
The boomerang was nailed to the ground not far away, and the handle was still shaking rapidly.

Towards the direction of the carriage, the crowd slowly stopped, looking at the sable lying on the ground and not moving, and the orange kitten just the size of a palm.

At least level 3 Warcraft's mutant sable was killed by this little guy's exchange and soft slap? Or scared to death?

"What is this kitten?" The hearts of the people were filled with wonder.

"How could that be?" Evan stops in a tree and looks at the scene with some difficulty. Originally, he was ready to subdue the three people in the carriage after Zijin killed them. In this way, he can not only get rid of McGonagall and his daughter, but also get rid of EVA completely. In addition, he can show his real strength to deter other mercenaries. But now he is disturbed by a little cat.

"This..." EVA looked at this scene, her face was a flash of joy for the rest of her life, but looking at the purple sable in front of the ugly duckling, her face became particularly ugly when she thought of what she had said before.

"Meow, meow!" The duckling stepped forward, put her paw on the sable's head, looked back at Amy and cried out.

"Ugly duckling, you are wonderful!" Amy patted her hands happily, then turned to look at EVA and said with a smile, "sister, the ugly duckling has caught the rat. Are you going to eat it now or later?"

"You... I..." EVA trembled with anger, but she said what she had said before. Now she didn't have any good words to refute. She was as shy as a monkey's ass.

"What is it? It's definitely not an ordinary orange cat. Is it something like an ancient beast? But it's too simple to be picked up by the herb gatherer, isn't it? " McGonagall was surprised to see this scene. He was able to frighten to death a mutated Level 3 Warcraft with a soft cry. He thought it was just an ordinary orange fat man, so he was a man for nothing.

But in his memory, there is no powerful Warcraft that looks like orange cat. Can it grow into an elephant and crush its opponent by weight?

However, at least one thing can be confirmed. At the beginning, they bought an egg casually on the street, and they really bought a treasure.

McGonagall has no idea what this little orange cat will grow into, but according to the ten oranges nine fat law, the probability of growing into a ball should be the largest.

When the danger is relieved, MEG also puts down his knife hand and watches his ass bump back under the carriage. He pulls the wheel with his legs and mews at Amy for the ugly duckling to hold. Maybe this will be a big help for Amy in the future, just like the purple Griffin did to MEG Alex.

MEG jumps out of the carriage with Amy in his arms. Amy stoops to pick up the ugly duckling in front of him. The duckling's face looks very serious and says, "well done, ugly duckling."

"Are you all right?" He pulled the boomerang from the ground and thrust it back into his waist. He looked at MEG and asked.

"We're OK. I don't know if the one in the car is OK." MEG shook his head with a smile and pointed to EVA, who was still in the carriage.

"EVA?" Asked hevel, stepping forward and looking at Eva with concern.

"I'm... I'm fine." EVA stood up at the edge of the carriage, shook her head and said that her legs were still shaking. She had just broken through the crowd's encirclement and interception, and even picked up Ivan's attacking sable, which really scared her. She even thought she was going to die here today.

But when she looks at MEG and Amy, she is not half grateful. On the contrary, there is a trace of resentment in her eyes. Why can even one of their cats scare the mutant sable to death? Does she really want to eat it raw?

The mercenaries also gathered around and looked at the ugly duckling in Amy's arms with a strange look. It was just a cub that could scare the third level Warcraft to death. The little guy was afraid that he was the son of some high-level Warcraft, but he didn't know how he fell into the hands of MEG and his daughter and became the little girl's pet.

"Amy, what kind of Warcraft are you? So much. " Dennis touched his hair, looked at Amy and asked with a smile.

Everyone looked at Amy, and even Xavier looked curiously at the ugly duckling in Amy's arms.

It's very difficult to meet the cubs of Warcraft, especially high-level Warcraft. Generally, if the mother of Warcraft is attacked, she will kill her cubs, including those in egg state, after she is determined that she can't escape.

This kitten is so close to Amy. It's obvious that she grew up with her since she was a child. When Warcraft grows up, it will become the best helper of its owner. It has absolute loyalty and tacit understanding. It's a partner that everyone envies.

"He's not a kitten. In fact, he's a duckling, and he's not a Warcraft. He's an ugly duckling." He said, looking at Dennis with an ugly duckling in his arms.

"Well? Ugly duckling

Dennis was stunned and looked at the ugly duckling nestled in Amy's arms. No matter how it looked, it looked like a cat, not like a duck at all, and it looked lovely, not ugly at all?

Other mercenaries also look strange. They can't keep up with the little girl's brain circuit. However, it seems that she doesn't know what Warcraft it is. Maybe she has been keeping it as an ordinary kitten all the time. After all, MEG is just a cook. Even those hunters who have been wandering in the wilderness all the year round can't recognize what Warcraft it is, so MEG can't know it.

"But I can tell you a little secret about the ugly duckling, but I won't tell you until you promise to keep it a secret." Amy looked at them mysteriously and said.

"The secret?"

The mercenaries were very excited. Did Amy know the real identity of the kitten? So they all nodded their heads to show their willingness to be conservative. Even Evan, who had been standing in the distance, was a little closer and listened in his ears.

"In fact, the ugly duckling is not an ordinary duckling..." Amy looked at the mercenaries gradually bright eyes, lowered a bit of voice and continued: "its real identity is a little swan, when it grows up, it will become a white swan, at that time, it can fly to the sky."


All the mercenaries looked at Amy and the ugly duckling in his arms with a circle on his face at the same time. Even if the duckling is gone, how can they still get involved with the White Swan now? This orange little guy doesn't look like a white swan in the future!

"Mr. McGonagall, this mutant sable was caught by your pet, so it belongs to you. Its skin can be sold at a good price by the mercenary guild." Said shevel, looking at MEG with a broad smile.

Dennis, though envious, had no objection to his words.

"Xivier, we worked hard to get rid of this mink. This guy is just lucky. Why should we take this expensive mutant mink skin like this?" At this moment, Evan stepped forward, looked at hivier and said in a cold voice.

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