"It's a poor child. He made such a stupid decision. He missed this time. If he wanted to eat the delicious food made by his father, he would never have a chance." Amy looked at the direction of EVA and Evan pitifully and said softly. Then she took a big bite of the beef and had a happy smile on her face again.

MEG takes a look at the beef kebab nailed to the tree. It's a pity that the fruits of his labor have been wasted like this. He takes another look at Evan and EVA, whose throat is slightly agitated. There's a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. Should they bear the pain?

For more than an hour, half of the cattle went into the people's stomachs, and MEG hardly stopped. Finally, he had time to eat some beef kebabs.

It's 2 cm square. It's just a full mouthful. The full and tender beef is wrapped with delicious sauce. It turns into the most wonderful taste in the mouth. The taste buds and every cell on the body are opened for it. After swallowing it, a strong sense of satisfaction comes to my heart, which is better than all the beef I've ever eaten.

"It's just ordinary wild beef. If you replace it with the top-grade tin Buffalo, the taste and delicacy will rise to a higher level. Today's meal is even a trial, and the response is good. It seems that it can become a popular food in the restaurant again." McGonagall looked at the beef kebab in his hand, his face showed a smile, and the free ride and the previous purple gold mink were also on the table. After all, everyone on the scene ate no less than ten kebabs. McGonagall has planned to price 300 copper coins for such delicious beef kebabs. How can it be said that they are a little more expensive than bean curd?

"This is the most delicious meal I've ever had in the wilderness as a mercenary for so many years!" Dennis wiped his mouth and said sincerely.

"Belch! It's the most delicious meal I've had since I was born. " Said Scrooge, burping and laughing.

"I said, brother McGonagall, why don't you join our rose mercenary regiment and make delicious food for us every day and give us the task." The monkey jumped from the side of the tree, looked at MEG and said expectantly.

"Yes, I think so, so that we can have delicious food every day in the wilderness." Sam clapped his hand.

The mercenaries looked at McGonagall one after another, with a look of expectation in their eyes. Even hevier looked at McGonagall, as if he was moved.

"I'm sorry, my main job is to manage restaurants and cook. Going out to get materials is just an irregular activity, so I can't join your mercenary regiment. If you still want to eat my food, you can go to the Madin square to find the Maimi restaurant, which is my restaurant." McGonagall shook his head with a smile. He didn't want to be a mercenary. The life of licking blood with a knife is not suitable for him.

"So..." the mercenary's face showed some disappointment. The monkey scratched his head and wanted to talk.

"Well, Mr. McGonagall and little Amy are not suitable to be a mercenary now, and we don't have time to spend two hours eating in the wilderness every day. Let's go to Mr. McGonagall's restaurant to have a good meal when we have a rest." He said with a smile, looking at McGonagall's heartfelt praise: "you are a very good cook."

"I'm flattered." McGonagall nodded slightly, and his mood suddenly became better.

"Well, I must go to big brother McGonagall's restaurant for dinner this vacation. Can we get a discount when we are so familiar?" Said the monkey, looking at MEG with a smile.

"The restaurant doesn't offer any discount to everyone, but it's my basic requirement to make sure that every guest who comes into the restaurant feels that it's worth the money." Meg said with a smile.

"If someone says that, I'm sure he's bragging, but I believe you!" Dennis gave MEG a thumbs up.

"Well, lunch has been delayed a lot. It's time for us to continue our journey. It's only half an hour from here to fog valley. Let's take a rest and prepare for the fight." Shevel took the smile away from his face and straightened out.

"Yes." The mercenaries answered and began to check their equipment. They raised the remaining half of the cattle and put them on the carriage, ready to continue on the road.

Evan said he would go to see the situation first and leave first.

McGonagall quickly put away his bottles and cans, washed his hands, took Amy and the ugly duckling, and followed them to the carriage. Fog Valley is coming, and their battle is about to begin. Today, a tin bull is a must, because the reward for the task is too rich and attractive.

"Ding! The system solemnly warns the host that the task of capturing the iron bull must be completed by the host independently. If the host relies on the help of others, the system will judge that the task fails and punish the host! "

The serious voice of the system rang out, with some indisputable.

"OK, I know. I'm not ready to work with them. It's hard for so many people to share the spoils." McGonagall rolled his eyes in his heart. Judging from the previous cooperation of rose mercenary regiment, the strongest one among these people is shiver, but her strength has not yet broken through level 4. Although it's good to be able to achieve such strength at this age, objectively speaking, she is not as powerful as Amy in the battle.

"This system solemnly warns once again: the host is strictly forbidden to use unconventional weapons in the mission!" The sound of the system becomes more serious.

"Brother Sam, how are the tin bull distributed in misty Valley? Is it all over the place? " McGonagall directly chose to ignore the system, looking at Sam and asking.

"Of course not. Although there are iron bull in misty Valley, the number of them has become very rare because they have been killed more in recent years. It depends on luck to meet them. Moreover, the fog Valley has a wide range and is shrouded in fog all the year round. The visibility is extremely low. Besides the iron bull, there are other Warcraft, so it is extremely dangerous. Moreover, unfamiliar people are easily lost in the fog, which is very fatal in the wilderness. " Sam shook his head, looked at McGonagall's expression and said seriously, "so, I suggest McGonagall not take little Amy deep into fog valley. It's called cannibal fog."

"Well, I'll think about it." McGonagall nodded, and his expression became more dignified. It seems that the situation in misty Valley is more complicated than imagined.

"Oh, by the way, I seem to have forgotten to take my grill. Could you stop and let me go back to get it?" After a while, MEG thought of something and said quickly.

"Do you want me to turn the carriage around and get it for you?" Asked the monkey, looking back at MEG.

"No, it's just a corner. I'll be back soon." McGonagall put down his knapsack, got out of the carriage and walked quickly along the same road. The grill cost him 100 yuan. It's a pity that he lost it.

Around the corner, MEG was about to walk towards the oven when he found a figure sitting on the tree where the carriage had stopped. He was stretching out his hand to pull the beef kebab from the tree and delivering it to his mouth.

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