Haider walked into the restaurant and looked at the luxurious restaurant. His eyes lit up, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He turned to McGonagall and said with a smile, "boss McGonagall, thank you for taking the time to chat with me."

"Please have a seat. Actually, I'm very interested in these things." McGonagall said with a smile. He put his glass on the table, went into the kitchen, poured another glass of water, put it gently in front of Haider, opened his chair and sat down in front of him.

When it comes to the steam engine, McGonagall claims to know it like the palm of his hand. After all, in his graduation project, he independently completed the improvement design of a two-stroke reciprocating piston internal combustion engine. Although this improvement was proved to be difficult to use in practice in the final experiment, it can theoretically improve the thermal efficiency by three percentage points, With this graduation thesis, he got a limited number of outstanding graduates.

This is the only thing he did seriously in his four years in University. In this process, he also studied the steam engine, internal combustion engine and steam turbine by the way. He remembered the structure and principle clearly, and even remembered several classic parts.

Of course, it is unrealistic for him to make these things by himself, but if he is asked to draw some drawings and discuss the principles, naturally there is no problem at all.

In short, as long as you give him a good blacksmith who can make standard parts, he can make a steam engine and kick the world into the steam age.

However, McGonagall did not have much interest in doing this before. Whether it was Thomas savilli and Thomas newcomer who invented the steam engine, or watt who improved the steam engine, he just left his name in the history of the development of the steam engine, and he was not very interested in keeping his name in history, but he was still curious about the mechanical level of the world.

"Thank you." Heider put the water cup aside, opened the cloth bag at hand, took out a few drawings from inside and put them on the table. Looking at Meg's expression, he said seriously: "well, we have been studying how to convert steam into kinetic energy, and then use it in production and life, so as to replace animal power and improve production efficiency. Now, we have successfully transformed it into kinetic energy. Although the output is not stable, we have the idea of stabilizing it. The problem we need to solve now is how to transfer this energy to other objects to make it useful. "

"It's a bold and interesting idea." McGonagall glanced at some rough drawings on the table. His eyes lit up and he looked at Heider with a little respect. Unlike him, Heider did not have a giant's shoulder to step on. It was a very talented idea to use steam. It was a kind of admirable spirit to insist on doing this all the time.

For those scientists who are deeply engaged in scientific research and invention, McGonagall still has great admiration. Their fantastic ideas and years or even lifetime of research have continuously promoted the progress of human society.

From the industrial revolution to the modernization of the world, but just two hundred years, it can be said that a steam engine opened the prelude of this era, accelerated the development of human society.

And the man in front of him is almost ready to do it.

The drawing of fine charcoal painting is a little rough, but the overall structure arrangement is very clear. In the single cylinder design, the piston in the cylinder is driven by steam, and then the piston is pushed back by the way of external watering cooling to form a low pressure state in the cylinder, forming a reciprocating motion, and the connecting rod connecting the piston can obtain certain kinetic energy.

This steam engine model is very similar to the newcomer steam engine. As Haider said, they have successfully turned steam into kinetic energy.

But it is about a watt away from using this kinetic energy in production and life.

However, from scratch, McGonagall has great admiration for Heider and his team.

After all, in the world of sword and magic, people still worship the knight who can control the Griffin flying into the sky. Machinery is a new and unpopular specialty. If we tell people that one day ordinary people can also fly into the sky, and the speed on land can be faster than leopard, they will only be considered as madmen, right?

"Thank you." Haider looked at McGonagall and said gratefully. He heard the recognition in McGonagall's eyes and words, which is different from the perfunctory expression of ordinary people, and even the slightest irony. He has experienced many things in the past 20 years.

No one knows what kind of pressure he and his team have been under for more than 20 years.

Others admire their high wages and subsidies, but a few people know that for the sake of this project, their core members have put almost all their savings into it. He and his wife still live in the old house allocated by the school more than 20 years ago, and walk to class every day just because they really can't bear to hire a coachman and raise a horse, One year is enough for another model.

Besides his wife, who had lived in poverty all his life, even the two children couldn't understand these things. They even went home only once a year.

"You're welcome, but I'm curious why you want to study this?" McGonagall asked, smiling at Haider. The memory of McGonagall Alex is almost all about sword training and fighting.

"After a hundred years of relatively peaceful development, commerce in Nolan has been greatly developed, and there are even many businesses across the whole continent.

Although magic is very powerful, the high cost limits the use of magic. Of course, in some expensive fine products, the application of magic is very common.

So we think that the world urgently needs a kind of low-cost and energy-efficient power plant. This idea has been recognized and supported by the city government, which is also the reason why this project, which has not produced any effective results, has been able to persist until now. " Haider replied seriously.

"Well, this is the best time." McGonagall nodded. According to Haider, capitalism has developed to a certain extent in Nolan, and people begin to urgently need something that can effectively improve production efficiency.

At this time, if the mature steam engine can emerge at the historic moment, it will definitely be promoted and applied in a short time. This should be the reason why the city Lord's office has the patience to support a money burning project for more than 20 years.

"If we follow this pace, the first industrial steam engine will not be available in another 20 years." McGonagall looked at the drawing and thought regretfully in his heart. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "How much can a perfect steam engine drawing cost?"

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