"Four distinguished guests, the pope would like to invite you to have a chat. Would you like to come with me?" The middle-aged priest had a mild manner and a respectful tone.

McGonagall looked at the middle-aged missionary, a great magician of level 10, who was the bishop of the Holy See.

McGonagall has always been far away from the mysterious Pope, and doesn't want Amy to have too much connection with him.

The Vatican once led the Terrans out of the dark ages and established the Los empire.

However, the Vatican has always been rigid and has many internal rules. Once you enter the Vatican, you can't help yourself.

But the Pope seems to be very concerned about Amy. He not only wants to make her a saint of the Holy See and give her wings, but also comes to her many times.

Before that, McGonagall would find a reason to prevaricate and not want to meet the old man.

But today is different from the past. He no longer has to be in awe of the Pope, so he plans to meet the old man and see what he wants.

"Come on, take us there." Said Meg, looking at the bishop.

"Please follow me." The bishop nodded with a smile and led the crowd into the deserted lane.

As soon as they stepped into the alley, the light flashed in front of them, and they had already appeared in a magnificent hall.

McGonagall spied on the subtlety of the transmission array, but his eyes were attracted by the Pope, who was standing in the middle of the hall, wearing a white suit and a crown.

The bishop who brought them to the main hall saluted the Pope and then withdrew from the main hall.

"My father, isn't this the grandfather who gave me wings?" Amy whispered.

"Yes." MEG nodded slightly.

"Friends, here you are." The Pope turned around, looked at MEG and others, and said with a smile. His eyes fell on Amy, and his eyes were shining, as if they were looking at some treasure.

"The Pope asked us to come here. What's the matter?" McGonagall looked at the Pope and asked directly.

The Pope looked at McGonagall with a warm smile and said, "my little friend, don't be impatient. You and I met many years ago, but I didn't expect that you would encounter many setbacks after that. Not only did you not sink, but you were reborn in adversity, and saved the continent of Nolan."

"Do you know who I am?"

"There's no one like you in the world."

MEG laughed. "But there are only a few people in the world who can guess my identity."

"If you didn't care to be guessed, I would not have guessed." The Pope smiles, looks at Irina and says, "Princess Irina, you're all right."

"Old man, I didn't expect that after so many years, you still look like this." Irina looked at the Pope and said with a smile.

She used to travel between lodu and the wind forest in those years. She was tricked by the Pope to join the Holy See and said that she would be a saint.

But at that time, she was careful. She heard that there were so many chaotic rules in the Vatican that there were rules for getting up every day, so she ran away.

She heard McGonagall say that the Pope invited Amy to become the Holy See's saint. She didn't expect that the Holy See was shameless and even used the method of blocking the road.

"It's been like this for decades. It doesn't mean that change can change." The Pope shook his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Annie. His smile became more gentle. He waved to her and said, "come here, child."

Anne looked at the Pope and felt very kind in her heart, but she still looked at MEG.

"I'm here to tell you, don't go on with Amy's idea, let alone Annie's idea." McGonagall's smile faded from his face, and he looked at the pope with some vigilance in his eyes.

"I think this child and I are very predestined relationship, so I want to send her a blessing, without any malice." The Pope explained with a smile.

"No, we don't believe in the Vatican." Magtianne refused.

Annie's identity is very special, although she is not contaminated with half of the old dominator's breath, is a pure good soul.

But after all, the Pope's identity is special, and his strength is unknown. If he says to send a blessing, he actually gives it to Annie. He is not absolutely sure that he can protect Annie and Amy at the same time.

"You have a good daughter. Since you don't want me to give you blessings, I can only give her a small gift, which can turn the bad into the good." The Pope took out a small piece of simple black jade, on which there were many complicated runes. He threw it lightly, flew to Anne, and finally hovered in front of her.

Annie was still in no hurry to pick up the jade, but looked at MEG.

"Take it. It's the Pope's wish." MEG nodded slightly.

Annie reached for the jade and signed her thanks to the Pope.

"The child's voice?" The Pope looked at Anne in surprise.

"She was born, but now she is able to communicate in sign language." MEG explained.

"How can such an excellent person have such defects in his voice? It should be used to sing a beautiful voice." The Pope shook his head, thought for a moment, took out a small bottle and handed it to MEG.

"What's this?" MEG wondered.

"This is a bottle of high-level throat moistening pill. Although I don't know how much it can improve her condition, it should have some effect." Said the Pope.

"Thank you." Said Anne herself in sign language.

"You're welcome." The Pope nodded slightly, looked at Annie at last, and immediately put a smile on his face, "amigo, would you like to be our Holy See's saint? If you like, you will be the master of this hall in a few minutes

"No way!"



Three voices were heard almost at the same time.

The smile on the Pope's face seems a bit ridiculous. There is still a family in the world who is so exclusive of becoming the Pope of the Holy See.

It would have been unthinkable if such a thing had happened a hundred years ago.

"Grandfather bearded, although I thank you very much for the wings you gave me, I still don't want to be your saint. I want to stay in the restaurant, and I want to stay with my father and mother."

"In fact, even if you become a saint, you can still stay in the restaurant, stay with your father and mother, until you become an adult, and then return to the Holy See." The pope said with a smile.

"Do you think we're going to give you the Vatican the children we've worked so hard to raise?" McGonagall laughed. "Even if we both agree, you have to ask Krasu and Julian if they agree."

"It doesn't matter whether they agree or not. What matters is whether Amy will agree." The Pope looked at MEG and said calmly.

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