There are two torches in the dark cellar, a thin skin and bone, a black one horn on the forehead, and a pair of dark green eyes. The devil is holding an elf girl. A sharp bone knife is drawn from the fingers of a bone like hand, and it is put on the little girl's throat. The delicate skin is cut out with a bloodstain, and he looks at them fiercely.

Behind him, there are more than a dozen demons and orcs with weapons and scared looks. The situation above is still unknown, but these guys can come here, which means that the brothers above may have been cleaned up.

What scares them even more is that they are led by a lava devil, followed by two piglets and a human, and more lava demons burning with flames follow them.

Now the most powerful player here is zabako, the small head of level 5, but if even the third leader of level 7 Terry is defeated, they can only rely on these piglets.

Those spirits who have been imprisoned for a long time and suffered a lot are all looking at the passageway. The lava demons with red flames make them fear. If they escape from these demons and fall into the hands of more powerful and terrible demons, it will be a more tragic nightmare for them.

However, the eyes of the elves soon fell on the little half elves who followed the lava devil. Their eyes suddenly brightened up. The purple mage's robe looked quite noble and gorgeous. Although they were half elves, their delicate appearance and sharp ears didn't look much different from the real spirits.

Of course, these are not important. The important thing is that such a half elf girl appears here. Does it mean that these people are really here to save them?

These demons and orcs, who used to bully and treat them like livestock, are now trembling with fear, which has never happened before.

But now his life is still in their hands, sharp weapons on them, if there is a conflict between the two sides, they do not know how many people will die.

But they have no fear. Instead of suffering in this dark cellar and becoming slaves without freedom, death is a relief. At least now they can see a glimmer of light and hope. If death can bring freedom to some people, they are willing to pay the price.

McGonagall was holding a square object in his hand beside him. He looked at the bright eyes in the dark cellar with a heavy expression. On both sides of the passage were iron cages less than one meter high. Some old Elves were stuffed in the cages, and they could not even stretch their waist.

In addition to humidity, there is a stench in the air. The broken clothes of the elves are covered with all kinds of filth. It's hard to imagine how the elves, who are generally addicted to cleanliness, survive in such an environment and suffer from both physical and mental torture.

Anger ignited in McGonagall's heart. Although the Elves were involved in the plot against McGonagall Alex three years ago and were one of the leaders, McGonagall still had a good feeling for most of the elves in the elves.

They are half of Amy's people, and generally love peace and nature. They are the easiest people to get along with in Nolan. Now they are treated as livestock!

Sargeras looked at the scene with the same angry color in his eyes. Although he is also a demon, they have their own bottom line and will never attack the weak. Now these guys obviously don't think so. They imprison and humiliate these spirits and have no bottom line at all.

But now these elves are under control, and many elves are threatened by weapons. Although they can easily crush these demons and orcs, they are not sure to save them safely, so they dare not act rashly for a moment.

Zabako looked at Sargeras, who was a rat thrower. He was relieved that the lava devil put the greatest pressure on him. He should also be the leader of these people. Since he cared about the life and death of these piglets, he was sure that he could use them as an exchange condition to change their way of life, and even exchange more things, such as a lot of money.

Thinking of this, zabako showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and felt more confident. Looking at Sargeras, he said in a loud voice: "if you want to save these piglets, you'd better not act rashly, or the knife in my hand will cut her blood vessels. You can't be faster than my knife! Now, you have only one choice, that is... "

"You villains, all of you should be killed!"

At this time, a soft and crisp voice sounded.

Amy, standing behind Sargeras, looks at zabako angrily. She doesn't know when the wand will appear in her hand. The purple and golden light is shining in the prophecy stone like lightning.

"Oh." Zabako looked at Amy and gave a smile. He didn't care about her at all. Piglets of this age, like ordinary human children, can only play with mud. He didn't care about her at all. What he cares about now is Sargeras' idea.

"Ice soul lotus, frozen field!" Amy pointed the wand to zabako and cried out. The dazzling white light suddenly appeared, and a crystal lotus came out. Then in a twinkling of an eye, it appeared right above zabako. The temperature of the whole cellar suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and the snowflakes fell from zabako and the demons. The faces of the elves and demons were frosted, and their movements all froze, The whole space seems to be at a moment's standstill.

The smile on zabako's face was stiff, his eyes were frightened, and his bone knife trembled slightly, trying to get rid of the frozen effect.

At this time, a red square unidentified object crossed the crowd, like a precision guided RPG shell, accurately patted on zabako's face.

Blood splashed, zabako's body fell back uncontrollably, and the bone knife on the little elf's neck was also thrown out. He fell to the ground and his eyes were round. Before he was in a coma, he still didn't want to understand what the square red stone was.

"Burning Legion, kill them!" Sargeras was stunned for a moment, and immediately rushed forward with the folding chair. When he got up and down, a demon or Orc fell down. In a twinkling of an eye, the demons and orcs who were frozen for a short time were all subdued by the Burning Legion, and no spirit was injured in the battle.

"Brick, you deserve it." MEG stepped forward and picked up the red square object from the ground. It was an angular brick.

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