"Here it is!" Bloom and Sally came to the courtyard. There are still some big footprints and burning marks on the ground outside the courtyard. The door of the courtyard has been broken, and there are still some magic waves and hot air in the air. It can be seen that there has just been a fierce battle here.

Both bloom and Sally are on guard. It's not clear whether there are more powerful demons in this mercenary regiment. Moreover, from the traces on the scene, I'm afraid the strength of those who fought before is not below them. I don't know whether they are enemies or friends, so we need to be more careful.

Two people toward the direction of the courtyard door slowly close, the magic wand in hand tightly grasp, ready to release magic at any time.


Bloom released an illumination to the yard. The white light ball exploded above the yard, and the white light lit up the whole yard.

"Well! What is this

Bluer and Sally, who are ready to fight, are stunned when they look at the sacks scattered in the yard. The sacks are obviously full of things, leaving behind a mess after the battle, with charred marks everywhere.

"Why does it feel familiar?" Sally frowned, wondering that the battle was just over, but there was nothing left but the sacks.

"Demons and orcs! These guys should all be members of the mercenary regiment, but they are all knocked out now. Who made them? " Bloom untied the sacks and frowned at the contents.

"Tie them up first, and then find out if there is any other place to hide. It should not be far away, and the captured elves have not been found." Brandley arrived with the people from the grey temple, waved and said, breathing slightly. As a magician, his physical quality is still weak.

"There's a voice over there!" Sally listened for a moment and pointed to the corner of the yard.

"It's a cellar! Those elves may be locked down. Let's hurry down and have a look! " There was a passage leading to the underground in the corner. There were burning marks on the wall, and there was a burning smell. Without any hesitation, he jumped down first and walked quickly down the passage.

Sally looked at the back of bloom, eyes a little complex, but also followed the jump, quickly follow.

"Leave a few people on the top to watch, and the rest will follow me down. A devil and an orc must not be let go for a while." Brandley said, and then jumped down the aisle, holding the wand in his hand and walking down with an alert look on his face.


The demons and orcs in the cellar were solved. Amy collected the ice lotus in mid air. The snowflakes stopped suddenly, and the freezing temperature also gradually rose. With the rise of the flames of the lava demons, the stiff elves quickly regained consciousness.

The elves looked at the fallen demons and orcs, stunned, as if they could not believe the scene.

"You are free." Amy took a step forward and looked at the elves.

This sentence was like a thunder, the elves suddenly opened their eyes, the heart that had been silent for a long time began to beat faster, the blood accelerated in the blood vessels, the excitement broke out, and a burst of joy broke out in the cellar.

Some elves wept with joy, some elves hugged each other. After suffering countless torments, they finally waited for this day. They didn't expect that they would be free again.

And more eyes are fixed on Amy, grateful, worship, and even... A little fanatical!

"This is the first sentence that Princess Elena said every time she rescued us! But she has no news for more than three years, and now, finally someone will appear to save us! This little girl is a genius An old elf looked at Amy with burning eyes.

Although she looks very young, she can release such powerful magic at this age. She is definitely a super genius. If she is really willing to rescue these wandering elves, she will soon be able to have the same deterrent power as Princess Elena.

The scene that Amy used magic to ice everyone was too shocking. Obviously, many elves realized this, so they all had strong expectations when they looked at Amy.

"Amy... How powerful!" Anna, standing in the corner, looks at Amy with her small eyes wide open. She is also a child. Why is she so excellent?

And looking at those free elves, his little face also showed a smile, muttering: "if grandfather knew, he would be very happy, right?"

McGonagall quietly put away the bricks in his hand. As a powerful weapon that can switch three combat modes, edge 1.5 times damage bonus and corner 2 times critical strike, the bricks can be said to be one of the necessary weapons for home travel self-defense. Moreover, because they are freely available and widely used, they have a unique position in rivers and lakes.

At the same time, due to the small size, the attack speed has been greatly improved, and can be thrown, making up for the shortcomings of the long distance can not attack

With the advent of the electronic age, the status of brick in the world is still not declining, and it can often be used as a substitute for packaging, which fully proves the universality of brick.

In any case, McGonagall has fully proved that he spent a copper coin to buy a brick from the system, or played a full role.

After a brick, he hid his merits and fame. When he looked at Amy, who was admired by the elves, MEG showed a smile on his face.

If you want to recognize the identity of half elves, at least the elves should recognize it first. It is not realistic to change those elves who have become pedantic in the forest of wind. However, if you look at these elves who are floating on the continent of Nolan and are in danger of being hunted, a person who can protect them, even a half elves, will also get their fanatical worship.

This is the new blueprint that McGonagall just started today. If one day these elves can return to the wind forest with dignity, or return to the elves in the way of counterattack, then their attitude may change the attitude of the whole elves.

This is very important. Of course, Amy's happiness is more important.

Amy is really happy to feel the adoration and fanatical eyes and accept the thanks from the elves. She has never been praised and appreciated by so many people, and she is also a group of elves who give their heartfelt thanks.

"No thanks, no thanks. I just beat the bad guys. It was Anna's little sister and grandfather who asked us to save you." Amy said with a small hand, a little embarrassed.

"This... Anna! Boss Mai! And the little boss! " Bloom's voice came from behind.

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