"Father, can you tell me a story?" Amy is lying on the cot with the ugly duckling in her arms. She looks at MEG who is sitting at the table looking at the elves.

"Well, let me think about what story to tell Xiaomi." MEG put down the information and sat down by the bed with a smile. Usually the restaurant is busy, and Amy often falls asleep before the business is over. So she hasn't told her a story for some days. After thinking about it for a while, her eyes lit up and said, "let me tell Xiaomi a story about snow white."

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded happily and asked curiously, "is snow white a princess made of snow?"

"No, snow white is a beautiful princess with skin as white as snow." MEG smiles and shakes his head. Then he begins to tell Amy a story: "in a distant country, there is a king and a queen. They long for a child. So he sincerely prayed to God: "God! We are all good kings and queens. Please give us a child

Soon after, the queen gave birth to a lovely little princess. Her skin was as white as snow, her cheeks were as red as apples, and her hair was black and soft. Therefore, the king and queen named her snow white.... "

MEG told the story of snow white slowly in a slightly low voice. The simple and lovely snow white was almost killed under the persecution of the evil queen, but was taken in by seven dwarfs, and then lived a happy life in the forest. But the queen still didn't give up and pretended to be a witch to cheat snow white to eat the poisonous apple

Amy and the ugly duckling listened carefully. They were worried about Snow White's experience and glad that she got help from others.

"In the end, the prince and snow white live happily together, but the wicked queen is killed by a lightning strike and punished." McGonagall finished the story. Looking at Amy, who still has a bright eye and no sleepiness, he reached for her hair and asked with a smile, "Xiaomi, if a stranger gives you an apple, will you still eat it?"

Amy thought about it a little bit and asked, "if only one bite... Would it be ok?"

"Not even one bite. Even one bite of a deadly poison can poison people." McGonagall shakes his head. He's a real snack. Even if it's a poisonous apple, he'll have to taste it.

"Well, Xiaomi won't eat it." Amy nodded a little disappointed, then looked at MEG pitifully and asked, "but... Father, will you find a beautiful but evil queen? Xiaomi is afraid of... "

"Er..." McGonagall looked at the poor Amy. He wanted to laugh, but he felt a little distressed. Unexpectedly, after listening to the story, the little girl thought of this for the first time. She gently rubbed her hair and shook her head with a smile. "No, my father promised not. As long as my father had Amy, it would be enough."

"It's very kind of you, father." Amy had a reassuring smile on her face and fell asleep under Meg's caress.

The ugly duckling got into her arms, found a comfortable position and fell asleep.

"Little guy, there are so many things to worry about. I didn't want to find a stepmother for you." McGonagall smiles, covers the quilt for the two little guys, leans over and kisses Amy's hair. His face is full of spoiling color. He stands by the bed and looks at the little guy's sweet sleeping face for a while. Then he goes back to the table and continues to read the materials.

There are a lot of materials, but most of them are about the customs and customs of the elves and some bad things. They should be a pile of useless materials left after useful information is screened, some even more than ten years ago.

However, McGonagall got a piece of top secret information from it before, and it has been completely recovered. After all, Sally's news is not known to everyone, and the real core information may be slowly collected from Sally's mouth. When we get familiar with it later, there are plenty of opportunities.

McGonagall didn't get nothing from these materials. At least he confirmed that since three years ago, the fairy princess has been shut up and stayed with the tree of life. She has never been out of the cave, and no one has even seen her.

"It seems that she didn't take part in that incident. The so-called closed door is more likely to be a prison without freedom..." McGonagall collected all the information, put it back in the bag, opened the wardrobe, put it in the mezzanine safe, and then lay back in bed.

"What kind of woman would she be?" McGonagall thought curiously that Amy's words today also strengthened her idea of getting her mother back. No matter how good others are, they are still different.

He had a strange dream of being whipped all night. The next morning, MEG was woken up by the alarm clock. He reached out to turn off the alarm clock, took a look at Amy and his ugly duckling, who were still sleeping peacefully. He got up, picked them up and put them back to Amy's pillow. He didn't know how they were sleeping, Every morning the ugly duckling is kicked out of bed.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling yelled at MEG gratefully. Besides Amy, the little guy was close to him. Of course, it should be related to giving him all kinds of delicious food.

McGonagall went downstairs and asked for a day off yesterday because of the unexpected task of the system. Today, he is going to do a good business. He is different from other salted fish owners. He is quite dedicated. Instead of getting pleasure from teasing the guests, he prefers to get a sense of achievement from the expression of enjoyment and satisfaction of the guests.

Because there is one more dish on the menu, the preparation time of food materials is also more compact. Fortunately, Meg's physical fitness has been improved. What he eats every day can be called advanced tonic. Even if the system does not restore his physical fitness, his body is getting better every day. He warms up the damaged muscles and moistens the blood and flesh eroded by magic, Strength is steadily improving.

At six o'clock, McGonagall went upstairs to wake Amy up. The little guy opened his eyes for a while, heard the footsteps, immediately closed them again, and whispered, "people have eaten poisonous apples. They have to kiss to wake up."

"Ah, dear princess, your father has come to save you." McGonagall looks at Amy, who is suddenly on the upper body of the actor. He quickly enters the role, goes to the bed, leans over and kisses Amy's hair gently.

"Hee hee Amy suddenly opened her eyes, put her hand around Meg's neck, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and said happily, "Xiaomi doesn't want the prince, as long as his father is adult."

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