The ugly duckling's round body drew a beautiful parabola in mid air, and then fell into the thick leaves of the roadside, leaving only a fat buttock and two hind paws exposed, and its tail swaying slightly.

"Poof --" Amy was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. She took a quick look at the mink, held her fist and cried out: "ugly duckling, come on, big mouse is coming. If we can't catch it, we won't have anything to eat this noon. If we don't have anything to eat, we can only eat..."


Before Amy finished, the duckling pulled his head out of the leaves, raised his head and looked at the mutant sable with bright eyes. The orange hair exploded, as if it had become an orange hedgehog. He arched his back, stretched out his right claw, opened his claw, and showed his sharp nails.

"That little thing will be torn up with one paw, right?" EVA looked at the duckling and thought bitterly in her heart. She slowly moved to the other corner in the carriage. If the sable came, she would attack the nearest target first. As long as the father and daughter could delay for a while, she would have a chance to wait for Evan's help.

Thinking of Evan, EVA looked up at the big tree in the distance, but her eyes suddenly widened. Different from shiver and other mercenaries who came to the direction of the carriage, Evan was standing on the branch of the big tree, and it was clear that he was the closest to the carriage, and as a magician, he had many kinds of long-range attack magic, But he stood still, the smile raised from the corner of his mouth was so dazzling, like waiting for a good play to be staged.

"No... master Evan must be preparing a powerful magic, a magic that can instantly kill the mutant sable..." EVA shakes her head and tells herself in her heart, but what lingers in her mind is still the smile on the corner of Evan's mouth. For the first time, there is a greater fear than death in her heart.

"So fast!"

Shiver and the mercenaries looked at the sable, which was rushing towards the carriage like a purple lightning. The most intense thought was this. The mutant Warcraft often evolved some powerful ability. While the speed of the sable was strengthened, the most powerful ability should be that pair of sharp forepaws that easily broke Evan's serial ice cones.

If the sable in such a crazy state is allowed to rush into the carriage, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even the boomerang couldn't catch up with the mink. Shivell knew that they didn't have time to stop the mink. The ice wall that should have appeared on the mink's road didn't appear and didn't buy them more time. Now he can only hope that McGonagall can delay for some time.

Running away is obviously not a right choice. In the face-to-face confrontation, EVA, who is a first-class treatment magician, has no fighting power at all. It seems that Amy, who is only four or five years old, can't either. MEG, who is wearing a butcher's knife at his waist, has become the only hope. It seems that he has reached the most critical moment whether he is clever or really hidden.

At this time, Amy got up and threw out a mass of orange unknown objects. After landing, it was the orange kitten.

Compared with the one meter long purple golden mink, the identity of cat and mouse seems to have changed. The small one feels that the purple golden mink can knock it away with a slight bump. Now it bravely stands in front of the carriage, bowing its back and stretching out a small paw.

"Does MEG want to rely on the cat to stop the sable?" Looking at this scene, the mercenaries flashed a ridiculous idea.

"Those who are arrogant but don't know themselves often die faster. This little cat can stop the purple golden mink that can even break my ice cone. I really think it's a big mouse." Evan sneered, stepped gently, and swept towards the direction of the carriage. The magic wand in his hand was shining white again. A little stagnation was enough to miss the chance of blocking. Only when some people died, these rude guys would understand his dignity and importance, and know what attitude to treat him.

As for EVA, the mean woman with ordinary appearance and figure, it's only useful to vent her desire at night when she can't bear it. But recently, she seems to have some ideas that she shouldn't have. It's a chance to get rid of her completely.

In a flash, the sable came not far from the carriage. Its purplish golden hair was metallic, but it would be a bit ferocious. Two long tusks were exposed from the corners of its mouth, and its eyes became blood red. The open mouth of the blood basin could easily swallow the ugly duckling, just like a wild dog.

Obviously, he also found the ugly duckling with deep hair. His eyes were full of blood, and his speed of lightning slowed down a little.

However, the suspicion soon disappeared, and his eyes suddenly turned blood red and became more violent. His forepaw with more than 10 cm long claws easily broke a big stone. His speed was improved again. He jumped up and opened his mouth to bite the ugly duckling.

Faced with the bloody mink, the ugly duckling didn't show half timidity. A pair of small ears stood up high. Instead, he stood up against a pair of hind legs and yelled at the mink: "meow ~"

McGonagall, who was holding a butcher's knife at his waist, almost couldn't help laughing. His good momentum was completely destroyed by the soft cry. At first, he thought that the ugly duckling might show his unusual side in this critical moment. After all, the ugly duckling was eager to try all the time, There was no sign of fear.

But now it seems that it's not because of how powerful it is, but because the goods are real. After all, they dare to show hostility to a sable in the face of a giant dragon. Obviously, it has nothing to do with strength.

McGonagall's hand was on the handle of the knife, and within that distance, he was sure to kill the sable before its teeth fell on the duckling.

His sword, really fast.

"Eat it! It's better to eat them all and spend more time! " EVA opened her eyes wide and shrank in the corner of the carriage, thinking hysterically.

Shiver catches the boomerang and throws it out again. At the same time, she tries to speed up her speed. She can't bear it. But if the kitten can delay for some time, she can catch up.

However, just as Meg was ready to move, the sable flying in mid air heard the cry of the ugly duckling, but its eyes suddenly widened, as if hearing the death knell. There was endless panic in the eyes of the ugly duckling. Its limbs were open, and the skin film from elbow to knee was tense, trying to turn around and escape in mid air, The overwhelming momentum suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, but he did not dare to face the ugly duckling.

However, the mink came to the ugly duckling in front of him. The direction just turned to the middle. The ugly duckling standing up on a pair of hind legs stretched out his little claws and patted him on the head.


The sable fell straight to the ground, with prominent eyes and no breath.

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