Rose mercenary regiment orderly forward to the fog Valley, the monkey in the fog light flashing, from time to time came two short whistle as a signal.

Then there are Dennis and Scrooge, two heavyweight meat shields in the front, which can resist some sudden dangers and provide more output space for the rear, while Xavier is on the last side to guard against the possible dangers behind.

As the periphery of the wilderness, misty Valley is an area they often explore, so they are very familiar with the terrain and environment.

However, Warcraft in the wilderness will never stay in the same place. High level Warcraft may appear on the outskirts of the wilderness, not to mention fog valley. A level five Warcraft is likely to lead to the destruction of their mercenary regiment, so you can't be too careful.

Today, their target is the iron bull. They have encountered iron bull several times in the past in the fog valley. However, such a big guy is not easy to provoke. There is no suitable buyer to offer a high price, so it is not worth their risk and spend a lot of time to catch him. So they usually bypass him. But today, they come here specially for iron bull, For a time, I didn't find the target, so I had to search forward slowly.

"Can't we find a tin bull today?" As time went by, EVA asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry. It's a matter of patience to find prey. The most important thing in the wilderness is to keep vigilant, otherwise you may become the prey of Warcraft before you find it." Sam's steel fork stabbed down and nailed a black triangular venomous snake to the ground. The snake's tail circled up two times along the fork and died after a while.

EVA suddenly retracted her feet and leaned to Evan's side with a pale face. Obviously, some of them were scared. Some of them nodded their heads and said, "I... I know."

"Whew, whew --"

Just then, a longer whistle sounded, and the mercenaries' eyes lit up.

"The target has appeared, ready to fight. Sam, you go to set the trap. Scrooge, you are responsible for assisting Sam. EVA stays with Sam. the others disperse and lead the tin bull into the trap according to the usual plan. Before that, try to consume its physical strength. The reward this time is for the whole iron bull, so it's better not to cause too many wounds to it. " He said quickly, rushing towards the direction of the whistle.

Sam thought for a while, and took Scrooge and EVA to run to a side of the depression. The terrain is suitable for large traps. With Scrooge's help, it should not be a big problem to dig a big pit that can sink the iron bull.

They rushed towards the direction of the whistle, and soon heard a heavy sound of footsteps coming towards them. The ground was shaking slightly, as if a huge object was rolling towards them.

"Here it is! Spread out, don't conflict with it. The impact of level 4 iron bull is huge. Is there any big tree in misty Valley to cushion it? Once its speed increases, it's hard for us to get out, and Sam's trap in a short time is also hard to trap the iron bull in its heyday. So we use bullfighting tactics today to consume its physical strength first, Finally, we'll lead it to Sam and them. Please be safe. " He looked at the monkey who rushed out first in the fog. Everyone immediately dispersed and gathered into the fog, looking for one or two tall stones or uphill. He was able to find some security for himself in the bullfight.

"Chief, it's a big guy!" The monkey cried out, and brush ran up to the side of the rock. A big black iron bull, more than five meters long, rushed out of the fog and directly hit the rock. The rock was one of the shocks, and the black rock rustled down. The monkey with one hand holding the stone almost fell down, dodged left and right, and was accidentally hit on the head by a stone, Some blood was spilled out.

"Monkey, are you ok?" He asked quickly, the other mercenaries' faces also showed concern.

"It's not a big problem. It's just a little bit painful, and my eyes are covered. Maybe I need to deal with it first." The monkey's voice rang out, with a kind of cool breath.

"Well, you stay there, and we'll take care of it." Shiver was a little relieved. He looked at the tin bull, grasped the boomerang on his waist and threw it out.

The boomerang whirled and hit the iron bull's neck as if on a piece of iron. It made a dull sound. Then it flew back and fell back on shiver's hand again. There was only a small groove and a white mark on his neck.

The most famous level 4 Warcraft iron bull is the leather made of refined iron. It's also the best soft armor material. It's difficult for shivel, who has only level 3 strength, to break through the defense. I'm afraid only Evan's magic in their rose mercenary regiment can cause some threat to it.

However, his attack was successful and attracted the attention of the iron bull. He turned the bull's head and looked at him with a pair of big ox eyes. With a white smell in his nose, he rushed towards him, and his speed increased.

Shevel turned and ran. Snakeskin was able to avoid the buffalo before it hit her. The whip in his hand was thrown back from time to time, which continued to irritate the iron bull.

Dennis and others also joined the ranks of harassment. They teased a tin bull up and down. Although they didn't cause any substantial damage to it, they soon consumed a lot of physical strength and the impact speed had declined. However, a pair of eyes were particularly red, staring at the hoof of the ox, red eyes, and once again launched an impact on him.

Although the mercenaries have consumed a lot of physical strength, they all have smiles on their faces. According to the current situation, this iron bull will be exhausted soon. Sam and their traps should be ready soon. It seems that today's task is completed smoothly.

However, just at this time, a sound of footsteps from far to near, let people some surprised to look in that direction.

"No, here comes another tin bull! Be careful! Get out of the way Breaking the rock, the monkey tied the wound with a piece of cloth, looked into the fog with empty eyes, and cried with a change of face.

"Back up! Spread it out! Lead this one to Sam first Hearing the words, he also changed his face and cried out that he was rushing towards the new iron bison first. He had to lead it away, otherwise the two level Four Warcraft would be a disaster to their rose mercenary regiment.

"Get out of here, and I'll help him!" Evan's face also showed a dignified color, rushed to the direction of Xavier, a magic wand in his hand, a little blue light appeared.

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