In the dim cave, under the tree of life with ten thousand soft branches, a white elf sits cross legged under the tree. A light green light rises from her and links with the tree of life behind her.

Among the tender green heart-shaped leaves, little fireflies gather together, forming a rotating light curtain outside her body. The green light is shining on her beautiful face. The golden little moon in the middle of her eyebrows seems to be shining. Her expression is relaxed and natural, and seems to have been integrated with the tree of life.

The whole cave is very quiet, even the sound of fireflies flashing their wings can be heard.

"Your Highness Irina." Just then, the door of the cave opened a little half to the side, and Phyllis came in sideways and ran under the tree.

The green branches swept over her. This time, there was no more obstruction, but it took a lot of effort to come to the tree of life.

"Bean sprouts, what happened this time?" Irina did not open her eyes and asked calmly.

"Your Highness... There's new news from lodu, but it seems that Snell can't come back for the time being..." Phyllis said in a low voice, her expression is a little gloomy, and a red bloodstain can be seen under her neck, as if she was beaten by something.

"Well?" Irina suddenly opened her eyes, the green light on her head instantly disappeared, and the fireflies around her also scattered in a crowd, all flying towards the top.

"Who did it?" Irina's eyes first fell on Phyllis's neck. She stopped for a moment on the bloodstain. She looked into Phyllis's eyes and asked.

"Your Highness, I'll be fine..." Phyllis was a little flustered and covered her neck. She shook her head and dodged her eyes.

"What happened to Snell?" Irina asked instead of rushing on.

"Sner was attacked by an unidentified demon and suffered some injuries. Now he is still healing in the Embassy of lodu. His life is not in danger, but his right leg is injured and he can't get out of bed now, so he may not be able to come back." Said Phyllis, a little worried.

"After all these years, has someone finally started to challenge me? Always let the devil carry the pot, these people are really no improvement Irina's eyes looked toward the entrance of the mountain. With a smile on her face and a bit of irony, she slowly stood up. The branches of the tree of life made a clattering sound, as if kneeling down to worship her own king. She separated from each other and gave way to a road.

"Your Highness, nothing happened to Phyllis. I... I bumped into her by accident..." Phyllis said anxiously as she looked at Elena walking towards the door.

"Then let the collision be responsible." Irina light way, stone door toward the side slowly move, completely open, she stood at the entrance of the mountain, eyes to the outside of the forest, finally settled in a tree surrounded by several people thick tree, with a bit of command mouth airway: "you come out, or I let you out?"

The forest was quiet in the moonlight, only the sound of insects came occasionally.

"Good." Irina's expression is still indifferent, slowly raised her right hand, suddenly clenched.


With a dull sound, there was a hole in the middle of the tree. A black figure went straight through the tree and flew to this side. His throat was about five centimeters apart and was locked in the air, so he hung in the air.

This is an old fairy, with a bent figure and a black robe covering her whole body. She has a long hooked nose and looks like an old witch. Her face is covered with blood and full of fear. Looking at Elena with a calm expression, she subconsciously wants to dodge, but her neck is locked tightly and can't move at all.

"I remember you, the black dog behind the old witch Helena, who bit the bean sprouts, right?" Irina asked calmly, looking at the old woman with a slight frown.

"Don't insult Lord Helena!" Heidi cried, looking at Elena angrily. Her eyes were crazy, as if she wanted to die with her!

"Helena, little dog, old dog, you bite me." Irina still raised her left hand and said with a smile.

"How dare you insult the revered Lord Helena, you slut who insulted my elves! You are a disgrace to the elves! Should be nailed to the tree of life Cried Heidi crazily, gritting her teeth and looking at Elena as if to tear her apart.

"You talk nonsense! Your highness... Your highness is the pride of the elves and the idol of the younger generation! " Said Phyllis in a loud voice, looking anxiously at Elena's back in the cave.

"Noisy." Irina frowned slightly, raised her right hand, but stopped in mid air again.

"Hum, you, a sinner imprisoned under the tree of life, dare you beat me?" Heidi, who had been a little flustered, looked at Elena's stopped hand with a look of satisfaction and disdain.

"I'm afraid I'll dirty my hands." Elena took back her left hand.

Just then, a green branch rushed out of the cave, staggered Elena, and slapped on Heidi's face.

Heidi's body seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer and flew out. She bumped into a tree. She was surrounded by a big tree and swayed.

"When the truth is revealed, you will be despised by all the people. Even if you are smart, I will see how many mouths you have to refute and explain." Heidi fell to the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood, dropped a few black teeth, half of her face swelled up, a bright red mark looked scary, looking up at Elena's eyes were infinite crazy.

"I don't need to explain anything to others because I've lived a life without shame." Irina looked up at the bright moon in the sky with a cool expression. Her eyes were getting colder and her voice was getting colder. "I can't go out of the cave, which doesn't mean I can't go out. Tell Helena that if nesner can't stand in front of me perfectly in seven days, she'll wait to collect the corpses of those young people she nominated for these years."

With that, Irina turned to the cave.

Heidi looked at Elena's back, her expression gradually became frightened and frightened, even her body could not help shaking.

"Besides, I don't usually kill dogs, but if it's cruel, I'm afraid of it." Irina's steps stopped for a moment, the stone door slowly closed behind her, and everything was quiet again.

"Yi... Elena..." Heidi's breath became a little short. Endless fear and cold seemed to surround her. Although her bones were broken, fear still supported her to climb into the forest, trying to get away from this terrible Cave

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