McGonagall heard the footsteps and looked up to the door. Farah put down his hand to knock on the door and whispered, "Mr. McGonagall, I want to borrow a book."

"You can choose what you want to read, and then put it back to its original position." Meg said with a gentle smile.

"Well." Farah nodded with a smile, walked into the door, quickly pulled a chronicle of Nolan from the bookshelf, and rolled out Meg's office.

"This girl, I didn't expect to be so interested in history." MEG whispered to himself.

Farah left a deep impression on him and Mia from the first class. He was a little self abased and lonely.

In these two weeks of contact, the child showed amazing talent in learning cooking skills.

If Beck is an ordinary gifted hardworking child, Farah is what others call a gifted child.

While other children are still struggling with how to control the wide kitchen knife and cut the ingredients into flat sections, Farah has been able to prepare all the ingredients for Yangzhou fried rice, and is the kind that McGonagall can't find fault with.

At the beginning, MEG was almost tortured in the kitchen god auditorium, but Farah only took two classes to control.

The feline lineage gives her a far superior power of observation and control, and she obviously has a smart mind.

The talent in cooking and the contact between Mia and her classmates make her feel more relaxed than before.

But she is still quiet, just no longer hiding in the corner, more than a reading hobby.

McGonagall has everything and a lot of books, so she is allowed to come to the training center half an hour in advance before each class.

Five minutes before class, Farah returned to McGonagall's office with the book in his arms.

"If you like to watch it, take it home and watch it slowly. You can return it after watching it." Meg said with a smile.

Farah's eyes flashed a glimmer of joy, but soon shook his head and said: "mother said that to finish the homework assigned by the teacher after school, we can't waste time doing other things."

MEG helped her put the heavy books back on the shelf, then looked at her and asked, "there will be no class tomorrow Saturday. Will Farah come to the restaurant to do a part-time job?"

Farah's eyes brightened, but soon showed some hesitation and entanglement.

"Just tell your mother that I invited you. Your study progress is different from that of your classmates. I'm going to teach you some different things." MEG laughed.

Farah looked at MEG with a smile on his face and asked, "what time will you be at your restaurant tomorrow?"

"When you arrive at the restaurant at 6:30 in the morning, part-time work is all day. You can experience what you need to complete to run a restaurant from morning till night."

"OK, I'll be there on time." Farah nodded and went downstairs.

McGonagall cleared up the lesson plan on the desk and went downstairs.

The children have arrived, and are not idle, are seriously practicing knife work.

To be an excellent cook, solid basic skills are very important.

McGonagall walked around the training hall. From the finished products on the students' chopping board, we can see their current level and whether they had training at home in the past few days.

Two classes a week is too short for learning cooking. If you don't practice at home on weekdays, how can you make progress.

After all, there are few talents like Farah in the world.

Fortunately, McGonagall was pleased that most of the students had made obvious progress in their knife work, with varying degrees, but there were traces of practice.

"Clyde, didn't you touch the kitchen knife when you got home?" McGonagall stopped next to a slightly obese teenager and asked calmly, looking at the lumps of potatoes of different sizes on his chopping board.

The boy, who was called Clyde, blushed. He put down his kitchen knife and replied in a low voice: "old... Teacher, I don't have a kitchen knife at home."

"No kitchen knife?" MEG was stunned by the answer.

"My mother never cuts vegetables. She cooks them directly and then breaks them off with her hands. My father has a big knife, but he never lets me touch it." Clyde's head was buried deeper and gave MEG a sneak look. "But my mother promised me that she would buy me a kitchen knife later so that I could practice at home."

McGonagall looked at the young man whose head was almost buried in his chest. Suddenly, he felt distressed and remorseful.

"It doesn't matter. Although I haven't practiced much, I've made some progress compared with the last class. Come on, you can do better." MEG patted him gently on the shoulder.

Brad raised his head a little inconceivably and gave McGonagall a look of encouragement. It seemed that a light suddenly shone into his heart and got full of motivation.

"Go on." Meg said and went to the next classmate.

Looking at these children in their new school uniforms, he sometimes forgot to come to hope school. Their family conditions were extremely poor. Some things that he took for granted might not be so for them.

For the children of poor families, it's difficult for the family to have enough food. It's almost impossible for them to practice cooking at home.

"Well, children, this is the end of the pre class practice. Today we will not talk about knife work. Let me show you the usage of various pots and utensils."

McGonagall came to the platform and interrupted the students in a loud voice to practice knife work and begin the class.

Abemia sat upright in the back row with a notebook on hand, occasionally recording a few key sentences, just like the 33rd student.

Unconsciously, the school bell rang.

The children looked forward to McGonagall. According to the experience of the previous classes, McGonagall would make a dinner for them to eat and then go home.

"Children, I'm not going to cook dinner for you today." Meg said with a smile.

The children couldn't hide their disappointment.

"But I have a present for you." MEG raised his hand to the rear of the training hall.

The children turned back.

Mia, smiling and standing, was lined up with 32 gray black cloth bags, and a pot handle was exposed from the bag.

"What's this?"

The children looked puzzled and puzzled.

"After these days of study, you have a general understanding of chefs. In order to enable you to practice cooking better at home, I have prepared an iron pot and a kitchen knife for each of you, and a bag of potatoes in the bag.

This assignment for everyone: go home and cook a dinner for your family with potatoes. " Meg said with a smile.

"Kitchen knife and iron pot!"

The children's eyes lit up.

"Am I finally going to have my own kitchen knife?" Clyde jumped even more excited.

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