McGonagall knew that the man in black lying on the ground had nothing to pity.

"But what do you do with that look at me?" MEG looked at Camilla and frowned slightly.

"It's nothing. I just don't think this guy can bear to smoke. I haven't enjoyed it yet." Camilla's mouth rose slightly and her eyes looked at MEG playfully.

"You're obviously an m-shaker. What are you supposed to be?" MEG curled his mouth.

"Shut up Camilla suddenly exploded, thinking of being tied to her cot that day... She felt humiliated and embarrassed, and said coldly, "have you brought what I want?"

"Do you want anything?" MEG looked puzzled. "Didn't you ask me to come to the grove? I thought you were going to show me something big, mysterious. "

"I'm talking about all the photo stones!" Camilla's teeth itch with anger, and the whip in her hand has been raised unconsciously.

"Oh, you say that, if you want, you say it. How can I know if you don't say it?" McGonagall said helplessly.

"Give it to me." Camilla reached out.

"No McGonagall showed up.


The whip whipped up in the air and broke a tree with a thick bowl.

"Look at you, if you have anything to say, why do you want to vent your anger with these flowers? It's different from the scum man. If you cut it off, people will have to plant a new one tomorrow. How hard the gardener is." Meg said with regret.

Camilla pointed at MEG with a whip and said angrily, "believe it or not, I'll really whip you!"

McGonagall said with a calm face: "that's a good feeling. Tomorrow, I'll go straight to work and close down for a few days. If people ask me, I'll say that you asked me for a strange photo stone, but it didn't work. You'll retaliate against me."

"You shameless man!" Camilla is short of breath, the whip in her hand is not pumping or putting.

She could not have imagined that Meg looked so refined that he was more difficult to deal with than the rascal lying on the ground.

"In fact, you don't have to worry about putting the photo stone here. The most I can do is to take it out and enjoy it alone in the dead of night." Meg said with relief.

"You... You..." the whip in Camilla's hand has been raised, but looking at MEG, she suddenly put down her hand and said with a smile, "now you have a wife. Aren't you afraid that I will poke the matter to your wife?"

McGonagall pondered, showing a bit of fear.

"Do you know now? Your wife is a top ten. If you raise your hand, you will be free to take a second. " Camilla smiles with pride, feeling that she has finally seized McGonagall's life.

"I'm really worried. After all, my wife has always been strong and willful. If she saw the photo stone or knew about it, she would think that you had seduced me." McGonagall nodded gravely, looked at Camilla with worry, and said: "if she is crazy to kill you, with her strength, she can kill you, I really can't stop it."


"But you don't have to worry. I'll make sure she won't see the photo stone, and she won't know that you asked me to come to the woods." MEG patted her comfortingly on the shoulder and said, "if it's OK, I'll go back first."

Camilla looks at McGonagall, who is ready to turn around and leave. She is stunned, and then she comes back to herself. Does the plot seem different from what she imagined?

Clearly, she asked McGonagall to come out and intended to threaten him with his wife to compromise. Now how did she become threatened by him and want to unite with him?

"Wait! In this case, it seems that I am the victim? " Camilla finally raised her doubts.

"You see, the scene at that time was like this: a small dark room, candles, small leather whip, rope, handcuffs, leather clothes, photo stone, all these things were prepared by you with exposed clothes.

And I, an innocent man dressed neatly, was obviously knocked unconscious and carried back. Who do you think is the victim?

To tell you the truth, after I was kidnapped by you, in order to satisfy your habit of shaking m, I was forced to take up a small whip to beat you.

And you were very happy and excited at that time.

Is that reasonable? " McGonagall had a straight face.


Where am I going to argue?

As McGonagall said, she prepared all those things, but they were all for McGonagall.

Who knows later he will turn away from being a guest, these things fall into his hands, all used in her body.

Looking at the excited look on her face in the picture, Camilla slowly covers her face.

"What a shame

"Well, I'll work hard tomorrow. I'll go back first. Good night." MEG put away the stone and turned to walk out of the woods.

Camilla looked at McGonagall's back. Her whip trembled slightly. Finally, she whipped the man in black.

"Scum man!"

Man in Black:???


The next morning, the cleaning man found a seriously injured * * man in the woods. On his back, there were lots of whiplash marks. If you look carefully, you can still discern the word "slag man".

The man was soon carried away by the inspectors of the grey temple. The news came back that he was a habitual criminal with a history of indecency. His hands and feet were broken, and his third leg was also broken.

It is said that there is something wrong with people, so we can rest assured.

"It's very artistic." Irina smiles and looks sideways at MEG. "What do you say?"

"Most people don't have such interesting ideas." MEG nodded calmly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Actually, I can use a whip, too." Irina raised her mouth and a black whip appeared in her hand.

McGonagall gazed at the whip for a second, then pointed to the ugly duckling in the sun and said, "you can practice with it."

The ugly duckling, who is rolling comfortably, looks back at MEG with a confused face:???

Irina put away her whip and said with a serious look: "according to the rules of the elves, if the queen is not in office for more than 100 days, the high priest will be the queen, followed by the princess. Now the queen and Helena have been shut up one after another. The elves have no king for a hundred days. According to the rules, Sally will be the queen temporarily

McGonagall looked a little solemn, looked at Elena and said, "what's wrong with the queen?"

During the period, many important things happened to the elves and Nolan, but she never showed up.

The outside world has been rumored that the old wound of the fairy queen has recurred and died, but the fairy family is closed.

"The queen mother is still alive. The only thing I can be sure of is this." Irina shook her head slightly.

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