With dreams, everyone can be great.

Beck's self introduction was applauded by the students, and other children began to introduce themselves one after another.

MEG was very satisfied with the fact that these children were brought up in a difficult environment and had a tough personality rarely seen in their peers.

Learning to cook is a very hard journey. For these half year old children, whether they can persist is the biggest obstacle in their future.

But at present, these children have more or less their own beliefs and persistence. Although there is no guarantee that they can all persist, they are at least more hardworking than ordinary children.

Among them, a little girl named Farah made a deep impression on him.

She is sitting in the corner, seat 45. Her brown half short hair is yellowing due to malnutrition, but her height is half a head higher than that of boys of the same age. She has deep and beautiful facial features. Under her short hair, a pair of gray cat ears are looming.

Yes, she is a half orc, half human and half ORC.

Even in the city of chaos, the situation of interracial hybrids is not good, which has been proved by Amy and abelmia.

McGonagall looked at her slightly bent body, and there was inferiority in her timid eyes.

She just introduced herself very simply. Her name is Farah. She wants to be a cook because she wants to live.

McGonagall said with a smile, "well, I've memorized the names of all the students. I hope that at the end of this semester, I can still see the students sitting in your seats and finishing the first phase of their studies."

The children looked at him, their pure eyes shining like stars.

There are thirty-two children, only three girls, and the rest are boys.

Among them are humans, demons and orcs, among which the number of humans is the largest.

And McGonagall suddenly realized one thing at the moment. His selection criteria seemed to directly exclude dwarves and goblins from the list.

"It seems that the rules need to be changed in the next issue." McGonagall thought to himself that he could not be labeled as discriminatory.

After the self introduction, everyone has a basic understanding. McGonagall doesn't talk much and starts to enter the course directly: "now let me introduce our workbench, that is, the stove in front of you. The stove is divided into several areas..."

In the first class, McGonagall didn't rush to teach the children how to cook. Instead, he introduced some basic knowledge about kitchen and being a cook to them in detail and without losing interest.

Before learning how to become a chef, it is very important to understand your work place and work content, as well as some basic qualities.

"Students should remember that the kitchen is the face of a cook. If you can't even keep your own face clean and tidy, and can't stand the inspection of guests, then you are not worthy to be a cook." McGonagall looked at the students and said seriously.

The students nodded solemnly and felt that they had learned a lot of useful knowledge today.

MEG raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was almost eleven o'clock.

"OK, that's the end of today's study course. Nice to meet you." MEG looked at the children with a smile.

The children got up to say goodbye to the teacher.

"It's almost lunch time. I didn't teach you how to cook in the first class today, but I decided to make a lunch for you. You can eat it before class ends." McGonagall continued.


The children cheered. They had just heard a lot from McGonagall. They were so hungry that they didn't expect the teacher to make lunch for them.

Mia came over with a big food box.

MEG opened the box and took out the ingredients.

"What I'm going to do for you at noon today is our restaurant's signature dish, which is also the first dish launched by the restaurant - Yangzhou fried rice." MEG pulled out the fat head fish, a flash of cold light, lit up the children's eyes.

"The ingredients we use are eggs, ham, mushrooms, bamboo shoots..." McGonagall introduced the ingredients to the children one by one. Now we simply cut them into the size of rice grains.

Pick up a winter bamboo shoot and throw it up. The cold light will shine when the knife falls.

Winter shoots fall, has become a grain of rice size particles, neatly fell into the side of the prepared plate.

"Have you learned?" McGonagall asked, looking at the children with wide mouths and shocked faces.

The children shook their heads in unison.

What have you learned? Not even eyes!

"It doesn't matter. You can't learn it now, but as long as you follow me and study hard, you can master this skill in the future." Meg said with a smile.

Children's eyes light up one after another, and they are full of expectation for the next study.

The colorful match makes the children marvel.

Watching Mr. McGonagall cook completely overturned their imagination of cooking.

A kind of food material into his hands, completely in accordance with his wishes to change into any form.

And the whole process is like a performance in general, flowing, people can't help but want to marvel.

After cutting and matching, McGonagall fired six stoves at the same time, ready to finish 32 people's Yangzhou fried rice at one time.

On the top of Meg's stove, there is a real-time broadcast projection device. On both sides of the platform are enlarged projection screens, which can ensure that the children sitting in the last row can also see his teaching content clearly.

When the wok is hot, the lard is put in the wok, the spices are fragrant, and the side dishes are put in the wok, MEG swims between the stoves with an iron spoon in one hand. After a while, the smell of fried rice spreads.

"It smells good!"

"Suck! It will be super delicious

"I heard them say that a Yangzhou fried rice will sell for hundreds of copper coins in Maimi restaurant."

"So expensive! Can we make such expensive and delicious food after that? "

The children whispered, staring at the colorful fried rice on the big screen, and kept swallowing.

Dada, dada, dada.

MEG turned off the fire one by one, and then put the fried rice on the plate MIA had already set.

A spoonful of a bowl, 32 Yangzhou fried rice, each of the color, weight are exactly the same.

McGonagall put down the spoon, looked at the children with bright eyes, and said with a smile: "students, according to the order of student numbers, come up and take your lunch."

Beck was the first to stand up, trotted to the platform, took a plate of Yangzhou fried rice from Mia's hands with a devout face, and carefully carried it back to his seat.

According to the rules, the children go on stage to get their lunch in the order of student number.

"Well - good to eat!"

"It's delicious, isn't it! I bit my tongue... "

"I've decided! Be a good cook! Cook for yourself every day

For a time, the children's praise was endless.

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