"Tut Tut, Sally is a wonderful girl. I underestimate her because she has such hard means."

The next morning, Irene, who received the urgent flight book, sat up from the bed and was surprised.

"What's the matter?" MEG leaned over her head and looked at the letter in Elena's hand. Her eyes widened a little.

There's not much information, but it's not small.

On the eve of Sally's accession to the throne, Eliot was captured by the righteous and the powerful families.

Before the new king came to power, the three most unstable factors were directly burned.

The ingenious timing, the fierce means, and the decisive decision-making are all amazing.

"Originally I wanted to support her today, but now it seems that I don't need it." Irina threw the information in her hand, turned it into a little bit of golden light in the air, and then fell back heavily on the soft and comfortable bed, "then I'll go back to sleep."

"You go to bed. I'll get up for breakfast and go out by the way." MEG got up and dressed.

"Where to?"

"Lodu." McGonagall replied.

"To the opera again?"

"Well, I promised to take them to the opera, and I'm ready to cash it today." MEG nodded.

Miss black cat has been on fire recently, even to the city of chaos.

Because the situation on the mainland is stable, many well-off family houlang people have taken the flying horse to Luodu to watch the opera.

The girls have read picture books and are looking forward to this story.

"Then I won't go." Irina yawned and turned. "I'll go to see the coronation later. It's more interesting."

So McGonagall was a little moved.

He has seen operas several times. No matter how good they are, there are times when he is tired of watching them.

But the coronation ceremony of the elves is different. It's not surprising that the long life of elves is once in a hundred years.

"It won't be long before I discuss with them and see which one they want to see."

"Whatever you want." Irina replied lazily.


Today, the restaurant is not open, but because of Meg's travel plan, the girls came to the restaurant early in the morning.

It's the most interesting thing to build a tour group. This is the consensus reached by the girls.

And the destination of this trip is Luodu, to see "Miss Black Cat" opera.

As the first group of loyal comic fans, there is no doubt that the girls are looking forward to going to the opera in person. Even Camilla, who has not fully recovered from last night's shame, has come.

"Boss, can we still make it to the morning performance when we start now?" Abelmia took a bite of the soup bag and looked at MEG with some worry.

"If we leave for lodu now, we can only watch the afternoon show." Said Meg.

"Well, I can only watch two games. It's a pity." Abelmia said with regret.

"I heard that Angela is studying in that theater now. Shouldn't we see her performing on the stage?" Barbara frowned and said, "that's a good way to play."

"This... Is really not clear." McGonagall was stunned, too.

He didn't pay attention to Angela's situation for some time. He didn't know how she learned acting skills at Vicky's.

But with Angela's temperament, I don't think she will be idle.

Moreover, the atmosphere of the black cat opera company is good, and the staff is often insufficient. It is estimated that Angela has been used for a long time.

"By the way, I just heard a news this morning, so today's itinerary has one more option. The Elves will hold the coronation ceremony today, and Sally will register as the queen of elves. Shall we go to see" Miss Black Cat "or visit the ceremony?" Said Meg, looking at the crowd.

The restaurant was quiet for a while.

"To see Sally ascend the throne, of course!" Abelmia stood up and said excitedly, "Sally is going to be the queen. Of course we should be there!"

"I agree." Barbara raised her hand.

"I agree." Sheryl nodded.

"You can watch the opera next time, but if you miss the coronation ceremony of the fairy queen, you may not be able to wait for it in your life." Hannah raised her hand.

Without suspense, the girls voted to cancel Loto's Opera tour and go to the wind forest to watch the Queen's coronation ceremony.

"Did you receive the invitation? The wind forest is not a scenic spot that you can visit at will. " Said Camilla, turning her lips.

Felice nodded her head and said, "the guard of the wind forest is very strict. This kind of grand meeting will not let other people in."

"That's a problem." McGonagall thinks.

If he wants to see it alone, no one can stop him.

But now more than ten people in the restaurant want to see it. The target is big, the race is miscellaneous, and there is no invitation. It's not so easy to get in.

"It's my invitation, but I can't go. I'll use it for you." Elena took out a green token and threw it on the table.

"Landlady, how can you have an invitation?" Said abelmia in surprise.

"When you reach your strength, you will be invited." Irina smiles.

"I see." Abelmia, if thoughtful, had a little more worship for Elena.

MEG knows it's not an invitation, but it's a high-level token to get in and out of the wind forest. Now that Elena throws it out, she can let them in.

As for Irina, she was obviously planning to go to the ceremony in her own capacity.

"When sister Sally becomes queen, will she be able to cover me?" Amy put down the bowl, looked at MEG and asked seriously.

"There should be no problem in the wind forest." MEG laughed.

"Sister Sheryl, sister Sally is a good person. If she becomes the queen, can we go to live in the wind forest?" Anna looked at Sheryl and asked.

Sheryl was silent for a moment and shook her head slightly. "It's not clear that a good man can't change a race."

"Don't worry, Sally will make a change." Meg said with a smile.

Sally's series of operations last night not only impressed MEG, but also looked forward to her transformation of wind forest and elves.

"Let's go when we're full. We'll get to the windy forest before the ceremony starts. It's a pity to miss it." MEG got up and went to the door.

The ice dragon rises from the city and flies to the northeast.

Elizabeth as a nine frost dragon, flying speed is far more than ordinary flying mount.

About an hour later, the outline of the wind forest will appear in the distance, the lush virgin forest stretches for thousands of miles.

"Down? Or go straight in? " Inquired Elizabeth.

"It's too much trouble to cross examine from the side." Said Meg.

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