Sitting on the branch of the tree was Evan, who said he would go ahead of time to see the situation. He held the beef kebab that had just been pulled from the tree trunk. He sniffed, and his face was a bit intoxicated. His expression was focused and dignified. He didn't find MEG in the distance.

"To eat or not to eat? Is it really as delicious as they say? " Evan's expression is a little tangled, hesitated for a while, or can't help biting a piece of beef, expression suddenly bright.

There are also some hot beef fed to the mouth, delicious sauce with fresh beef, which has exceeded all his imagination of beef.

"Is this really beef? Incredible taste! How can there be such delicious food, such delicious beef in the world Evan can't help but roar in his heart. At this moment, he has completely forgotten that this is the beef roasted by the guy who has given him infinite humiliation. He has also forgotten that this is the beef hanging on the tree at any time. Such delicious beef can't be found in the world!

"Is it delicious?" There was a sudden sound.

"How fragrant Evan nodded his head heartily. His expression changed suddenly. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked down. McGonagall was standing under the tree and looked at him with a slight smile.

The air was suddenly quiet. Evan sat on the tree with a stiff expression holding the beef kebab. MEG stood under the tree and looked up at him.

In the past, he mocked McGonagall and patted off the beef kebab, saying that he would never eat it. Now, Evan secretly turned back to pick up the beef kebab on the tree and ate it, but McGonagall broke it on the spot. The most embarrassing thing was that he even admitted it... Really fragrant.

Evan even has the idea of suicide at this moment, or find a crack to turn in, and never come out again in his life.

"Take your time. I'll go first. They're still waiting for me." McGonagall heard the satisfactory answer, turned around with a smile, picked up his grill plate and left, which made him feel better than going up and slapping him.

"This guy..." Evan looked at McGonagall's back, his hand holding the magic wand was blue, but after hesitating for a while, he slowly put down his hand. At such a close distance, once he took the hand, they would surely notice, and the familiarity between them was enough to make them easily judge who took the hand.

McGonagall put down his hand on the scabbard around his waist, which was similar to what he had judged, but his pace quickened a bit. After all, people were still waiting for him.

Evan was the only one left. He looked at the kebab in his hand and wanted to throw it away. But he raised his hand over his head and stopped again. His throat moved and hesitated for a long time. Sometimes he slowly put it down and bit the second piece of beef.

"Good! But... It's really delicious! Why is the beef made by this guy so delicious... "Evan ate the beef kebab and lost the bamboo stick in his hand with a look of pain and happiness. However, when he looked at the extended road, his face was a bit tangled. If that guy had told them about it, It's really embarrassing today.

"Brother McGonagall, what's the matter with you? Did you find any money on the way back? So happy? " Dennis looked at McGonagall, who had been smiling since he got back on the bus. He couldn't help asking curiously.

"I didn't find the money. I just saw a monkey stealing food. I thought it was funny." McGonagall shook his head with a smile. He didn't talk about it. He didn't want to save face for Evan. He just didn't think it was necessary to waste time on such a small matter.

"I didn't steal. Don't do me wrong." The monkey turned his head and protested solemnly, which caused a burst of laughter.

As the carriage goes on, Sam sees that McGonagall doesn't give up the idea of entering the fog valley. He also enthusiastically tells McGonagall about the matters needing attention when entering the fog Valley, as well as all kinds of emergency escape methods.

McGonagall listened carefully and kept it in mind. In addition to the iron bull, there are even level five Warcraft in the fog valley. This is very dangerous and even fatal for McGonagall and Amy. After all, Amy is still a level Four magician. The random critical strike of the prophecy stone is too mysterious to place all the bets on it, It's obviously a good choice to follow the advice of a veteran hunter who has entered misty Valley many times.

"Mr. McGonagall, we'll park the carriage here. If you need a ride back to the city of chaos in the evening, you can wait for us here." Half an hour later, the carriage stopped outside a huge Valley shrouded in fog, and shiver looked at MEG and said.

"Yes, thank you." McGonagall got out of the car with Amy and the ugly duckling in his arms, and nodded with a smile. It took so much time to come, so it was natural to take a free ride back.

The mercenaries got out of the carriage, packed up their equipment, and said goodbye to MEG and Amy. The monkey walked towards the valley first, and soon disappeared into the fog, followed by Dennis and others.

"If you go into fog Valley, this guy will die, right?" Evan just returned to the team, gave MEG a gloomy look and followed the crowd forward.

"If you just need a part of the tin beef, maybe we can give you some help. You don't have to take such a risk. Amy is still a child." He turned around and looked back at McGonagall. He said seriously.

"Everyone has their own jobs and things they have to do. As a father, I will protect her." McGonagall put his hand on Amy's head and looked at hivier.

Looking at this scene, he could not help but think of the man who liked to put his hand on his head, and the sentence he often said, "I will protect you." he nodded and said, "good luck." Then turn around and quickly follow the line.

"Good bye, sister shiver." Amy waved to the back of shiver.

"Goodbye!" Shevel waved his hand back to them and disappeared into the mist of the valley.

"Father, are we going to go into this valley to catch big cows next?" Amy looked up at MEG and asked excitedly.

"Yes, that's our most important goal today, to make a more delicious roast beef kebab with the big cattle in misty valley." MEG nodded with a smile.

"More delicious? Is it more delicious than what you eat at noon? " Amy's eyes lit up and asked in an incredible way.

"Yes, it's more delicious than the one at noon." McGonagall nodded, took Amy's little hand and walked toward the valley. He said in his heart, "system, can GPS be done? If not, can we sell compass? "


"Not yet? When is the dead boss going to hide? Although I know that Richie barbecue is famous in Aden square, I never thought this guy would abandon the store and even stop doing business in order to avoid my challenge? " Outside the Maimi restaurant, Ritchie stood on the steps, looking at the announcement, and the disappointed guests were ready to leave.

"This guy's got a brain, right?" The guests looked at rich with a caring look on their faces.

"In that case, I'm going to increase my bets. In this contest, I'll bet all my dignity. If I lose, I'll kneel down and kowtow to him and call him father three times. If the boss of McMillan's Restaurant loses, he has to do the same thing!" Ritchie was enraged by the guests' eyes and said in a loud voice.

"So exciting?" The guests, who were going to leave, were all in a hurry.

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