"The system seriously warns the host that the host's ideas may accelerate the development of the world and bring many unforeseen features to the development of the world. Therefore, please stop your thoughts immediately, let alone put into action!" The system's serious voice sounded, full of warning.

"System, do you want to sell it?" Meg said calmly.

"This system is not such a system! This system will never do anything that may cause chaos in the world! " The sound of the system is still serious.

"From the perspective of historical development, as long as the Hyder steam engine is launched, driven by market demand, another watt improved steam engine will appear in a few years, and then the world will enter the era of industrial revolution. Therefore, this kind of development is completely predictable and unstoppable. Now I have lost a drawing, which just shortens the time McGonagall retorted calmly.

"However, with the buffer of more than 20 years, the world is likely to develop in other directions. Moreover, the host uses the history of the earth to set up the magic world, which is a strong argument. This system does not recognize this kind of refutation!" The system responded seriously.

"System, are you stupid? If I sell 50000 gold coins, I can directly upgrade the restaurant to Lv2. In the end, not all the money will go into your pocket. I haven't earned a cent. You are still here and I have been beeping all the time. Isn't it hard for you? " MEG couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The system fell into silence.

McGonagall's mouth is tiny. Sure enough, when it comes to money, the integrity value of the system will drop like a cliff.

"No, you are a false proposition. Although all 50000 gold coins will come to me in the end, 50000 gold coins will come to me only after you consume them. In this case, you are still the one who spends money!" After a minute's silence, the system said angrily.

"I didn't expect that you were quite smart..." MEG was surprised.

"Of course..." the voice of the system was a little proud, but immediately responded and said seriously: "host, please don't try to question the intelligence of the system!"

"I think this is the quickest way to get money at present. If you don't let me sell it, then I won't be promoted. Anyway, I can't afford to be promoted without money!" McGonagall said with a little indifference.

"This system can provide a top-level solution for the host." The system hesitated for a moment and said.

"He said Meg said calmly.

"This system can provide hundreds of classic steam engine drawings for the host, the host is only responsible for selling drawings, I am eight you two." The sound of the system is somewhat seductive.

"System, are you questioning my IQ?" McGonagall rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "do you need any more drawings? I have several classic models in my mind. I even remember the process standard of the parts. You can't think of sharing this piece. I can draw the drawings of the internal combustion engine with my bare hands. I'll ask you if you're angry if you don't have a chance to build a car in the future

"Didi didi..."

All of a sudden, the system made a whole jumble of sounds.

"Well, that's right." McGonagall felt a lot better. He looked at Haider and said with a smile, "does the Dean want to talk to me today?"

"Although it's too early to talk about how to apply this kind of energy to production, I would like to ask you how to transform this kind of piston motion into other ways of motion. Of course, this kind of consultation is not free. I sincerely invite you to join our team. If your opinions can be applied to the machine, then you can become an official member, enjoy the allowance of the city master's office, and get a recognized professional title in chaos School Park. " Haider looked at MEG and said seriously.

"It took 25 years to make such a simple design. Would it hurt me to throw out a fully formed steam engine that can be used directly?" McGonagall looked at Haider's sincere eyes, then looked at the simple steam engine drawing on the table, and suddenly felt the impulse to draw a perfect steam engine drawing on the side. However, he finally resisted and shook his head with a smile. "I'm just a chef. I'm afraid I can only offer a little layman's advice, and joining the team may not work. The restaurant is busy, I can't find the time to do other things

At the last moment, McGonagall repented. He decided not to hand in the steam engine drawing so early. Handing in the drawing is a one hammer deal. There is no patent protection in this world. It is the same thing that can change the world. Tens of thousands of gold coins are sold. This is not what a businessman would do.

This is a valuable chip. Although McGonagall respects Heider, who is obsessed with invention and scientific research, he is not so simple as to throw it out.

A physical fitness point is very expensive, and it will become more and more expensive in the future. Since you want him to push the world, of course, you need to pay more for the hard work.

"You are the owner of the restaurant now! It's a businessman! It's an evil capitalist McGonagall said a few words in his heart, and his face became calmer as he looked at Haider.

It's obviously not good to talk about business with Haider. On the one hand, it seems that capitalists bully honest scholars. On the other hand, he has not reached that level. If we want to talk about this business, we must talk with the city Lord's mansion and the grey temple. This is the best way to maximize the interests.

Once the steam engine is invented, in addition to providing stable and efficient kinetic energy in the industry, the train should be the easiest to be promoted, and it will become the most important way of travel and freight transportation, which will completely change people's way of travel.

This kind of project with huge investment and huge engineering quantity can only be promoted with the existence of such magnitude as the city Lord's mansion and the grey temple. After all, the relationship between the chaotic city and all ethnic groups is good. Maybe a railway network centered on the chaotic city can cover the whole continent of Nolan in the future.

Of course, if there is a deal, McGonagall doesn't mind bringing their names with him. Scientific researchers should enjoy the honor and reputation they deserve, and there should be no shortage of them to give extra rewards to the metropolitan government and chaos school.

"So." Haider was a little disappointed, but soon looked at MEG expectantly“ I don't know what's the opinion of boss Mai? "

McGonagall looked at Haider's eager eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said: "in most cases, linear reciprocating motion is difficult to use in production. Maybe we can add gears and rely on gear transmission to transfer kinetic energy, reduce the consumption of kinetic energy. At the same time, through different gear combinations, single reciprocating motion can be changed into various forms of motion, To meet the needs of production and life. "

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