The conference room fell into a strange silence, and the elders looked at the letter, and their faces were not very good-looking.

The letter was not signed, but they would not doubt the authenticity of the letter sent to the elder in person. No one knew what level the connection between the elves and the mage tower had reached.

"Hubert is now the chief minister of punishment of the elves, isn't he? She has a very high status in the elves. Even if she is really a madman, she can't kill him directly, can she Brent swallowed his saliva and said, still in disbelief.

Eliot and others also looked at Richard in silence. They were all involved in the ambush three years ago, directly or indirectly killing MEG Alex.

Hubert was one of the people sent by the elves at that time. He brought the one-year-old and half elves. Now he was killed by Elena, which made their heart rise.

How strong is Elena? Three years ago, they had faced the terrible power of MEG Alex. Maybe they have a more intuitive concept. Their power is said to be the closest among the younger generation.

If she begins to avenge MEG Alex and their little daughter, what will be the outcome waiting for them? Hubert may be just the beginning.

"Elena never follows the common sense. If she really knows that Hubert was involved in the incident three years ago, it's not strange to kill him." Richard looked at the crowd and said in a low voice: "moreover, this may only be a warning and the beginning. Although the royal family has suppressed this matter and dealt with the evidence and related people, we are not sure how much information she has mastered. The spirit who went back may have brought more information than we expected."

"What shall we do? If she knew that we had been involved in the encirclement and killing three years ago, would she retaliate against us? " Brent is a little nervous. Krasu's request is still in his throat. Now he has to face the threat of Irene's revenge. He feels that his spirit is going to collapse.

"We are the only ones who know about it. Those demons have been killed, and the second prince will not reveal it. Even if she knows that it may have something to do with our mage tower, she will not be directly against our mage tower, will she? If she wants to kill the magician in our Wizard tower without certificate, the imperial family will never allow her to do so. If she doesn't want to start a war between the elves and the Los Empire, she won't come to lodu alone, will she? Otherwise, we can completely kill her in lodu as we did three years ago. No matter how strong Alex is, we will not abandon her. " Eliot hesitated for a moment and said with confidence.

"Yes, as long as she dares to come, we dare to kill her! In those years, she and Alex had an adultery and gave birth to that evil son. Now we cover up the scandal for her. If the news is sent back to the elves, they know that their pure and clean fairy princess has actually given birth to a half Elven bastard with human beings, and they will not support her any more. As long as she is dismissed by the elves, even if she is crazy, It's just an ordinary person. If you kill her, what can the elves do? " Brent's breathing got a little short.

The other elders' eyes also brightened when they heard that Alex was abandoned three years ago. The biggest hidden danger was Elena. If Elena was killed, all the problems would not exist.

"And isn't Krasu divorced from the mage tower? If he wants to demolish the mage tower again, we can kill him, just an outsider. If we want to destroy the mage tower, we have enough reasons and confidence to kill him. " Brent's look was already a little crazy.

"This..." the elders hesitated and looked at Richard one after another.

"Fool, Hank does that for a reason." Richard frowned at Brent and said in a cold voice: "if you dare to spread the story about Elena giving birth to a child, tomorrow the whole continent will know about our Wizard tower and the demons encircling and killing Alex. At that time, are you going to commit suicide to face the charge of the Imperial Army's heavy knights? When they dared to let us know that Elena had children, it was because they also held the handle on us, and now you are going to fight with them? "

"I... I..." Brent's face changed, his head lowered and he didn't dare to speak.

"And Kelasu, although he said that he was separated from the wizard tower, if he really came to dismantle the wizard tower, how many people in the wizard tower would respond to you to surround and kill him?" Richard's voice became colder: "I tell you, at least half of the people will kill you first, because they are all disciples outside his name. What's more, as long as you dare to do it, the one in the palace will never sit back and ignore you. There were only two of them who built the mage tower in those years. "

Brent's face became paler and paler, and when he heard the one in the palace, his legs trembled, his head lowered deeper and he did not dare to speak.

Eliot also lowered his head and did not dare to speak any more.

"Elder, what should we do now? Can't you just sit and die? " A stout elder hesitated for a moment and asked stiffly.

"You don't have to worry too much. Elena is going to be locked up for another year now, and it's absolutely impossible for her to have a detailed list of actions three years ago, so she won't find you. Moreover, our mage tower is not easy to provoke. If she really dares to come to Luodu, let her come. In our territory, what do you have to panic about? " Richard took a look at the piece of paper that was still floating in the air. The letter turned to ashes in an instant, and his voice was slightly cold. He said, "I'll send someone to look at Elena and cut off all the connections between her and the outside world from now on. As long as she can't find the exact evidence, she won't come to LoDo. At the same time, I will put pressure on the elves to take care of her. They will not want to see a situation where both sides are defeated. "

"Elder, I..." Brent wanted to speak.

"If I were you, now I should think about how to get a flying mount to the city of chaos as soon as possible." Richard looked up at him and said faintly.

"Yes." Brent swallowed back what he had said, his head bowed.


"Asshole! It seems that the elf has found more things than expected. He should not be allowed to go back alive! "

In the second prince's residence and study, Qiao Xiu's expression was slightly ferocious. He looked at the green letter paper in his hand. Countless white papers whirled around his body and made a whirring sound.

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