It will be two o'clock in the afternoon, when the ladies in the city come out for afternoon tea.

In the past, ladies liked those tall clubs most, about three or two little sisters, and drank some non intoxicating red wine. This is the so-called petty bourgeois style.

Then the ice cream shop opened.

Here also became the first choice of ladies.

Half of the children are in school, and the ice cream shop won't be too noisy.

The elegant and exquisite environment of the ice cream shop, coupled with the ultimate delicious ice cream, this kind of dessert that can't be tasted in other places, is naturally warmly sought after by the ladies.

And some ladies will bring their children who have not yet gone to school, give them an ice cream, and then entrust the gentlest little sister Jina in the shop to take care of them, so that they can have a comfortable afternoon.

Seeing McGonagall enter the door, many ladies take the initiative to say hello to him. They also look at the big box in McGonagall's hand curiously.

McGonagall replied with a smile that he knew all the restaurant's regulars.

"I made some cakes for today's launch." MEG put the cold box lightly on the counter.

"New products!" The customers in the shop turned around and stared at the box beside MEG, but they didn't know what the cake was.

"Cake?" Mia's eyes brightened. "Is it the sweet, soft dessert that Amy had on her birthday before?"

"Soft, sweet!" Just these two points have easily hit the good ball area of the ladies present.

"Is it a kind of ice cream?"

"It sounds like a kind of cake, but I don't know what kind of cake it is."

"Mr. Mai's products must be excellent! I didn't expect that the new products I didn't wait for in the Maimi restaurant were waiting for in the ice cream shop. "

Ladies are full of expectant discussion, for McGonagall to bring new products full of curiosity.

"Yes, today is mango mousse cake." MEG nodded, opened the freezer and took out a golden cake.

Golden cake mirror, almost shining light, and the lower layer of the cake, it has a gentle cream, mellow shape, showing a bit lovely.

"It looks a little cute."

"Gollum. I want to eat

The ladies can't help swallowing.

"Wow, it's not the same as last time." Mia is also a bright eye, surprised at the boss even launched new products in the ice cream shop, she thought the ice cream shop will always only sell ice cream, will not launch new products.

"Boss, can you reserve one? I love mangoes. " Barbara's eyes were straight and her voice was gentle. She looked at MEG pitifully and said.

McGonagall glanced at Barbara with a smile on his lips.

Before that, Barbara had made a great contribution in sealing the old dominator. Before he rewarded her, he took a cake knife from the box. After several knives, the cake was divided into sixteen evenly sized fan-shaped pieces.

"Eat it." He took a plate, filled a cake and handed it to Barbara.

Cut the cake, you can see a very obvious division, the top is made of mango mud golden mirror, the lower layer of mango mousse is evenly covered with small particles of mango pulp in the middle layer, the faint smell of milk and mango has begun to send out.

The sharp knife technique doesn't damage the structure of the cake at all. It looks like a well carved work of art, and it is only after it is cut that it is displayed in front of everyone.

"Thank you, boss!" Barbara happily took the cake to one side and took a small spoon to feed it to her mouth.

Her expression lit up instantly, as if a golden light fell on her face.

It's a happy surprise, it's a pleasure to enjoy!

Barbara feels like she's out of control and wants to scream. It's delicious, isn't it!

Take a bite, cool feeling, the entrance that melt, but not like ice cream as cool, but a gentle cool, followed by sweet heart.

It's sweet but not greasy because mango comes along with it. The unique and fragrant mango flavor brings the natural flavor of mango. Before mousse is finished in the mouth, the small mango particles bring a wonderful chewing experience.

Mango grains, the size of rice grains, are not abrupt because they appear in the delicate and soft mousse cake. They are more like juicy burst beads, which bring a wonderful experience of fresh fruit in chewing and push the experience to a climax.

"MMM ~ ~"

Barbara could not help but give out a whisper, subconsciously clamped her legs.


It's a wonderful experience!

"Gulu ~ ~"

There was a sound of neat swallowing in the dining room, including several girls standing behind the counter.

"Father, I want to eat this too..." the little girl didn't know when she came and climbed up along Meg's legs, her face full of expectations.

"Here, take it for yourself." MEG filled the little guy with a piece of cake and handed it to her carefully.

"Thank you, father." Little darling soft waxy thanks, and then carrying the cake butt bumping toward the side of the small table, ready to enjoy their own small dessert.

Now, the ladies in the restaurant can't sit still.

"Boss Mai, do you sell this egg... Cake?" Asked Bonnie.

Although the other ladies didn't speak, their expressions had already explained everything, and they were all very interested in the mango mousse cake.

McGonagall was deeply impressed by the shrewd wife of vicennio's family, the son of kidney deficiency, and nodded with a smile: "yes, this is the new product officially launched by the ice cream store today - Mango Mousse. The unit price is 199. Each person is limited to one. You can't take it out."

Mia quickly wrote a notice on the small blackboard beside:

Today's new product - Mango Mousse!

Price: 199 copper coins!

Limit one! Don't take it out!

Mia hung a small blackboard beside the price list as a basis for ordering.

"Then I'll have one." Bonnie raised her hand.

"I'll have one, too."

"I'll have one, too."


Ladies have ordered a meal, in the evening before the celebrity has become a trend, the presence of most are closed eyes casually order a 199 dessert of real ladies.

"Yes, just a moment, please!" Mia replied with a smile, quickly jotting down the order, and then began to deliver cakes to the public.

Of the five cakes, only six were left, and all the others were ordered away by the ladies and children present.

"Well! It's so delicious, it's just subverting my imagination of pastry! "

"What magic did boss Mai use to make it so soft and sweet, yet full of the fragrance of fresh mango? It's incredible!"

The praise from the ladies was endless, while the children proved their love for the dessert with their actions - more than one child nibbled a few plates.

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