Sheryl looks at MEG with a gentle smile and is a little dazed. The thought rising from her heart is too shocking to make her sure for a moment.

If Amy is the daughter of the princess, the boss is Alex, the God like man!

Can be such a god general man, every day's daily life is actually open shop, cooking, with baby?

This and her impression of the man's image has too much contrast, can not be used to describe the Meng, it is... Terrible!

But when this thought comes from the bottom of my heart, looking at Amy, I feel more and more like the princess, with beautiful eyes, silver hair, and the same amazing magic talent.

There is another point, since the landlady appeared in the restaurant, the princess did not come to the restaurant to eat.

Now it seems that she didn't come. Instead, she changed her identity and ate in the restaurant as the landlady

Looking back on this period of time, the cooperation between the boss and night elves in all aspects, as well as a series of behaviors, will be more reasonable.

"This..." Cheryl's eyebrows were slightly raised, and her expression and mood were somewhat complicated.

Just then MEG looked back at her.

They look at each other. MEG smiles and then takes his eyes back.

Cheryl blushed and looked away.

"It seems that she can still control her emotions when she revisits her hometown." McGonagall thought to himself that he was worried that Sheryl would be in a bad mood because of her father's death.

Eliot was arrested by Sally. I don't know where he is now. Today, none of the Brewster family will be present.

"That child, should be the apprentice of Crassus and Julian? The talent is amazing. " On the high platform, an old elf elder looked at Amy wearing a corolla and said with a smile.

"It's a bit more amazing than Irina back then." An old man nearby also exclaimed.

"Did you find out who her mother was?"

"There has been no news before, but recently I heard that her mother came back. She is a young magician, but no one knows her identity and past."

"But a half elf." Next to him, an elf said with regret.

The elves would not speak.

The most important thing in the inheritance of race is blood. Half elves are doomed not to be the queen of elves, or even recognized as a race by elves.

The disturbance caused by the interaction between the tree of life and Amy soon subsided, and the melodious music began to ring out, and the scene gradually quieted down.

The coronation ceremony is about to begin.

A hundred level white jade ladder leads to the altar. At the end of the white jade ladder, there is a five meter wide straight long road, and a black iron guard with a sword standing several meters apart on both sides.

In a moment, Sally will pass the long road, walk through the white jade steps, climb the altar, and complete the coronation there.

The music sounded, and Sally appeared at the end of the long road in the guard's arch.

The scene was solemn and quiet.

All the elves' eyes fell on Sally.

Today she will be crowned Queen of the elves.

"Isn't the princess coming?" Phyllis looked around. She changed her face today to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

Meg's eyes swept around, but also did not find Irina, is confused, then heard the black iron guard outside a commotion.

"The purple Griffin!"

Someone exclaimed.

They looked up at the sky, and a griffin with purple light came down.

On the high platform, several of the top ten elves have stood up, holding the wand and wand almost at the same time.

And the black iron guards inside and outside the venue are all at war, and the atmosphere becomes tense for a moment.

Irina leads the night elves out of the wind forest. At present, she is hostile to the elves.

Is Alex and Elena here to make trouble for Sally's coronation ceremony today?

"Little purple, how did it come?" Amy whispered. The duckling, who was dozing in her arms, opened her eyes at some time, arched her back slightly, and her hair exploded. There was a whisper in her mouth.

"Stop yelling. It's not impressive at all. It's ugly." Amy slapped the ugly duckling on the forehead.

"Meow, meow," the ugly duckling suddenly lost her momentum, changed her posture, and nestled in her arms again.

"Still here." Sally raised her head slightly, looked at the purple Griffin in a calm manner. It seemed that she was not surprised at all, and did not panic at all.

No one is in a hurry.

Those present know that if these two really intend to disrupt today's coronation ceremony, no one can stop them.

Although it's hard to bend, it's an ironclad fact.

Even their biggest reliance, the tree of life, is now swinging its branches for visitors in the sky, showing great enthusiasm and happiness?

The purple Griffin falls on the altar, and Elena is the only one on the Griffin's back.

Irina, dressed in a long silver dress, walks slowly down from the Griffin's back. Standing on the white jade altar, she reaches out her hand and gently caresses the intimate twigs, with a smile on her face.

"Go ahead." Irina said to the Griffin, and the purple Griffin took off and circled in the sky.

The elves look at Elena standing on the altar. The branches of the tree of life surround her and make her more holy. The dignity between the eyebrows and eyes is innate. Although there is no magic overflow, the powerful aura makes people feel awed.

If those things hadn't happened, it would have been her who stood on the white jade altar and was crowned king today, right?

This is probably the idea that the elves present can't help themselves.

Irina is the strongest of the younger generation, and even can fight alone with high priest Helena.

Once the pride of the elves, has been regarded as the Queen's choice.

But she has been out of the wind forest, has been deprived of the princess identity, now is the enemy of the elves.

Now she came to the scene of the sacrificial ceremony and fell directly on the coronation altar. Is she ready to make trouble?

"What do you mean, Elena?" Bennett asked coldly with his sword.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to sabotage today. I'm here for Sally's coronation." Irina walked forward two steps and said with a smile: "mother shut up, Helena also hid, someone must send blessing to the new king. I don't think you are qualified enough. "

Those elves and dignitaries only feel that there is no light on their faces, but they dare not speak up.

Irina's eyes leaped over the crowd and fell on sally at the end of the long road, showing a smile.

Sally looked at her with the same smile on her face and began to walk towards the white jade altar step by step.

Bennett stared at Elena on the altar for a long time and raised his hand to signal the black guard to put away the crossbow.

The music came back.

Sally steps up to the white jade altar.

They stand side by side, just like a couple of beauties.

MEG: I feel like something's wrong?

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