I don't know what metal the signboard of the restaurant is made of. It's golden in the sun. The wooden door is made of the best mahogany. It's classic and exquisite.

What's more amazing is the whole transparent crystal. Although the inside of the crystal is covered with white things, how big the crystal should be cut from, and how skillful the crystal can be cut. The thickness of the crystal is even without any defects.

"This... This crystal is estimated to be a thousand dragon coins?" "Said devo, a little hesitant.

"Boss, the restaurant seems to be closed today. It's not open." Said Johnny, taking a few steps forward, glancing at the sign on the door.

"Does the restaurant owner owe a lot of money and run away with the waiter, with so many blades piled up at the door?" Gabriel came forward with his knife and glanced at the mountain of knives piled in front of the door, with a bit of banter and irony.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Gabriel asked, looking back at devo, his fingers gently touching the handle of the knife, a wisp of long red hair hanging down from his forehead, making the pale face with a long scar look a bit sinister.

As a third level knight, his strength has reached the standard of third level knight, but the examiner didn't know his face, saying that he couldn't be a qualified Knight without humility and compassion.

"Humility and compassion are what the weak have. How can a brave knight need such things?" Gabriel thought of the examiner's words, still remember his original answer, and then naturally became a fallen knight, became the most ruthless spectator of devo tavern.

He really has no pity. He takes money and acts for others. This is his only standard. As for what he does, he never cares.

"If he is not here, he should be taught a lesson. Some people can't be easily provoked by him, and some people have to pay a price." Dewo's smile was a little chilly, and he waved his hand.

"That, too?" Gabriel's eyes turned to the side of the floor glass, licked his lips, eyes suddenly become a little excited, such a huge crystal, this life is impossible to have, but if it can be destroyed, it seems even more exciting than having it!

"Just smash the door!" Devo's voice unconsciously increased a few points. The crystal is too expensive. If it comes to the grey temple, it will be a bit of trouble. A door will be fine. If it is smashed, it can be fooled. Is it difficult for this little restaurant owner to make a big deal because of a door?

Devo coughed lightly, recovered his composure, raised his hand and said, "smash it."

"All right." Gabriel slightly disappointed to take back his eyes, to restore the lazy look, waist long sword brush out of the scabbard, no fancy towards the door of the restaurant.

The sword of the third level knight is enough to cut off a big tree surrounded by one person and a wooden door. There is no need to make a second sword.

"If you dare to burn me, you'll smash your shop today. I don't know what kind of bean curd you sell!" Gudinia looked a little excited. He didn't think about it, but he didn't have the courage. Today, he was excited by ward, and a fierce force came up.

In the city of chaos, it's natural not to dare to kill people. Arson has not reached this level. However, it's not surprising to smash a shop and threaten to find a place.

The grey Temple protects the safety of all shops, but it can't guarantee the absolute order. The old doggies who have been in Aden square for decades, no one knows better than them how to exploit these loopholes. Moreover, according to the past experience, these bullied businesses will only swallow their pride and open their doors to do business. Many things can't be prevented and are stuck, I can't get along in Aden square.


A dull voice rang out. It was expected that the scene of a sword splitting the wooden door did not appear. Gabriel's sword was even directly rebounded back, and his body was taken back a step. He looked at the intact wooden door in disbelief.

"How... How possible!" Ward, who was standing beside the carriage, was also staring at him. He was discontented and said, "Gabriel, your mother's strength has been spent on her belly! If you can't even open a wooden door, what's the use of raising you? "

"This door?" Johnny's face also showed a bit of surprise. He stood by and looked at it. Naturally, he knew that Gabriel didn't use all his strength, but he also used seven or eight points of strength, not to mention just an ordinary wooden door. Even a door covered with iron sheet can be split with one knife.

But there was not even a mark left on the door, as if the knife had been cut into the air.

If the door is equipped with a magic shield, he can understand, but he just did not feel the slightest fluctuation of magic, this situation is too strange.

"Damn it Gabriel's expression suddenly became ferocious, and it was the most unacceptable thing for him to be questioned about his strength. Although he didn't know how strange the door was, he wanted to split everything in front of him, holding the sword in his hands, rushing forward and smashing the wooden door.

"Well?" When the first dull sound sounded, McGonagall looked towards the door with some doubts. After systematic sound insulation treatment, the sound outside the restaurant was almost completely isolated. No matter how lively their fight for sweet and salty food was outside, there was almost no sound in the restaurant. Such a dull sound indicates that someone was pounding the door of the restaurant.

"Looks like someone's knocking at the door? Is it a guest? " Abelmia also looked back at the direction of the door in a strange way, wondering.

"It's a knock, not a knock." Sally shakes her head slightly, and her eyes become a little alert. If it's a collision, it means that the comer is not good.

"Ding! End of system learning

"Ding! This system prompts the host that an enemy is attacking the door of the restaurant. LV1 restaurant automatic defense system has been turned on. It can resist any attack below level 3! "

"Ding! Ask the host to solve the enemy as soon as possible. The defense system can defend three attacks for free each time. From the fourth attack, you will be charged a gold coin for each attack! "

At this time, the system's prompt sound sounded one after another, although the tone is high, but it seems to be a bit tired?

"System, how's the learning progress?" McGonagall's face suddenly became a little queer and asked in his heart.

"After the serious study of this system, we have completely mastered all the skills." The system replied seriously.

"System, didn't you say that the restaurant has no defense? How can you automatically defend against attacks below level 3 now? " McGonagall turned to the question.

"At the beginning, in order to make the host have the power to make efforts to become stronger, this system made this bad policy, but now it is necessary to tell the host the benefits of upgrading the restaurant. Upgrading Lv2 can not only unlock more postures... Sorry, slip of the tongue! Unlock more permissions, can also directly enhance the restaurant's automatic defense level, in time to predict the danger will appea

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