The green letter turned into a green flame, the wind stopped suddenly, the ferocious color on Joe Xiu's face gradually faded away, and he regained his usual mild appearance. His slender fingers stretched out and caught a piece of white paper. The white paper suddenly fell to the ground as if it had been exerted a powerful force.

"Hubert is dead. It seems that Elena already knows something about that year. With her intelligence, she will definitely associate things with me, which will be a fatal blow to our relationship. You have to find Alex and the little guy before her, and then kill them, so that she will die completely, and at that time... Elena, I will let you marry me willingly. " Joe stood in front of his desk, his mouth turned up slightly, picked up the quill and began to write.

"Dear Elena..."

Half an hour later, Joe gently waved his hand to let the ink on the paper dry up. He carefully read the letter, which had been rewritten three times. After confirming that the tone was sincere enough and the words were just right, he folded it up and put it into the envelope on the desk.

"Since you want to know about them, I will tell you that they are still alive. In this case, you should not be in a hurry to get revenge, right? What I didn't do in those years is something I regret when I look back on it. " Joe's fingers glowed green and he daubed the envelope lightly. A complicated Rune appeared on the envelope and sealed it.

With a snap of his fingers, Joe opened the closed door to the inside. The housekeeper at the door bowed, holding a small bamboo tube in his hand.

"News from Hughes?" Joe Xiu took a look at the bamboo tube in the housekeeper's hand, with some extraneous meaning.

"Yes, your highness, the eagle has just arrived." The housekeeper said respectfully.

"Give it to me." Qiao Zhao, who calmly waved to him and took the bamboo tube, handed the letter to the housekeeper. "This letter is urgent to send me to the windy forest, to the highness of the princess."

"Yes." The housekeeper took the envelope in both hands, turned and left quickly, quietly closing the door.

Joe opened the bamboo tube in his hand, poured out a piece of paper from it, looked at it for a while, frowned and said to himself, "Alex's father and daughter's tracks may appear on the devil islands. Hughes has been in the city of chaos for more than ten days, and has not found anything related to Alex. Is my previous judgment wrong? Instead of being in the city of chaos, they chose a place where no one could hide? "

This time, Joe thought and remained silent for a longer time. Then he went to the table and wrote two letters, which were put into the bamboo tube and the envelope respectively. After opening the door, the housekeeper still stood respectfully at the door.

"This one to Hughes, this one to Helena." Qiao Xiu handed the two letters to the housekeeper, and said in a low voice: "also, next time the elves from the windy forest appear in Luodu, keep an eye on them. As long as they behave abnormally, they will be arrested for strict examination. They would rather kill the wrong ones than let one go."

"Yes." The housekeeper bowed his head respectfully and left quickly.

"Alex, you are still as invisible as before, but this time even if you hide in the end of the world, I will find you out and kill you." Joe said to himself with a sneer.


"My Lord, Elena killed Lord Hubert. Shall we just sit and watch? The queen connived at her in every way, but only watched her confinement for one year. Won't it make the families feel cold? " In the cave with a starry sky on the top, Heidi looked at Helena angrily and said.

"What do you want to do?" Looking up at the most dazzling star above, Helena asked flatly.

"I think we should unite with all the families to put pressure on her majesty, cancel her Princess qualification and contractual relationship with the tree of life, and drive her out of the wind forest." Hattie gritted her teeth.

"Drive her out of the wind forest?" Helena looked down at Heidi and said sarcastically, "do you know that Irina's strength is among the elves, only under your majesty? Even me, I'm not sure to defeat Elena under the blessing of the tree of life. Your majesty will eventually return to the sea of stars. Princess Elena will be the most powerful guardian of our elves, and you want to expel her? "

"But... She is rebellious and not controlled by adults at all. If she supports others to become princesses and new heirs of the queen, when her majesty returns to the sea of stars, the whole Elves will be under the control of adults." Said Heidi, looking anxiously at Helena.

"Why should I control the elves? What I want is the power of the elves. What I want is that the elves can wipe out the shame of the race war. I want the whole continent to feel fear under the bows and arrows of the elves. " Helena looked at Heidi coldly and said, "so you can die, but Elena can't, and her reputation can't be tarnished, because she will become the most powerful deterrent force of the elves."

"Besides, how do you know the queen will return to the stars before me? You know, I watched her majesty grow up. If I wanted to return to the sea of stars, I would return first. " Helena's face gradually calmed down, but her eyes gradually became bright and crazy: "right is meaningless to me. Only to see the elves standing on the top of all nationalities in Nolan is my last long cherished wish. Therefore, I will do whatever I can to do."

Those stars in the starry sky suddenly burst out a shining light, as if burning in general, a magnificent light fell on Helena's body, as if she was covered with a layer of light yarn.

Heidi looked up at Helena with tears in her eyes.

"How many people have returned this month?" Helena looks back, starlight is also at the same time, looking down at Heidi calmly asked.

"My Lord, a total of 204 clansmen have returned this month, 36 of them have returned on their own initiative, and the others have been sent back. Most of the returned clansmen are not powerful. Only 20 of them are above level 4. Now they are all included in the guard team and major families." Heidi replied quickly.

"It's still too little, and it's too weak." Helena frowned and thought for a while. "To increase the Commission for catching high-level elves, we want people who can directly improve the strength of the guard team, not those who can only do some rough work. Tell those stupid demons that if they continue to treat us like this, we will cancel this cooperation."

"Yes." Heidi nodded, turned and walked quickly out of the cave.

"It's better to be faster. The old king in Luodu Palace won't be able to last long. As long as Qiao Xiu ascends the throne, the alliance of Terran and Elven will sweep the whole continent..." Helena's voice reverberates in the cave.

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