faces showed shame.

Although they are of different ages, most of them are older than Vicky.

However, Vicky is their guide and master to become an opera performer. She makes them become opera performers who can express themselves with voice and performance from the bottom of the society where they have no dreams.

As Vicky said, from the beginning of her career, she has been telling them how to protect their voice and extend their performance cycle.

"I set the rule of one day off a week, which is to let you give back to the audience in a better state after the rest of the day, so that they can enjoy the real full and excellent performance.

I know what you think, but you should be clear that what the audience likes is our wonderful performance on the stage, not our full-time performance every day. " Vicky said in a deep voice.

There was a thoughtful expression on everyone's faces.

"Chief, we will rest according to the previous plan and try our best to present a better opera to the audience." The old man stood up and said solemnly.

"Yes, we won't let you down."

"We know it's wrong."

People also expressed their opinions one after another, but they didn't argue.

Vicky's face finally showed a smile, slightly nodded: "OK, go back to sleep, there will be a performance tomorrow morning."

With that, he turned and left first.


Standing on the top of the tower of the black cat opera house, Vicky looks up at the moon half covered by clouds, with a smile on her lips.

"What are you grinning at? That's all it's worth? "

"I'm getting closer to my dream now. What's the matter with a smile? I'm not only smiling, but also laughing... Ha ha..."

"Come on... Don't laugh. I'm ashamed."

"I'm going to laugh. Don't cover my mouth... No..."

"This is my mouth, too. If I say no laughing, no laughing!"


A person's strange performance, staged on the spire for a while.

"Don't you think McGonagall is a little strange?"

"Why? I think Mr. McGonagall is a very good man

"It's better than evil."

"Grandfather said that every world will give birth to a son of plane after a certain period of time, and he will gain great fortune between heaven and earth. Mr. McGonagall may be such an existence."

"Qi Yun's son is lucky, but his strange skill is too perfect.

A sword God who has been forced to become a demigod in such a deserted place as Nolan can even make good dishes that crush chefs all over the world. Not only that, she can enjoy opera, and she is very good at angel investment and good business.

His awareness of copyright is too advanced, his ability to operate copyright is too strong, and his ability to drive consumption is even more shocking. His means are no less than that of an excellent business operator. "

"Emmm... So Mr. McGonagall is a perfect man."

"Don't be crazy! That's another woman's man

"What's the point? Beauty loves heroes. It's a tradition."

"Shut up! I'm not that shallow woman

"I am."

"Shut up! Shut up



"Miss Black Cat morning tickets are on sale! Starting from 200 copper coins, people queue up in order to buy tickets. They can enter directly and take seats according to their seats. One ticket for one game, no refund, no change! " Marla stood at the gate of the opera house, shouting. It was only eight o'clock in the morning, and the line at the gate of the opera house had reached the gate of Titan's tavern.

Due to the popularity of opera, scalpers have begun to sell tickets in recent days. A ticket with 200 copper coins can be sold for 500 copper coins, and the price difference is higher than the ticket price itself.

So Vicky thought of a way to sell tickets on the spot, and then directly enter to see the performance, directly put an end to the operation space of scalpers.

Of course, the disadvantage of this method is that the audience who wants to see the performance may have to queue up a long time in advance.

But at present, the only way Vicky can think of is this, which can at least let the audience who want to enter the opera buy tickets with less money.

Marla has become an official part-time employee of the black cat opera company, responsible for ticketing work. Occasionally, she can rub a small role without lines to walk on the stage for a while and have a show addiction.

Of course, there is another reason why Mara is so interested. After the show, Mara can go backstage to learn opera from Vicky and other seniors.

Although her talent is mediocre, Mara is very interested, and the actors of the opera company are happy to teach her, so now she is a beginner, even the voice of selling tickets is a bit long.

"This girl, her voice is getting louder and louder..." Effie rubbed her bleary eyes and pushed open the window. She looked in the direction of the black cat song troupe and looked at Mara who was smiling like a miser. She couldn't help but look up a little. Her eyes retracted. She was about to close the window, but she fell on several figures in the long line.

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