"You may not believe it. It was the little girl who jumped out and asked me when I would marry her that day." McGonagall shrugged.

"Is that her?" Irina was surprised.

But soon, her expression became a little strange. She looked at MEG carefully for a while and said, "now I suddenly doubt if it's really a documentary novel."

"Your suspicion is groundless." McGonagall.

"Otherwise, how could other girls get into the play so deeply?"

"That's when she became obsessed with writing novels and couldn't distinguish reality from illusion. With such an analysis, she was able to understand her behavior that day."

Elena sat down with her legs up, looked at MEG and said with a smile, "what are you going to do with her?"

"I specially observed her today, and she didn't seem to expect such a strange response from a novel."

"So you're going to let her go?"

"No, since she has done it, she has to bear the responsibility matching it." McGonagall shook his head slightly. "But I still want to find out who is deliberately leading this novel into reality. This guy is much more hateful than her."

"Do you think someone wants to deal with you?" Irina was a little surprised.

"If they know I'm Alex, they don't dare to think like that, but if it's MEG, there are a lot of people who are interested in the restaurant business." McGonagall laughs, a restaurant owner, does not have a strong deterrent.

"It's interesting. As soon as I came back, they tried to give me an eyedrop." Elena's face was cold, too.


At the end of the next morning, McGonagall contacted the intelligence system of the grey temple and used a little privilege to find out if anyone was deliberately guiding the public opinion of the restaurant these days.

It's a very efficient tool for private use.

A brief piece of information was soon sent to McGonagall.

"Delma, Cyril, these two guys, I didn't expect to get together." McGonagall looked at the briefing in his hand with a cold smile on his lips.

In order to increase the sales volume of this book, Delma Publishing House changed the title of the book. When it was publicized, it intentionally or unintentionally advertised that it was a real adaptation, successfully creating a gimmick and making a hit.

In this process, the name Cyril appeared. In this operation, he gave a lot of help to Delma, and paid off Duojia bookshop, intending to defame MEG when publicizing.

The behavior of Delma is more or less understandable to McGonagall. After all, the interests are related, and there is no lower limit. More things are done by people.

But Cyril, who was completely defeated in the fight for inheritance with Gloria, was kicked out. At this time, he didn't want to fight back. What kind of operation was he running to blackmail?

Although puzzled, this does not affect his decision to let the two pay some price.

McGonagall rode his bicycle to Delmar publishing house again. Before he got to the door, he saw Cynthia wandering in front of the publishing house.

"Why is she here?" McGonagall stopped his bike and stood against the wall, looking at Cynthia with a puzzled face wandering outside the publishing house.

Cynthia doesn't look very well today. Her eyes are dark, like she didn't sleep well last night.

After a while, she seems to have made up her mind, looked up at the sign on the eye door, and walked into the publishing house with a dead face.

McGonagall got interested, collected his bike, climbed over the wall, dived into the magazine, found Delma's office, and stood in the corner listening.

"What?! Do you want me to get off the shelf of "boss Mai's wife"

Delma's shrill voice was filled with surprise and anger.

"Yes, I learned only yesterday that this book has caused great trouble to boss Mai's life and even hurt his family, which I never thought of. I feel very guilty and sorry for boss Mai, so I want to get off the shelf immediately. At the same time, I will write a clarification notice to tell everyone that this is just a novel I imagined out of thin air. It has nothing to do with boss Mai. Boss Mai is a good man. "

Cynthia's voice sounded, determined.

McGonagall nodded slightly. The girl didn't know about it, and knew that she had conscience to stop and make up for it at the first time.

"Well! Is that what you want to get off the shelf? " "You've got a lot of money, and now you want to get off the shelves. Who will bear the loss of our publishing house? You're a fool of our publishing house?

I'll tell you that this book will never be taken off the shelves. Not only will it not be taken off the shelves, but I'll find someone to change it into a picture book or a drama! "

"This guy." Meg's eyes were cold.

"You... You are shameless!" Cynthia was furious. "You're going to ruin boss McGregor! He didn't do anything

"Oh, you wrote the novel. Even if you destroyed him, it was your hand. I just wanted to make money." Delma grinned. "Besides, you and I have signed a contract. If you continue to write novels well, then the remuneration will only be more and more generous. If you don't know heaven and earth and make such unreasonable demands, be careful that I take out the contract and let you lose your fortune. "

"No... i... I don't want to ruin him... I like him so much. I just wrote a novel..." Cynthia was about to cry.

"Don't be afraid. No one knows that you are the northwest lone wolf. If you don't tell me about this, no one else will know. As long as you write well, hand in the manuscript on time and leave the rest to me, you can get rich remuneration and I can make money. It's a win-win situation. " Delma's voice was a little soft. "As long as I'm here, I'll take care of you and become the most famous writer in Nolan."

"Go away! Don't touch me! I won't cooperate with a shameless person like you Cynthia pointed to the corner, accompanied by a dull hum of egg pain, and a heavy sound of closing the door, there was no sound in the office.

"It's interesting." McGonagall's mouth slightly tilted and left the publishing house.

Cynthia ran out of the publishing house, ran a few blocks with red eyes, turned into an alley, and finally burst into tears. As a result, she bumped into a hug around the corner.

Bang, that strong and warm chest, knocked Cynthia a little confused, faltered, almost fell, and was supported by a pair of strong hands.

"I'm sorry, right..." she apologized in a hurry, looked up, but on a familiar face.

"Boss Mai!" Cynthia stares, then turns red.

"I need an explanation." MEG looked at her and said with a smile.

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