Sally was crowned king, blessing her people and becoming the new queen of the elves.

McGonagall and they also stood up to send applause and blessings to Sally on the altar.

From Sally's treatment of Eliot and others before she ascended the throne, MEG can be sure that the Elves will have a bright future and enter a new stage under the leadership of Sally.

It's just what are the queen of the elves and Helena doing? Shut up, even the Queen's coronation is such an important occasion, it is not both?

So much for the coronation, and it's almost over.

Next, the queen led all the elves to solemnly worship the goddess of life in order to protect the elves.

Next, there are song and dance performances, which can be regarded as the official start of the celebration.

Sally tightly holds the scepter in her hand. She feels the heavy weight. This is the responsibility of the whole elves. The future of the whole elves is now in her hands.

Although a lot of psychological construction has been done in advance, I still feel a little pressure when I really put on the crown, hold the scepter symbolizing power, and look at the enthusiastic and trusting faces below.

However, when her eyes fell on the group of people in the corner and saw the smile and encouragement on their faces, her heart seemed to have great courage and her eyes became firm.

"Congratulations, your majesty." Irina said with a smile.

"Thank you." Sally nodded, sincerely and gratefully.

Irina waves her hand, turns around and walks under the altar. Next, she gives it to Sally. As the queen, it's very important to take the leaders to the first sacrificial ceremony.

Elena got off the altar and stepped on the platform.

The elves sitting in the middle rose one after another and gave up a few places.

Irina took a look at them and took a seat.

"Sister Elena is so handsome, isn't she?"

"Yes, it's very strong and broad-minded. It's really too SA!"

The girls in the restaurant have turned into little fans.

Phyllis did not show too much surprise, the outside world seems to be regretting that the princess did not become the queen, but she is the most clear, what the queen, the princess never wanted to be.

The music sounded again, and the two rows of elves presented fresh fruits and melons, and set them on the altar with precious gems and jade plates.

Sally led all the elves to start a grand and complicated sacrificial ceremony.

McGonagall and they watched with great interest. Such a grand ceremony is rare.

MEG stares at the stone tablet on the white jade altar. When the elves worship and sing, it seems that there is a mysterious atmosphere leading the power to the stone tablet.

"Is this the power of faith?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows, then closed his eyes. Suddenly, in the dark, there were strands of blue and white air, which appeared from the top of the ELF's head, and then flew to the stone tablet.

As he was right, the God of life relied on the elves to absorb the power of faith. As a reward, she protected the elves to a certain extent.

To a certain extent, it can be said that it is a trade for mutual benefit.

McGonagall now gathers his fans, teaches them how to cook, absorbs the power of their faith, and condenses the spirit. In fact, it's the same thing.

It's just that the God of life provides healing and faith, and MEG provides culinary practices and skills.

MEG opened his eyes, looked at the stone tablet and thought, "but where is the goddess of life? Hiding in this stele? It should not be. It may be a medium for absorbing the power of faith. "

At this moment, the silver light on the stone suddenly became bright. The dazzling light made MEG narrow his eyes. The stone seemed to burn suddenly, and the light became more and more prosperous.

"What's this?"

McGonagall's face became a little serious, because it seemed that other than him, the people present did not feel the change, including Sally, who was on the altar at the moment and closest to the stone tablet, still praying piously.

"Ma Ma, the stone tablet is burning." Xiaoguai pointed to the stone tablet and said.

"Shh, honey, don't talk." Gina reached for her little finger and whispered in her ear.

"Xiaoguai can see it, but Gina, who is already at level 10, can't see it." McGonagall leaned forward slightly, and he noticed that Elena didn't look any different. It seemed that she couldn't see the change in the stone tablet.

The burning is becoming intense, and from one point on, it has spread to the upper half of the stele.

When it comes to burning, it seems that some of them are not accurate enough. There is no flame, but the dazzling light spreading.

McGonagall didn't know whether it was a change or a normal situation in sacrifice. After all, there were few fields that concentrated the power of faith on a large scale.

Then he noticed that the tree of life behind the stone suddenly began to burn.

Yes, this time it's real burning.

Silver flame appeared on a branch, and then spread to countless branches, almost instantly became a raging fire.

"What is this?"

Sally, who has just finished the sacrifice process, looks at the burning tree of life in front of her, shocked and at a loss.

"The tree of life is burning!"

"Put out the fire

The elves in the square suddenly rioted, and their eyes were full of shock.

Irina got up abruptly and was about to take her hand.

"This fire can't be saved, it should be related to the God of life." Meg said.

Irina took the wand's hand and looked at MEG. "She's going to reincarnate?"

"I don't know, but the fire started burning on the stone tablet, like some kind of... Sacrifice." Said Meg, weighing the words.

He saw the burning tree of life, turning into green light and pouring into the stele, as if it was carrying on some kind of inheritance.

"Sacrifice? If that's the case, it's a real jerk. " Elena slowly clenched her fist and looked at the burning tree of life.

"Your Majesty, it's dangerous here. Please follow me first." Bennett appears on the altar and takes Sally to the platform, close to Elena.

The strong of the elves have gathered here at the moment. Sally has ascended the throne, and her safety is very important.

The spreading speed of the silver flame is very fast, and not only the branches, but also the branches start to burn from the inside to the outside.

The tree of life, hundreds of meters high, is blazing, and the flame goes straight to the sky.

All the Elves were shocked and frightened to see this scene. They did not know why the tree of life, which had been guarding the elves for thousands of years, suddenly burned.

"Gina, if something happens later, you have to protect everyone." MEG and Gina.

"Well." Gina nodded and agreed.

McGonagall felt uneasy, as if something was going to happen.

It's not a good omen. It can make him feel a sense of crisis. I'm afraid it's beyond level 10.

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