McGonagall opened a chair and sat down. Looking at the golden pieces in the casserole bowl and the moonlit rice, he nodded with satisfaction. This is the first time that he has made stewed chicken rice in the real world. In terms of appearance, he can give full marks, but he doesn't know how it tastes.

"Wow, father, is that little moon in the rice? How beautiful Amy ran out, opened his chair and sat opposite MEG. He looked at the rice in front of him and asked with surprise.

"It's really the little moon! How does the little moon grow into the grain of rice? " Abelmia also looked at the rice bowl in surprise. It was the first time that she saw such beautiful rice.

"It's amazing." Sally blinked, some can't believe her eyes, before Yangzhou fried rice with the taste of life spring rice has surprised her enough, did not expect MEG now has made such a good-looking rice, like in a dream to see the dream food, can't help thinking curiously in my heart: "where does boss Mai buy these ingredients?"

"This is moonlight rice. Please sit down and eat." MEG nodded with a smile, motioned for abelmia and Sally to sit down, and ran outside all morning, smelling the delicious smell of stewed chicken, which would have been purring for a long time.

"Well." Sally and abemia nodded. They both pulled back their chairs and sat down. Their eyes were immediately attracted by the stewed chicken in front of them.

A large casserole bowl was almost full. The surface of the chicken nuggets was dyed golden yellow. The coloring of each piece was very uniform without any defects.

The golden potatoes are not scattered, the sliced lettuce is still green, the sliced mushrooms are scattered among the chicken pieces, the green peppers and red peppers are interspersed among them, adding a bit of bright color. The golden red soup is wrapped with chicken and side dishes, and the delicious smell of mushroom is coming. It is perfectly integrated with the smell of chicken, which is so delicious and attractive.


Three people almost simultaneously swallowed saliva, this fragrance, is really too attractive!

"Meow, meow!" Ugly duckling lying on the counter called twice, is also in crazy swallow saliva, outstretched paw, a pair of begging appearance.

However, the four people who had been attracted by the delicious food ignored it and picked up chopsticks almost at the same time.

"Eat more side dishes and less chicken. Should it be ok?" Sally hesitates to look at the chicken in the bowl. Although she is not a vegetarian, she has strictly controlled her daily meat intake. One is to maintain her body shape, and the other is to prevent too much meat from destroying the purity of life magic. Only when she is in awe of life can she obtain the power and gift from life magic.

"Well... Eat well!" Amy was the first to clip a piece of chicken. She opened her small mouth and bit most of it. She chewed it happily. Little stars appeared in her big eyes. She quickly swallowed it and said vaguely. Then she bit the rest of the chicken and chewed happily.

"I'll try it, too." Yabei Miya also put a piece of chicken in her mouth. The thick soup wrapped outside the chicken first melted in her mouth. The delicious chicken soup was promoted to the extreme by mushrooms. It was thick but not greasy, and all the taste buds were activated at once.

After biting the chicken, the tender chicken is wrapped with a thin layer of sugar juice with a slightly sweet taste. The sweetness is only a little bit, but it greatly improves the taste of the chicken. The whole person is immersed in the experience of delicious food.

"Is it really that delicious?" Sally's throat moved. She picked up a piece of mushroom and slowly put it into her mouth. The fragrant chicken soup melted in her mouth. After the small piece of mushroom was bitten open, the rich fragrance made her feel like being filled with delicious food, and her eyes lit up.

Mushrooms in the forest are one of the favorite foods of the elves. They hide under dead leaves or grow on tree trunks. After rain, they come out one after another. They are gifts from nature.

The delicious mushrooms don't even need any seasoning. They just need to be cut and boiled in water. A pot of delicious mushroom soup will be finished, especially in the forest of wind.

But compared with this unknown brown mushroom, even the most delicious mushroom she has ever eaten is less than one tenth of this mushroom.

That kind of delicious soaked chicken soup, but its own flavor did not lose a cent, this is the sun dried mushroom, after absorbing the chicken soup, it becomes more delicious and refreshing.

"How can we make mushrooms so delicious!" Sally looked at the stewed chicken and felt that her three views had been impacted. She once thought that the mushrooms in the wind forest must be the most delicious in the whole continent, but now it seems that they are not.

"Moon rice is also good to eat, little moon bite sweet..." Amy scooped a spoonful of rice with a spoon and fed it to her mouth, chewing sweetly and happily.

"Then eat another bowl after eating, and the rice will become more delicious after pouring chicken soup." McGonagall said with a smile, looking at the happy and happy expression on the three faces, he naturally has a full sense of achievement. There is nothing more happy than the affirmation of his food.

Pick up a spoon and pour a few spoons of chicken soup into the rice bowl. The golden red chicken soup is soon absorbed by the rice. The white rice becomes golden red, still transparent and clear. The white little moon in the center seems to be shining in the light, which looks more attractive.

MEG scooped up a spoonful of rice and chewed it. His eyes lit up.

The delicious chicken soup perfectly infiltrates into the slightly dry rice, making the taste of rice just reach the best hardness for eating. When you bite it open, the sweet little moon bursts open one after another. It blends with the delicious chicken soup, as if it is blending in your mouth. The taste can't be better!

"Even if only this chicken soup, I think I can finish two bowls of rice!" McGonagall chewed carefully, feeling the delicious spread in his mouth, but also showed a happy smile.


Two carriages stop at the door. Goodynia and devo jump from the first carriage. A young magician in black robe and a young knight in silver light armor come down from the second carriage and stop beside them.

"Maimi restaurant?" Devo squinted at the restaurant. Although there were not many visitors to this corner of Aden square, I didn't remember that there was such a luxurious house here? And the decoration of this restaurant is a little too luxurious, isn't it?

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