"Terrible woman!"

Pascal took back the finger holding the back of the chair, and let the two staff members carry him out, and then threw him into the street.

"Hit! The people of black cat song troupe hit people! " Pascal rolled around on the ground and cried at the top of his voice.

The spectators lining up at the gate looked at him one after another, looking puzzled.

"This is a thief. He was caught on the spot. Be careful." The staff explained with a serious face.

People in line covered their money bags one after another, and Pascal's eyes became alert and disgusted.


Is it so natural for a member of the black cat troupe, even a staff member in charge of ticketing, to act?

He said that Pascal had been labeled as a thief. It was a shame to stay here, so he had to get up from the ground and leave.

"Cool! Is this a colored egg? Miss black cat is too rusty

"Yes, if it's acting, it's natural. If it's true, I love this character! "

"I've begun to look forward to this opera performance. I heard that the story of" Miss Black Cat "was created by the head of the black cat song troupe. It seems that she is also a person with a story."

Vicki's neat treatment not only didn't make the guests feel disgusted, but also gained a lot of favor and raised everyone's expectations.

"This girl is smart." Irina laughs.

"The mind does turn very fast. I suspect it's driven by dual nuclei." McGonagall laughed, too.

"Dual core?" Irina looks at him in disbelief.

"Just..." McGonagall thought about how to explain the problem.

"Mr. Hades, do you come to the opera? It's a coincidence that I'm still sitting next door. " At this time, some coquettish voice sounded from one side, wearing a red dress of Effie twisted graceful waist came over.

Effie's figure is excellent, and she is wearing a long skirt with buttocks that fits her figure very well. She has long curly hair. When she walks, she has all kinds of manners, which immediately attracts the attention of many men.

"Who is this beauty?"

"It's like the landlady of the Titan tavern opposite."

"This girl is so handsome. Please feel her details for me."

Many men have moved their hearts.

However, Effie completely ignored the hot eyes, walked up to MEG and sat down in the empty seat beside him.

"I happen to be free today to see the new theatre." MEG nodded slightly. "Haven't you come to see Effie, either?"

There was no such coincidence in selling tickets. It must have been Mara who gave Effie the front row ticket right next to them.

Irina also looked at her with a smile, as if she had seen through her careful thinking.

"I've seen it. I'm just bored in the morning, so I'll come and sit down." Effie folded her hair and said hello to Elena and the two children.

"Sister Effie, aren't you cold?" Amy looked at Effie, who was only wearing a long skirt but no coat, and asked curiously.

Effie didn't feel cold, but she shivered when Amy asked.

"No... it's not cold. I think it's quite warm today." Effie smiles and shakes his head. At this time, you can't lose.

"How's the pub business lately?" MEG asked, looking at Effie.

"Since I got the agency right of rum, the passenger flow of Titan tavern is still on the rise. I'm already planning to expand the area of the tavern." Effie didn't know which tavern McGonagall asked, and then said: "the traffic of Saipan tavern is very stable, which can basically ensure that it is full from the beginning to the end."

"It's been a hard time for you." McGonagall nodded slightly, trying to cope with the surge of customers in his restaurant, while also managing the Saipan tavern. Effie wanted to be quite busy during this period.

"If you work for yourself, you won't feel so hard." Effie didn't like it.

"But the picture books of" Miss Black Cat "do sell very well. The new 10000 copies may be sold out soon. Many of those who have watched the opera come to buy picture books again." Said Effie.

Compared with the tavern business, selling picture books during this period of time gave her a real insight into what is called sudden wealth.

The running water of two million a day is really eye-catching.

"That's the charm of linkage." MEG smiles.

The opera that opened the market by picture books, after all, still feeds back on the excellent quality of picture books.

It can be expected that with the expansion of the influence of the opera Miss Black Cat beyond lotto, it will create new growth points for picture books.

"You're a genius at promotion." Effie looked at McGonagall and said with sincere admiration.

Whether Saipan tavern had just established itself in the city of chaos, McGonagall won the gold medal of the wine tasting conference, turned the unknown tavern into a famous tavern, or used picture books to open a market for the black cat opera company, it showed amazing means.

"These are just small skills. If they are not hard enough, promotion is useless." McGonagall shook his head slightly, not feeling very proud.

McGonagall and Effie are talking and laughing, which makes many people feel hot. After all, Effie is not the only beauty who takes the initiative to him. Another lady sitting next to him seems to be his wife, who is also gorgeous and even better than Effie.

It's really enviable to have such a good fortune.

McGonagall felt some sour eyes, but he was used to it. Just with Elena sitting beside him, he still felt some pressure.

Fortunately, although Effie was wearing some light clothes, she was still calm and reserved in her words and actions, avoiding some bad scenes.

Before long, the opera house was full.

After the two staff members confirmed that all the audience had taken their seats, they reminded everyone that the performance would start immediately. The iron plates of the two large windows in the rear slowly fell down, and the theater was gradually darkened, leaving only three oil lamps on the walls for lighting.

The light on the stage lights up, with a loud and long singing, the curtain on the stage slowly opens, and the performance begins.

McGonagall enjoyed the opera seriously. The stage scenery became exquisite, and the costumes were still the one he had made for them. With the superb acting skills and beautiful singing of the actors, the performance level of the opera was quite good.

The story of Miss Black Cat bravely fighting against the shackles of fate and identity, breaking through the cage and gaining a new life, after the wonderful performance of the opera actors, the audience is fascinated by it, and often can see the story of secretly wiping tears.

During the two-hour performance, no one left early.

When the final bell rings, the audience stands up and claps like thunder for a long time.

McGonagall clapped his hands and looked at Vickie, who took the actors to the curtain call, with a smile on his face. "This is the real opera performance."

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